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Theme and Sensory Poetry

Date: 11/29/2016


Language Arts

Grade: 3-5

1.d - Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues,
and others in face-to-face and virtual environments
1.c - Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual
understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
2 - Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments: Teachers design,
develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment contemporary tools and
resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes identified in the NETS?S.
2.a - Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to
promote student learning and creativity
3.b - Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and
resources to support student success and innovation
3.c - Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a
variety of digital age media and formats
4 - Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility: Teachers understand local and global
societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical
behavior in their professional practices

Timeline/structure of lesson:
15 min.

20 min.

Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction/Early Assessment

This lesson will allow students to practice writing poetry using a
theme. Using the projector, instructor will read a poem about food.
(loaded before class)
Open discussion about what the poem is about, what words were
used to describe the food, was the poem funny? What message
was being sent? What words made more clear the authors

The Lesson Structure: Activities

Students will be split up into groups of 3-4 and be given a zip-lock
bag containing an apple slice. Students will be directed NOT to

Students will be
learning how to
focus their poem on
the particular topic.

Classroom timer
will be set for 3

open the bag until given the thumbs up. The students will be
challenged to use all 5 senses and brainstorm to come up with
words to describe the apple. Instructor will use Chromebook and
projector and visit
oems/ where the class will discuss the example of a poem about
Together the class will use readwritethink to develop a poem
about apples. Once completed, the class final work will be saved
and posted on the classroom website gallery.

20 min.

Students will be advised that they will now create their own poem
using a theme of their own. Students will be asked to choose an
animal and find a picture using approved picture sites. follow the
same procedure as before except their own chromebook, paper
and pencil to compile 10 words used to describe their theme.
Students may explore an online thesaurus to assist in finding words.
Once students have completed their word list, they will write a
poem. Upon completion they will babblerize it! (Or chatterpix)
Using google they will find an image that represents their theme.
After a brief demonstration,
they will be instructed to write a poem using their discovered
words. Poems must be at least 6 lines and accurately describe
their theme.

Closing/Assessment Students will demonstrate their

understanding of their chosen words and how those words relate
to their theme. Students will share their finished blabber URL
on Edmodo which will then be embedded on the class website for
parents to view.

Homework: none

While canvasing
the classroom,
the instructor can
offer questions,
How does it
feel? Does it
has an smell?
What does it taste
like? Is it salty?
How does it feel
in your hands?
What are uses for
an apple, are
there any
characters that
make you think of
an apple? How
does an apple
While circulating,
remind students
of some of the
questions they
answered about
the apple, also
remind them to
use their
imagination to
think about their

Self Evaluation of the Lesson

The use of blabberize is not crucial to the lesson but it adds a certain element of fun and
aids in developing creativity as well as reinforcing that learning is fun!

apples slices for each student
Chrome book
Weebly class website

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