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Supervision Notes

9/3/15- This week I mostly focused on getting acquainted with the office practices. My
supervisor used this first week to enlighten me on what I would be doing for my placement and
what to expect.
9/10/15- In supervision this week my supervisor and I worked on a budget for the upcoming
fiscal year. I got exposure on how to create a budget using accounting software. This week my
supervisor used supervision time to discuss event planning and what was needed for our 9/11
Tribute event.
9/16/15- During our supervision time this week, my supervisor and I discussed strategic
planning. We conducted a SWOT assessment in order to uncover ways/strategies that could
improve the dept. of Veteran Affairs in Clinton County.
9/22/15- My supervisor and I discussed management and leadership strategies this week during
supervision. We also discussed ways to effectively communicate with your staff; I found that the
strategies she shared with me will greatly help if I ever attain a leadership/management role. This
week in supervision, we also created my learning contract, outlining my learning objectives that I
want to meet during my internship.
9/29/15- This week at supervision my supervisor and I discussed the current trends and
challenges that affects our veteran clientele. Specifically we discussed the impacts of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder and Agent Orange, the chemical that has affected many Vietnam- era
veterans. At supervision we also reflected on this weeks clients. This week our office had a high
client volume, so my supervisor wanted to touch base on that topic.
10/7/15- At supervision this week my supervisor and I discussed the county commissioner
meeting that we attended on the offices behalf. My supervisor discussed with me appropriate
conduct and participation at meetings. We also discussed the importance of representing your
sector properly, and attending events. Thanks to my supervisor, I realized the importance of
attending and showing support of county-wide meetings/forums because it is a good
networking/public relations source.
10/13/15-This weeks supervision consisted of discussing upcoming events and brainstorming
ideas for the events. My supervisor emphasized the importance of thorough and proactive
planning when planning a public/community outreach event. Specifically, this week we planned
a flu shot clinic in affiliation with the VA Hospital.
10/19/15- This weeks supervision was a discussion of the importance of fact-finding when
submitting claims. A large part of what our office does is submitting claims to the federal branch
of the VA; therefore we need to work with clients to make sure their forms and information is
correct. We discussed the importance of researching information, because this week I was

assigned to do a research assignment on various topics that affected clients when they were
stationed in Vietnam. My research was needed to attach to a clients file to validate their claim.
10/27/15- This week in supervision, my supervisor and I discussed event planning. This will help
me tremendously if I ever hold an administrative role because planning community outreach
events is huge for human service programs! This week specifically, we discussed what else
needed finalized for our Veterans Day expo and ceremony.
11/3/15- This week in supervision, my supervisor shared with me the information she learned
from a leadership conference she attended the week before. In correlation to class material, she
shared information with me about handling situations that may arise in leadership positions and
how to be an effective leader. I found all information she shared with me to be invaluable
considering Ive never held a leadership role.
11/13/15- This weeks supervision was spent discussing all of the Veterans Day events our
department took part in. We discussed the successes of our ceremony and expo, as well as what
could be done differently in the future. This weeks supervision was a wrap-up of all the
objectives that I have met during this weeks events such as participating in event planning and
community outreach events.
11/18/15- This week, my supervisor discussed rapport building with clients. Since I have been in
my internship placement for a few months now, we discussed the relationships and rapport that is
built with clients. We also briefly discussed upcoming event planning for the holiday season.
11/24/15- This week in supervision my supervisor and I evaluated my learning contract for the
last time. We discussed what I valued about the internship placement, as well as some things she
should do differently in order to improve future interns experiences. We discussed the lack of
diversity being something I did not like about doing my internship placement at the Clinton
County VA office.
12/2/15- For my last day at Clinton County Veteran Affairs my supervisor and I had a brief
supervision style conversation where she discussed with me my evaluation. She thoroughly
explained to me my scores and she commended me on my job well done. At the end of my last
day, I gave both my supervisor and department director thank you cards as a token of my

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