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Amy Neilson

Kraft, M. A. (2010). From Ringmaster to Conductor: 10 Simple

Techniques Can Turn an Unruly Class into a Productive One. Phi Delta
Kappan, 91(7), 44-47.
This was a great article, packed with loads of helpful hints for the
classroom. The article starts out by saying how we as teachers love to
teach, because we love working with students. However, our efforts to
consistently deliver high-quality instruction are undercut when cant
maintain a productive learning environment. Sometimes are classroom
feels like a three-ring circus. The article states, We become
ringmasters, monopolizing the spotlight in front of the classroom while
forcing student to repeatedly perform some routine or face out
disciplinary whip. The ring master approach underestimates the
students engagement in class and makes for a difficult relationship
between the teacher and the student. The article tells us that wellestablished classroom procedures are the foundation of any
comprehensive management system. Here are five practices that the
article suggests:
1. What You Teach: This is the most essential classroom
management tool. High expectations are effective only when
there are multiple entry points to assignments and differentiated
levels of support so that all students can access the challenging
2. Nonnegotiable Rules: Clear and specific rules that should be
chosen by the teacher. Prioritize the two or three most essential
rules for maintaining an acceptable classroom environment; this
will engineer a classroom environment that is conductive to
3. Clear Expectations: Effectively communicating classroom
procedures for each activity can greatly reduce the number of
disruptions that arise from appropriate classroom behavior that
occurs inappropriate times.
4. Managing Transitions: Disruptive behavior and conflicts
frequently occur during the transitional moments in a classroom
when time is unstructured and the teachers attention shifts to
setting up the next activity.
5. Getting Attention: Being able to quickly get the attention of your
class is an essential part of good classroom management. 3 ways
to do this- Ask for your students attention and wait, Use a zeronoise device such a rain stick or chimes, or Raise your voice in a
serious tone (this is only effective if you use it occasionally)
This article has so many great tips and techniques in it. As a first year
teacher I took many great ideas to put into my Teacher Tool Box. I
often feel like in my Pre-K classroom it is a circus all the time, not

because of the behavior but because they are four and this is how
they learn. We have a lot of fun in my classroom, but they are learning
during the fun, and I believe that is what is most important. I agree
with all five points, you have to use these all together to have a
successful and organized classroom.

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