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uubuE 12: RESPIRATORY AND DIGESTT INTRODUCTION beer understand the aang of lng nd plea, review Activity B of Exercise | in Chapter 1, Each pleura Both the repitarory and digestive systemsare composed of ade aa é s secrets pleural Bui into the pleural cavity (a space bomen she Rocha pdcr esrb wince tate mtaesteqiong Halal the external environment can be brought 0 body surfice 42.4 lubviane that seduces fon during lung move- acron which they can chen difin ito exracilar uid. SO Isley acta an adhe tat help in ang emeansion and prevents collapse ofthe lungs. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM dylan ‘The substance tha travels chrough he rubes of the respira- abssethin stan turyopismnisdt Thismis oftubeisclledtherpicemey DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ">t tract. Ie begins at the extcinal nares (nosuils) which open The tube ofthe digestive system is the digestive tract (gas- into an airway chat pases through the head and neck, and trointestinal tact). As Food and Aids travel through this rat, then enters the thoracic cavity where it branches into a pair digestion occurs in the «Getstmita7And absorption of nurtients ‘of tubes, One enters the right lung, while the other enters the occurs. across ts wall. The digestive tract begins at the mouth and Jefe lung. Within the lungs, the sicways branch repestedly endsacthe anus, Between these two openings it passes through into smaller eae. tubes, The smallest tubes end in che head and neck and the thoracic and abdominopelviccavi- alveat) vuUuUUuBuUULD tiny sacs call ach alveolus is covered by capillar- ties. The tact is composed of different organs, for example ies, Alveolar an epillary walls areche surice aeons which egpbagus, samach, and intestines The digestive stem ako gas eschange occurs that esto Blood an sone of which secrete substanes ‘cabon dideide diss out of blood acrom thissurface. This nested fr digestion S > — a] thie erro ene the ste blood then flows to capillaries in other parts of the body tract via ducts, they a itt eto Examples of acocs- ‘where gas exchange occurs once again. Ar these capillaries, sony organs are che tongue veh afd prea, ‘oxygen diffuses out of blood into interstitial fluid, while car- ‘Most accessory organs, as well as most of the digestive bon dioxide diffuses from interstitial fluid into blood, tract, ae found in the abdominal cavity. Parietal peri- ‘The respiratory system is well constructed for air move- _toneum lines this cavity and visceral peritoneum covers iment and gas exchange. The walls of most ofits aways most of the organs within the cavity. Some organs are have bone or cartilage that prevent ther intraperitoneal while others are either primasly oF secon- Many of the airways are lined by Glad pscudostrasified> daily retropericoneal. oneal organs ae, for columnar epithelium, Small particles (or exiinp ‘most part, completely s bee ae that are inhaled stick to che mucus secreted by che epithe- _siispended by mesenteties (specialized parts of the peti- lium and clay action moves the mucusand entrapped par-_oneum that you will learn about later). An example is the ticles out of the airways. Alveolar walls are composed of stomach, Retroperitoneal organs are only partially covered by peritoneum. Primarily reeropetitonceal organs develop ‘outside ofthe peritonenm, They are loeated against the pos- . terior body wall. An exainple isthe recum. Secondarily ~” ine new leks Sept ie faapes WSS setroperitntieal organs have mesenteric atthe beginning of ‘ood, hile etn dioids avaye mover cut of beads development but are then pushed sgainst the body wall. : setae blood, its concentration "The parts of the peritoheum between the organ and the - © body wall degenerate leaving the organ only partially cov- ee Neer ff cept Hi bo ‘ted by pecitoncum. Examples are the paneveas and duode- a : ae num. ‘The peticoneuim secretes peritoneal fluid into the Ante AG Magy ‘eee ey (ots bennees tao SRCP 4. ‘Why ate che wall of alyoll composed ofa simple aqugmous toneum}. This fluid reduces fiction during digestive race helm As) Ga ta, AA movements oe Gye tO At "The wall of the digestive