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Name: Michael Prihoda

Date: 11/18/15
Lesson Details
Lesson Title
Into the Stars

Content Area

Grade Level
4th Grade

Lesson 1 of 1

Date of Lesson???

UBD Stage I: Identify Desired Results

Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
1) Identify the eight planets in the galaxy
2) Know where each planet falls in relation to each other

PA Standards
3.3.4.B1: Identify planets in our solar system and their basic characteristics. Describe the earths place in the solar system that
includes the sun (a star), planets, and many moons. Recognize that the universe contains many billions of galaxies and that each
galaxy contains many billions of stars
ISTE Standards

Creativity and innovation: Students demonstrate creatively thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products
and processes using technology
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

I would be teaching this lesson plan because its important for students to know about the galaxy, the planets, stars, and everything in
the night sky. After this lesson students could go home and look up at the sky identifying which planets can be seen in the night sky
without the use of a telescope.

Enduring Understandings

I would like students to walk out of the classroom with an understanding of the galaxy will live in. It would also be to teach students
about how the universe is constantly growing and how it may affect them. We live in a mysterious universe and its very important for
students know about the universe they live in.

Essential Questions

UBD Stage II: Determine Acceptable Evidence

Assessment Tasks
Formal: Students at the end of the week will have a small quiz on where the planets fall in the
universe. For this assessment students would be given a piece of paper with a picture of each
planet and they would have to fill in the blanks with the correct planet.
Informal: After our discussion of the planets in the Milky Way Galaxy I would have the students
break into groups to create their own model or poster of the Milky Way Galaxy. For this activity
students will be given a piece poster board and several paper circles representing the planets
that they can color, label, and paste onto the poster board.

UBD Stage III: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Materials and Resources
1) Poster board
2) Coloring Utensils
3) Tape for display of the posters around the classroom

Procedures and Content


T: Show the class a video about the solar system and explain what we will be doing in class today.
S: Watch the video and after the teacher finishes explaining plan for today they are free to ask questions.

T: The teacher will break the students into groups and distribute out the necessary materials
S: Students will begin to create a model of the solar system using a model shown on the board.

T: The teacher will rotate around the room answering questions that may result from the students working on their project
S: Students will detail their models and once they are done they will give them to the teacher so it can be displayed.

1st. The class will watch a video about the solar system.
2nd The class will be divided into groups to create the poster.
3rd The class will work on their posters for a specified amount of time.
4th If there is any time remaining in class the students may describe their posters.
identify the estimated Time for each procedure
1) Watch a video about the Solar System- 5-10 minutes
2) Explain the assignment and break the students into groups- 5-10 minutes
3) Student Project work time- 30 minutes (Adjust if needed)

For homework students will be given a fill in the blank paper with questions about the planets. Each planet will answer only one of
the questions and a word bank will be provided.

If Time Activities
If there is time at the end of class we will go over their creations and describe which planet is their favorite.

Procedural Adaptations/Differentiated Instruction

This would be a great lesson for kids who struggle with reading because the creation of the galaxy would be a very visual activity
that wouldnt be difficult from a reading standpoint. This activity will allow students to be creative, but in a way where they are
learning. Students will also enjoy showing their creation to the rest of class.

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