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Cheshire Easf\l

The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests)

Regulations 2012 Register of Members' lnterests

pint name

J E.\r.] N



a member/co-glleffembet (delete as appropiate) ol

5 W1{bNJ Pft<S V

Council hereby give nolice to lhe Clerk of the Council and the Monitoring Officer for Cheshire
East Council ofthose dlsclosable pecuniary inlerests which I am required to declare underThe
Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary lnterests) Regulations 2012 and my Town/Parish
(delete as apprupiaA Council's Code of Conduct.
I understand thd in so doing I must also declare not only my own interests but also any interest
am aware of thd belongs to my spouse or partner, as defined in my Counc 's Code of Conducl.

Where I have no such interests under any heading I have endorsed lhe form "none".

Additional lnfomation
The notes io this form give general guidance, but are nol necessarily comprehensive. Please
consult the Monitoring Officer if additional information is required.

Underthe Localism Ac't 2011 and the above Regulations you must register your pecuniary
interesls. lf you fail to do so, and then participate (speak or vote or both) at a Town or Parish
Council or committee meeting, you may be commitling a criminal offence.
The information lhat you give on this form is required to be kept in a Register thal musl be
available for inspection by the public. lt must also be available for inspestion on your
Town/Parish Council's website (if applicable) and on Cheshire East Council's website so it is
imporiant thal you keep it up lo date. Gifts or hospitality received for a value of E100.00 or more
should be included on a separale form.
You must, within 28 days of becoming aware of any change of circumstances notify the Clerk to
the Council and/or Cheshire East Council's Monitoring Officer asking that the information be
included in your Register of Members' lnterests.
The Act provides that if information relating to your interests is "sensitive', that is lo say if you
and the Monitoring Officer agree that disclosure of its details could lead you, or someone
connecled with you, to be vulnerable to violence or intimidation, it need not be included in the
Register, even if it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. Please consult the Monitoring Officer if
additional information is required on this issue.

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Your Employment Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation

Pl6a5o giv6 dotaila of (i) evcry omployment, iob, trade, business or vocation you have, for
which you receive any benefit orgain (i.e. p.ofit, salary or benefit in kind) including a 3hort

description of the activity e.g. Accountant' or 'Farme/ and (ii) the nams of any employer or
body, film or company which you ovn or in whoa6 B6curiti6 you hav any benoficial
intercst. This must include any remuneratlon aa a Director.

Name of Employer

Description of

Description of Employment

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l.t+F.a TE,l6 D6C6eei^.
Pl6ase give details of (i) every employment, iob, trade, buslness or vocation your spouse or
partner has, for which they rcceive any benefit or gain (i.e. profit, salary or beneflt in kind)
includlng a shori dBcriptlon of the activity e.g, 'Accountant' or 'Farmef and (ii) lhs name of
any employer or body, fim or company which they own or ln whoae secudties they have
any beneficial lnterest. This must include any rsmunerailon aa a Oiracior,

Name of Employer

Description of

Description of Employment

Pl66e give dtaib of any po.gon o. body (othor lhan tho Town or Parlsh Councll) who has
made any paymant to you in roapsct of your oloction or any oxpen565 you have incured in
carrying out your duties a5 a Town or Parish Councillor. Please also include any payment
or Iinancial benafit recoiyod from a Trad6 Union.

3 (al Securities: Your lnterests in Companies
Please give detalls of any bodywhich has a place of business orown3land in the Council's
arca and in which you have a beneficial inte.est (a shareholding) of more than il5,q)0
(nominal value) or morE than lr'100o' of the total thare ia5u. of that body (whichover ia tho
lower) or if there is more than one clasa of shar6, the total nominal valuo of aharoa in any
class of that body of more than l,/'l ooo' of th. total shares of thal class.
Note: ft l5 nol necessary
cornpany of othet body.

declarc the naturc or aize of ,he holdittg, simply the oame ot ,he

3 (b) Securities: lntereats in Companies owngd by your Spouse or Partner

Pleaso give details of body which has a place ot business or owns land in the Council's area
and in which you are awais lhal youi spouse or civil pallner has a belrsficial ilitersst (a
sharoholding) of more than f25,000 (nominal value) o. more than I /10oih of the total share
issue of thd body (whichever la the lower) or if there is moro than one claas of 3harE, the
lotal nominal value ofsharcs in any class of that body of more than'l/l(xlhofthe total
shar6 of that class,
IVoI6.' ,( ,b ,ro, ,ecessa ry

company of olhet body.

declarc the naturc or ake of the holding, simpty ahe name ot lhe

4(a) Contractsi for Goods, Works or Seryicoa with the Council

Please give dotails of any curont, oxisting conkacls for goods, works or services between
the Town or Parish Council and you or any body, tirm or company by which you are
omployed or which you own or in which you have a beneficial lntereat, referred to at 3 above,

4{b) Gontracts: for Gooda, Works or Sarvicog b6tween tlto Council and your Spouso or

Ploaso givo dotails of any currgnt, oxbting contEcts for goods, wotks or servicos botween
the Town or Parish Council and your spouse or partner. or wlth any body. f]m or company
by which they ar omployod or which ihey own or in whose secudties they have a beneficial
interest refred to at 3 above.


5(al Landholdings and Licenses in the Area
Ploase give the addross or other desc.iption (sufflcient to idontify the locationl of any land or
property in the Council's area in which you have a beneficial interest, indicating whether you
ale th6 owner, lessee or tenant You should include land in which you may have a licence,
alon6 or with otheis, to occupy for a period of one month or longor. you must include the
land and house you live in and for example any allotments you rent or use,

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5(b) Landholdings and Liconses in the Area betonging to yor.#6iii" oI p"rtn",

Please giuc ih6 address or other desc.ipiion isufficient to ideniii, iiHcatioffof antr iaiid
property in the Council's arca in which you are aware lhat your spouse or paatner hag a
beneficial interost, indicating whether thoy arc the owner, lessee ortenant You should
lnclude any land in whlch they may have a licence, alone or wilh otheB, to occupy for a
period of one month or longer, such as lor exampt6 any allotments they r6nt or use.

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6(a) Corporate Tenancies: Land leased from the Town or Parlsh Council
Please glve the addrcss or other deacription (autticient to identity the location) of any land
loased or licensed from the Council by you or any body, film or company by wlrich you ar6
employed or which you own or in which you hav a bona{icial intereat (apecifiod at 3 above).

6(b) Corporate Tenancios; Land leasod from the Town or Parish council by your
Spouae or Partner
Pleaso givo thc addrcss or olher descaiption (sufficisnt to identify the location) ofany land
that you arB aware of ihat is ieassd or liconsed from ihe Councii by your spousB or pariner or
any body, firn orcompany by which they are employed orwhich they ofi! or in whose
sacudlios they have a beneficial interest (specified at 3 above).


recognias that if I fall to comply wlth the Code of Conduct for Members oI

?tr-rTarfu P* rS t-+ council or l:

(i) omit any infomation that Bhould b6 includod in this Notice;
(ii) give talse or mbleading infodnatioo; or
(iii) do not tell the Cl6lk of lhe Council or Choshire Council's Monitoring Officer of any
changes to this Notice or n6w interest$ I acquire,

that this may be a criminal oftencc and/or lho matter may be rcfered to Cheshire Eaat
Council's Audii and Govomanco Sub{ommittoe for invostigaiion.



Update 2
Upd,ate 3


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