tract has fous layers, These layers from inner (closes to the tracts lumen) to outer (far- Associated with each lung isa sacle Mrucure, a chest from the laren) ae the mucosa, sub _ pleural membrane or pleura (plutal = pleurae). Fach pleura lari externa, and in most portions of the eact, the seross. has ewo portions, vigceral pleura which covers a lung and “The mucosa has three layers. These layers from inner asia pleura that ities the wall of thethoracic cavity, Toto outer are an epithelium, the lamina. propria, and the st : ; long (0 ossstan, QO) 5a \ornnton Onusedeets Elona (seo VUUUVUUUYYUUOLEULULOLLUL LS 140 CHAPYER TWELVE RESPIRATORY AND DIGESTIVE ANATOMY i 5 saris berween diferent rons ofthe tae The lamina] "= eee propria is composed of arcolar connective tissue and con | thyco eae tains numerous blood and lymph capillaries. Smooth mus- | yvua ecoe ct dle issue composes the muscularis mucosa eoailen caemnel ‘Running through the connective tissue of the sub- | vocals woke macs ar blood andy aleand ann network ‘har provides lal Sil over ative ofthe digestive tact. Seperate PORE cat att tie layer of smooth muscle issle. ‘The orientation ‘The following pars ofthe skeleton wore studied in Chap- ‘fF muscle bers differs in each layer. In the inner layer, tess Sand 10. Review these structures by locating them on the circular layer of the musculais externa, muscle flbes an articulated seleton. ‘wrap “around” the tac, In he outer ayes the longitudinal layer of the muscularis extera, che musclefibersrunlongi- [nasal bones form the bridge of nose rudinaly along the tact. Benvcea these layersisanothernes- | asst cavty the apace ormed by ron network that coordinates pecisalat wavelike contractions Se naa that mos foodsuts through te digestive tic. nies tnforior nasal conchae cach proteudes fom Peres erate {preseat on some but the lateral wellsof 1 i ae nt nti cy otallof theskeletons) _—_thenasalcavty (6 Predicean ara ofthe digesévotraceshat doc Botte rosa ace | stermum foems porto the thst speller, CSR ® thoraclo cage 7. Bote luc and pcr a ous mains, Wht by an costal form prt ofthe spec diaacs eompte the pleuas and paianeum? ee erste) Coviages eee Sof Chapter2) : an en vertabrao form part of the oe oracte cage [sess EXERCISE 1 TERMINOLOGY b as Knowing the terms in Table 12.1 will help you learn respi- ratory and digestive structures. appendix tohang upon cecum blind gat coalus aring cricold aring eysta abladder énodeno twebe oot owe esophagus tocarry food faltform sickle-shaped hepato liver hhintus ‘an opening Jejano empty larynx upper part of windpipe nasalls of the nose oro of the mouth parotid near the ear pharynx the throat pleur side pila afold ylor ‘atekoeper quadrat squared rectum straight sigmoid S-shaped Identify the following on the demonstration skull located on a side counter. vomer forms inferior partof the nasal septum hhard pelate separates the aasal and oral cavities ‘Contraction and relaxation of breathing muscles changes the dimensions of the thoracic evity thereby causing ar to ‘move into and out ofthe respiratory tract. Observe the tho- racic cavity on an articulated skeleton, Visualize the diaphragm separating this cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity, When related, the diaphragm is dome-shaped, Contraction moves the diaphragm inferiory, chat i, the diaphragm fates, This increases the superior-inferior dimension of the thoracic Observe how the possi end ofa rib is superior to its anterior end (actual end ofa rb and not the end ofits costal carla), Citration of external intercostal muscles causes rb elevation, Sina its posterior end is “higher” than its anterior efi, rib leyation results inthe serum being pushed forward, increasing the anterior-posterior dimension of the thoracic exiy. ‘A tib together wih its costal cartilage i ealled a costal arch, Nore how she middle ofa costal atch js nferias tos fends, Since che middle of a costal arch is “lower” dhan-is— tenis, rib clevation causes a costal arch to. move. laterally, increasing the side-to-side dimension of the thoracie cavity DOHDANNDANANHHHHHHCOA nAMaqaanng ane lnnnnnnananna mays = CHAPTER TWELVE RESPIRATORY AND DIGRSTIVE ANATOMY ut EXERCISE 