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Check the appropriate partial: 1st partial: _______ 2nd partial _______ 3rd partial _______

Directions: Work from the

beginning levels up to the
advanced levels. You must
successfully complete the
requirements for ALL points in
one level to move up to the
next level on the rubric for
each heading.


Understanding Cultures of the World

Advanced English

Portfolio Rubric: Your advancement toward strong and varied language skills in English


Vocabulary use
Independently develops new vocabulary

9 or 10

and integrates it into speech

Informal speaking and listening

Is a confident, effective speaker.

Formal speaking

able to
Check IsBox
1make use of language subtleties, such
as humor, idioms and irony. Check Box 1
Check Box 1

Independently develops new vocabulary

and integrates it into writing

Analyzes works of poetry effectively

Check Box 1Expresses original, academic thinking

in a way that all can understand easily.

Uses andBox
35 information from

Uses a wide range of techniques to engage

the audience.


non-academic genres to enrich work

Check Box 35

Check Box 35

Understands language subtleties such as audience.

High grammatical and syntactical control.

humor, idioms
irony independently


Regularly integrates new vocabulary into

Shows confidence and willingness to speak

8 or 9

speech Check Box 1

Regularly integrates new vocabulary into

Actively participates in group discussion.

Discuss ideas that involve critical

writing Check Box 1

Consistently uses strategies to decode

thinking in English.

unknown words, independently.

Shows improved active vocabulary


through traditional quizzes and exams

Can use a variety of strategies to decode

Shows improved passive vocabulary


(ability to understand new words)

substantial help from written work.

Check Box 1

Asks and answers questions regularly.

Uses appropriate simple vocabulary.

Analyzes works of fiction effectively

Articulates new ideas and original thinking beyond


lanaguage Check Box 35

Writes organized essays using academic

Check Box 45
Explains facts and restates ideas or summaries
Box 45
formal 45
English writing conventions
Shows comprehension of longer fiction. using
Shows comprehension of short fiction.

Shows comprehension
Box 21 of poetry.

Speaks at length fluently without substantial

help from written work.

Box 35 Check Box 35
and stylistic level.

Check Box 21
Able to present synthesized information
support Check Box 21
in an organized, academic manner.
Check Box 21

Articulates facts and restates ideas about

Check Box
new ideas
academic material and offers opinions
1 clearly. Check Box 12
Demonstrates original thinking about class topics. Check
without substantial
help from written work.
Box 12

Consistently self-edits work on a basic, global

Understands language subtleties such as simply giving opinions. Check Box

humor, idioms and irony with teacher
Demonstrates willingness to take risks with

Check Box 12 Student is not afraid to make mistakes or try

new ways of speaking. Check Box 12



new ideas and original
Box 1
Box 1of an academic topic without

Check Box 1


unknown words.

Expresses original, academic thinking with a high

Box 35
command of language.
Check Box 35
35of techniques to engage the
Uses a wide

Shows comprehension of non-fiction.

Check Box 21

Check Box 45
on a basic and global level. Check Box 45
Uses paragraphs
effectively. Check Box 45
Box 45
Can use written English in a variety of genres. Check Box 45

Answers questions clearly. Check Box 45

Answers questions clearly. Check Box 12 Articulates new ideas and original thinking
Reads and understands longer works
Gives facts and restates ideas clearly. Check Box 45
from written work. Check
of fictionBox
with teacher
21 support and
Box facts
12 and restates ideas in a literal way. with
Can summarize reading, content or other people's
Speaks at length with substantial help
demonstrates comprehension. Check
45basic self-editing in work. Check Box 45
Constistenly uses sentences correctly. Check Box 45
ideas to show essential meaning Check Box 12
from written work. Check Box 21
Listens attentively to others. Check Box 21Can dictate facts and restate ideas with
Reads and understands short works
Writes short summaries of other works in
Check Box 21
Gives short "yes" or "no" answers to questions
help fromBox
work ( mostly reading) Check
of fiction with
complete sentences. Check Box 45
21 support and
Contributes some simple phrases in discussions Check Box 21
demonstrates comprehension. Check
45 in complete sentences. Check Box 45

Score: ____60__/61

Current Level: ____________advanced_______

After you have checked the points that you believe you have demonstrated competency for and scored yourself for your current level, answer these questions:
What have you improved on most during this partial (or, if this is the 4th partial, during the semester)?
I have continued to excersize my knowledge of the English language, while practicing the formating and structure of my written paragraphs.

What aspects of your English do you think still needs more work?
I believe I need to further advance my vocabulary related to my field of study. I would like to be familiar with the technical terminology within Biotechnological Engineering.

How will you improve those aspects?

I can improve those aspects by continuing to read textbooks of my required coursework in English format.

What aspect of your portfolio are you most proud of so far? Why?
I am most proud of my "Employment Interest Letter," in which I express my upmost desire to work for a Company
within my field of study, Biotechnology Engineering. The reason for this is because it exemplifies the "light at the
end of the tunnel" for the energy I have exhuasted so far throughout my academic career. It demonstrates the fact
that hopefully one day I will be employed by such a renown company.
What aspect of your portfolio do you think needs the most improvement? Why?
I believe that there could be more examples of my work incorporated into my portfolio, but I also believe that a little
bit goes a long way, in this case, when it comes to showing my proficiency in the English Language. The reason for
this is because I have lived in the United States for more than 12 years and have studied the english language
throughout most of my academic career, giving me the opportunity to fully master the language.

Your portfolio will include work that you have done all throughout the semester. You will not include all assignments and work i

Once each partial, you will have time to meet with the teacher, discuss your portfolio and your general improvement in English

TO BEGIN: Get the following materials together in one p For the first 3 partials, you will NOT be graded on your portfolio based
Floppy disk
4 copies of this rubric (one for each partial)
Your Final partial grade will be based directly on this rubric and is wor
Large binder that can hold ALL materials in an organized manner

ll assignments and work in your porfolio, but will choose the best work you have done that shows master of all the steps up to and within yo

al improvement in English during the semester. During the fourth and final partial, you will turn in your final portfolio. On that day, you will me

ed on your portfolio based on this rubric. Your first 3 partial portfolio grades will be based on THE PROGRESS YOU MAKE.

y on this rubric and is worth 60% of your grade.

steps up to and within your target level. You will be responsible not only for saving your work and choosing the most representative work du

. On that day, you will meet with the teacher to present your portfolio and to grade your own work in the class. You will be asked to explain

ost representative work during the semester, but also for bring videotaping materials to classes in which you intend to demonstrate strong fo

u will be asked to explain what you have improved upon during the course and to defend the level you believe you have acheived. The teac

d to demonstrate strong formal speaking skills. and audiotaping materials for days in which you intend to demonstrate strong informal speak

have acheived. The teacher will either approve your level or make changes (which may be higher or lower than your target level) according

ate strong informal speaking skills.

our target level) according to her perspective. You will have the chance to discuss your level, but the final level is determined by the teacher.

etermined by the teacher. Your level will determine 60% of your grade in this class.

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