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December 3, 2015
Volume 1, Issue 1

Incorporating Technology in the

Digital Citizenship and Cyberbullying
In the classroom we will discuss what digital citizenship is and
how important it is when using the internet. Cyberbullying has also
become a growing issue in todays online society. Digital citizen ship
includes keeping personal information safe, remembering to cite all
information that is not public domain, respecting others opinions,
making sure all software, downloads , and websites are safe for use,
and reporting any uncomfortable situations to someone of authority.
Cyberbullying is an increasing problem. It is when bullying takes place
through technology. It is important for our children to understand
how to be safe on the internet. After discussing these topics in the
classroom, the teacher will get the students to sign a digital citizenship
contract stating that they will follow certain rule s while using the internet and they will get an award certificate for learning and understanding these topics. A digital citizenship contract will also go home
for the parents to sign, stating that they understand these topics as
well and will help their children stay safe on the internet.

Edmodo is a great tool to use in the classroom. Many teachers
are already using it. It has different features such as badges to award
to the children for doing things in class, a way to post different assignments or reminders and keeps track of what a student has turned in. It
has a similar set up to other social media but it is used only for education purposes. This will be used in the classroom as a way for students
to ask the teacher questions outside of class and keep track of homework assignments and their class grade. This tool is easy to navigate
and will be a good organization tool for the students and teachers.

Inside this issue

Digital Citizenship and
Cyberbullying ..............................1
Edmodo .......................................1
Prezi ............................................2
Text2mindmap ............................2
Class DOJO ..................................3
Quizlet .........................................4
Stupeflix ......................................4

Contact Information
Phone Number: 850-942-2372

Prezi is an alternative way to present
information to a group
of students or peers. It
creates a non-linear
presentation that
zooms in and out for
visual effect. It will be
used in the classroom
as a new way to engage students in the
subject material. It is
also a good way to mo-

tivate students to learn new

material. Prezi can also be used
as a project for the students, to
create and present a concept.
It is a different way to portray
information other than PowerPoint, which students will love.

It is a good way to motivate students to learn new material.

Text2mindmap is a useful tool for students to get ideas on paper
and organize them into a visual map. This program can be used as
a way to review for a test or to outline a chapter of a text book.
What a student does is sign in, type the information in the sidebar
and the program will automatically set up the mind map, but the
student can move the items around to where they want. This will
be used in the classroom as a way to outline specific chapters before arriving in class. It allows for the students to get an idea of
what they will be learning before the teacher lectures on it.

ClassDojo will
easily engage students and keeps
parents in the loop.

Students love how

positive classrooms
are with ClassDojo.

Examples of ClassDoJo points that can awarded to the students.

ClassDoJo is an awesome motivation tool for students. It allows
the teacher to award badges to the students such as perfect attendance, homework helper, on task, participation and good manners.
With ClassDoJo the students can gather points and then depending
on the teacher, they will be able to go into a treasure box or get
some other type of reward. This program can also be used to keep
track of attendance or discipline. Parents can connect their emails
or phones to this website so that they can get updates on t heir
childs points. This will be used in the class as way to motivate students to do homework, classwork and be successful in the classroom.

Quizlet is a great test
review tool. It has many
different review options
such as flashcards, scatter, test,
space race, learn and speller.
Some of the review games are
timed, and some require students to move items around
into similar groups. This program will be used in the class-

room quite often as a review

game as well as assigned as
homework for the students. It is
a good way to get the students
motivated to study.

Stupelix is a free video making website. This is a great tool to
use in the classroom. It brings in a different way to learn a concept
or introduce a concept instead of PowerPoint or with lecture notes.
This will be used to introduce new books we will be reading in
class, to intrigue the students. Stupeflix will also be used as a project for the students. They will be allowed to use this program to
make a video of a specific concept and present it to the class. It is a
unique way to get a point across. The visuals and audio are a good
way to keep the students engaged.

Sources: ; ;;;; ;

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