3. CADAVER Observe a demonstration ofthe fllowing structures, TRESPIRATORY ANATOMY nose proestion from face; walls conta bone and cartilage nares nostis slrpassageways iia ae Naa pata nasaleavty > chamber posterior to external nares: AUters, warms, and molstens alr as Ag, tswallscontain bone passes through cavity aasal septum P< D4 sea nal dat vides nasal ev tinea contalns both bone and cartilage hard palate forms partof nasal eaviy’s oor prevents movement of fod and flak ere from oral cavity into nasal cvity soft palate Semel male a | moves during svallowing preventing food and uid rom enteing angen tn brs has od yea ad, at Phu ne BPE if posterior nasal y cpentngs betwoea nasal cavity» DOSE Rela ae passagenay apertares, and pharynx 2 pharynx 3 Ata Myon tabe extending from nasal cavity. passageway for alr, food, and fluids = ‘oesophagus =] nasopharynx postactonsaatomiey 46~ Mhr vat hy bau ot WH pace oropharynx psterior to ral cavity by ben =] tuaphoges pater si laryngopharymx posterortolarynx y wal Iryme bueseey fall curse a SWE NO RT = Bay ya cpl tube betweon pharynx and trachea, ‘alr passageway and phonation mie orgs composed of 9 pieces of caxtllage; een commonly called the vole bax oa Uisrosd pulps no bl largest laryngeal cate; commonly al ahi any called the Adam's apple crlcol earings Aye mye lnfrioraryngelcartlage = Sprat og epiglottis “ten. ‘its movement prevents food and fluids: atone armaea cutee ster vestibular folds superior patr of soft tis folds (false woeal cords) Gates oak ey vocal os Inferlor alr ot sue ols iteue vocal cords) aye a ethene slots opening betneen tal lis 30 ‘adopression between vestibular Alig ‘and vocal olds brisk tubeinfeiortolaryne 3 Cpl ehh branches of trachea that enter Tangs ventricle of larynx trachea pelmary broncht (singular = bronchus) entering larynx during swallowing phonation andl their closure prevents food ane fluids from entering larynx alr passageway air passageway alr passageway (Continued) (CHAPTSN TWELVE RESPIRATORY AND DIGESTIVE ANATOMY, on Wd FR, AY NOT a Tongs spongy cone-shaped organs within the horalecaity apexof lung tapered, superior end pa. bose of lang, beoad, inferiorend, sh, ratat dieeboge $e Todt of lung collective term forétracharedpntering a andqaitinga lune thusof lung (aor sectures ofthe root of Tishungenterorextalang quay SuPov bam intton oblique Bssare proove that eeparatesinfert lobe > superior lobe superlor to oblige fissure Inferior lobe Inferior to oblique fissure horizontal fissure rove aright lng: delineates bay Super fem wld nid lobe sida lobe tnferor to horizontal sure secondary bronchl ancestry gh ful er pessageway within lungs 3 Yee a pleurae serous membranes that make sac-tlke secrete pleural ult (singulae = ploura) structure nthe thoracte cavity pelea pleura ine thoracle cavity Ay Gay visceral pleurne cover lungs =) retenberet I. pleual cavities spaces betwoen parietal and visceral pleutae: filed with ploual fait diaphragm dave orl cdl inspiratory muscle external intercostals ~4 (adhwtts ae) Inspiratory muscle Internalintercodtals > dows cumy fae ottet expiratory muscle rectus abdominis 3 rch et “Sleagnt” expiratory mascle external obliques ‘expiratory masele tnteenal obliques expiratory muscle tenveepasabdominls cexolratory morcle ANIL scene insta) sapatorinfirfanerieposterior 10, A bilusis on the medialiateral sacs of lung poston (The quest ass abou the cnenation of voc fold {1, Gite spose szucares hac ae in he rot ofl, ‘NOT che oxienation ofa vocal fol relive oa esl fld) 9, ‘Tue o: Fake Secondary bronchi ae found outside of the lings. AANA ONNNNNNNNE a eayene (CHAPTER TWELVE RESPIRATORY AND DIGESTIVE ANATOMY. 