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Game PIN:

Jack Garner


Project #2:

For this project you will use technology tools for assessing and
providing students with immediate feedback on learning outcomes.
1. Begin by creating three objectives from your content area that are
2. Come up with 2 test items for each objective, provide correct
responses for those items, and feedback that you would provide your
students for incorrect responses.
3. Use kahoot to create your assessment. The website is You will need to create a username and password.
The student website is
4. Share your Game PIN at the top of this page.
5. Upload this template to Edmodo Project #2.

Assessment Planning Document:

Objective #1: Students will be able to identify robber barons and
their significance.
Question 1: What was Andrew Carnegie known for?

Answer: Steel

Feedback: Andrew Carnegie utilized the Bessimer process in producing

steel. This made steel cheaper to make.
Question 2: Who was known for oil?

Answer: John D. Rockefeller

Feedback: John D. Rockefeller was one of the captains of industry because

he took over the majority of the oil business in America and monopolized
the industry for his own advantage.
Objective #2: Students will be able to identify who benefitted
from the growth of railroads and what significant railroads were
Question 1: Who was known for railroads?

Answer: Vanderbilt

Feedback: Vanderbilt took over the railroad business and ended up making
a ton of money in the process.
Question 2: What did the Transcontinental Railroad do?

Answer: connected the east and west coast.

Feedback: The transcontinental railroad connected the east and west coast
by connecting two railroads that came from each direction. This was done
in Utah.
Objective #3: Students will be able to identify what the Gilded
Age was and how immigrants contributed to the Gilded Age.
Question 1: What was the Gilded Age?

Answer: golden on the outside and cheap on the inside


Question 2: How did immigrants contribute to the Gilded Age/ Industrial


Answer: filled jobs that industry was needing

Feedback: Immigrants came to America looking for work. These

immigrants were more than willing to fill jobs that needed to be filled.
People like Andrew Carnegie benefitted from this large amount of
immigrants because they filled jobs for his company.
How and when will students receive feedback on how well they
did on the formative assessment?
They will receive feedback after the quiz is over. We will then
review each question and I will explain to them why the correct
answer is correct.

Kahoot will be a good way of formatively assessing my students. Not
only is it easy to make, it is fun for the students. The students often get
bored of just plain old reviews. This site can help me engage students
in learning by utilizing kahoots competitive nature. A good portion of
the kids in my class are athletes and are very competitive so this will
be a good way to assist them in learning. This is alos a good way to
utilize technology in the classroom because the students get to use
their phones. The students at my school cant use their phones at
school so this will be an exciting thing for them. I will definitely use
kahoot in my teaching because I enjoy it and I know my kids will too.

Project #2 Rubrics
Assessment Rubric:

(3 Points)
Objectives are clear
and measurable

(0-2.5 Points)
Objectives are not
Objectives are vague


(5-7 Points)
Assessment items
align with the
objectives and can
be used to gauge
whether students
have met objectives
Correct responses
for assessment
items provided. If
open ended, TC

(0-4.5 Points)
Assessment items not
clearly aligned with
the objectives
Correct responses
provided for
assessment items not
provided or vague. If
open ended, TC does
not provide multiple
possible correct

provides multiple
possible correct
responses or rubric
Assessment created
using Socrative or
Google form and
Feedback for
incorrect responses
effective and timely

responses or rubric.
Assessment not
created Socrative or
Google form.
Students receive well
designed feedback for
incorrect responses
Feedback for incorrect
responses not
effective or timely

Reflection Rubric:

(3 Points)
Reflection clearly
and thoroughly
discussed personal
challenges, and
multiple ideas on
how to integrate
into the classroom
Reflection met word

(0-2.5 Points)
Reflection was not
included or was
more than 3 days
Word requirements
were not met
Reflection lacked
clarity and was
not thorough.
Reflection did not
address all 3

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