143, igure 12.1, Restor ster, ‘Sprertsal rus Front us Citetom ste Sletimetibore peng ot banpespare (eudhon ue est Nesoptrya: oa] Hepat ale Sef alta eng ors sige | an | Lyrgopnan tsunaee | ee) orn Lange! cols argo | O90 esochague ‘igure 12.2. Msagital ection of hea eu nek, 14g CHAPTER TWELVE RESPIRATORY AND DIGESTIVE ANATOMY ‘gure 12.3, Anterir poster and superior ws af aor APEXOF LEFTLUNG APEX OF RIGHT LUNG SUPERIOR LOBE PARIETAL PLEURA VISCERAL PLEURA Din 3 (COSTAL SURFACE SUPERIOR i: cs vomzowra, Ki FISSURE \ ‘ JoLquE FISSURE MIDDLE LOBE. OBLIQUE FISSURE INFERIOR LOBE. HUMAN, LUNGS, COVERINGS AND EXTERNAL ANATOMY igre 12.4, Bxtarant annoy of lags oc CHAPTER TWELVE, RESPTRATORY AND DIGESTIVE ANATOMY. pry DIGESTIVE TRACT, PERITONEUM, AND ACCESSORY ORGANS Note antewty-) boty! moat asl F Ups form anterior wall of oral cavity cheeks {or lateral walls of oral cavity tongue muscular ongan in oral cavity forins part of oral cavity’s roof yf X_ frmepar fora cant soot Je oval Ygoheryox projection fom sft palate tubeextending tom nasal ee guy taecoptagis dyes ok A fk — of pesitoneum: illed with peritoneal fiuid saccikestructures “stomach lateral border of stomach ‘medial border of stomach ‘where esophagus attaches “ tothe leftof and superior to the cardia —-—-— {nferorto cardia and fundus between body and pyloric sphincter -3 Wh ring of masele betwepn stomach and duodenum pibslletS 5 folds of the stomach’ yoo and sgreater curvature lesser curvatore cardia of stomach fundus of stomach body of stomach, pyloric part of stomach pyloricephincter rogue (singular = ruga) submucosa — !sy gresteromentum —_ ealatonof the pertoneum: extends, Sem gmatercunane worries oe >) smal itsing partof eget ict tween soma a lmpeaenine ce hoy lower omentum apecialntion of pei fFomiertolease curvature of stomach and Beginnngot duodenum euetonam spd around 25 cr: SR etn around 251-9 will yo sf 22 -tlewmn around 3.6 m:I Priel +. plone cireulares ‘circular folds of small intestine mucosa, mesentery proper speclallzation of the peritoneum; runs between posterior body wall and small intestine, ypshay fe larger ameter than small Intestine large intestine ‘coun pouchslike structure ‘Abbeevlations: mintraperttoneal; PR=peimaslly retroperitoneal; SR=secondarily retroperitoneal it esophagus tube between pharynx and stomach esophageal hiatus opening in diaphragm ppecitoneum, ‘serous ment parietal peritoneum lines most of abdominal cavity 7544) 1s wel visceral peritoneum covers mast organsin abdominal cavity ~) 1s! peritoneal cavity space between parietal and visceral parts earyony abe fy, digestion and absorption hat, shun, passageway for food and fluids; alternate passageway for air obtain food and retain it in oral cavity retein food in oral cavity moves food daring chewing and swallowing; ‘changes shape and postion for speech rmiechanical digestion prevents movement of food and flaids from oral cavity into nasal cavity moves during swallowing, preventing food ‘and faids from entering nasopharynx passageway fr food, ids, and air pessageway for food end flalds assegeway for esophagus sporetes pecitoneal fuk passageway for food and fuids; does some gestion: se of temporary food storage pH Srenvet M5 Reamer, tol J regulates rate at which chyane leaves stomach prevent tearing of mucosa when stomach expands fat storage passageway for food and flalds site of most suspends stomach Increase surface area suspends intestines and prevents tangling passageway for food and fluids reabsorbs water and stores Fees pessageway for food end fluids (Continued) 146 CHAPTER TWELVE_ RESPIRATORY AND DIGESTIVE ANATOMY Aleocecal valve vermiform appendix ascending colon hopatic flexure tronsverse colon splente flexure descending colon sigmotd eolon. teniae cali haustra > arte cpiplole appendages rectum analeanal anus.» ¢ quick parotid glands parotid ducts subenandlbular glands below) faleiform ligament seit tombe iat ea Seer ae a Lar heommon patie dt OS Af sess ae pancreas | Aas Teeth ae found in what bone(O? 15, Rugie ave found in she 14, Most abeorpdon of nutans occurs inthe 15, What male does a parotid duct 16, Lis, 3 sped pocons of he peritoneum. (Visceral and paral patonsany ae NOT dynes ansyer) prevents movement of cecal contents back nto small intestine flaps in cecum; located where eum enversceour Slender tue exending fom cecum onrightsde of akdominalomigiSR 7 3 Coren bho, by A ie, hp junction of ascending and transverS6 olons extents fo right to lt sd of atominal ats: junction of transverséand descending colons) Losin’ la on ets of dbdornl cavity: SR Shaped HongtsdnalBands of mace) Cernig prckrn or sslons ays ay Tage small tags of peritoneum tet are say fled with fat specialization of peritoneum Sabgend lwgye withers tele binds transverse colon to posterior in body wall and slamoidcoloa to pelvic wall ‘anterior to sacrum and coceyx: PR last partof Targetatestine “7 J oC chy. regulates defecation opening anal canal paired: anterior toeach car secrete saliva paired; each extends from a parotid gland * passageways for saliva from parotid glands to ‘and plores lateral wall of oral cavity oral cavity paired: Inferior to mandible segreto ava produces bile and performs many nondlgestive fimetions “oil attaches veto dlaphragm and anterio runs between liverand diaphragm "lst body wall to the right ofthe faliorm ligament tothe eff the faleorm igament Inferior and anterior > Sf $@* Inferlorand posterior lnk Vk s ast ta superior right part of sbdesninal saclike structure on infeslorsurfaceof stores blle right lobe of livers! 3 geet tube extending from liver bile passageway tubeextending from gallbladder, aC bile passageway Die passageway tubcestending from hepatig pnd ey Set oleom ee ey eb! located within the C” of @uodenum and secretes gestive enzymes and bicarbonate gods agross gdannnal vty: SR solution | net OT yaar EXERCISE 4. RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGES Observe radiographic images EXERCISE 5 PALPATION “To relate the structures you have jus eared to your body and vo flare leaming these stracares, palpate the following, nose — Grasp your nose and wiggle it back and forth. This movement is possible due tothe cartilages in the nose and nasal sepeum, pierce aQannane EA ELEN LLY YY YY EPO) CHAPTER TWELVE RESPIRATORY AND DIGESTIVE ANATOMY nasal bones ~ these bones make-up a large/sinall portion of the nose larynx — Palpate your larynx while swallowing, noting how ‘rachea ~ You can feel tcheal cartilages inthe atea superior tothe jugular notch of your sternum. Does the trachea move during swallowing? gure 12.5, Bie stomect, EXERCISE 6 SHEEP LUNGS Locate the following structures on sheep lungs trachea note the C-shaped cartilages Jungs note the spongy consistency Insert the tube provided into the trachea and expand the lungs by blowing nto che ube. undue Fle 12.6, ver abla duoder n paces a7 CHAPTER TWBLVE. RESPIRATORY AND DIGESTIVE ANATOMY i | i Plgue 12.7, Large intestine i ‘igure 12.8 Spl seston of te aot cy of male 150. pa (oS a © cauarmon rwnuyn RESPIRATORY AND DIGESTIVE ANATOMY : © esophagus (cross section) € sarittawwneetesiioxcelsnitre tang netnpindoaliarerst hemes Yonwllba tome yibemuconaaoaussraaied estore ¢ da com, lal proves 2 eer ns erophagus oslo inter : sa tiose, NOTE The esophagssis the onky Topol plommaleniy Sokdoesnakhe2 | ¢ msl uc Te iclaninn ssa omen hag nen sta wich ¢ ‘rope and masculris muoose. dently the ebmucoea, tomposed of connective tissu . or cr af the muclars exer 200 pent conte grate sing he low ¢ and higher nk ‘ | ' sworertanatanet, —yrlebing lag | o oe : a pmucova, che muscularis externa, ond ehe Ser0sa- stomach You will have to move the side to see all structures. ‘Examine the preceding sructares ustag the low and Ceing the sning lens, ent the slmple cokes high-power lense tepitheliuum ofthe mucosa. This epithelium bes tavaginations called gastrie pits. dently the a ‘SKETCH and LABEL JVVVVUE VPUVUYOUVUUUVUEY = = = 5 a (CHAPTER TWHLVE RESPIRATORY AND DIGHSTIVE ANATOMY ‘muscularis externa, and the serosa, sit small intestine (cross section) ‘You will have to move tho slide to see al structures, amine the preceding steuctares using the low and ‘Using the seaming lens identify the simple columnar high-power lenses. epithelium of the mucosa, This epithelium has vil, ‘dentify the submucosa, tho circular layer of the ‘muscularis externa, the longitudinal layer of the SKETCH and LABET, Ca Sihin ey, { J Tong hadnal by Sa FiOSEy - ae ‘colon (cross section) ‘You may have to move the side to se all structures. the longitudinal layer of the muscularis externa, Using the arm lens, dently the simple columnar and the serosa, epithelium of the mucosa, "This epithellum has abundant Examine the preceding structures oblet cells that stain pink, [dently the submucosa, using the low and high-power lenses, the circular layer of the muscularis externa, SKETCH and LABEL, 1st

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