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Williams Elementary School

Prezi, Hmm What is


All about Technology

What is Edmodo??
A lot of students in the classroom are antisocial
or are too shy to talk in or in front of the classroom. Having access to Edmodo online will give
these students a chance to express their self and
interact with the other students in the classroom.
The students that are shy have a chance to speak
up through the Edmodo account that they will
sign-up for. The students can also get ideas from
each other. I would use this Edmodo program for
the students to reply back to topics I send out
that will be discuss later or the next day in the
week. The students can also submit classwork
and homework through Edmodo at their own
pace. This will also give parents a look at what is
to come in class during the weeks. Parents also
have access by signing up on Edmodo so they can
keep up with the assignments. Also I will be able
to send out information about big projects ,tests,
quizzes, activities, etc. Send out reminders to
both parents and the students of what is to
come. Having this Edmodo account is very benetifical to me, the parents and the students because it can keep everyone up-to-date and interacting with each other all year long. Also a fun
thing about the Edmodo program is that there
will be games that the students and parents can
play and earn badges. With Edmodo the students
can earn badges for helping out another classmate, participation, being a good citizen, etc.

Prezi is an online
software alternative
to PowerPoints. Prez i w a s c r e a t e d a b ou t
t w o y e a r s a g o . I w il l
use this in my classroom for my students to get a
chance to use Prez i s f o r t h e i r p r e s en tations that they
w i l l h a v e t o p r e s e nt
to the class. Prezi is
a g r e a t l a y o u t a nd i s
non-linear. With
P r e z i t h e r e a r e a lo t
that a student can
do and be very creative. Students can
easily insert photos,
v i d e o s , a n d a u d i o. I t
c a n e a s i l y b e em b e d d e d t o b l o g s a nd
w e b p a g e s . Im a g e s
can be inserted to
any angle they
choose. Prezi has a
very unique zoom
function that the
student can zoom in
and out to other
parts of the canvas.
Prezi is free and

Hooray for PowerPoints!!

PowerPoints are the go-to
software that is well known. I
will use this in my classroom
because it is also very useful for
presentations. My students will
have a choice in whether they
want to use PowerPoints or
Prezi. With this program PowerPoint its almost like a safe
zone for the students to use. I
will also use PowerPoints to
simply introduce my lessons to
the class, show videos and photos. With PowerPoints they are
already well organized for you,
so all the students have to do is
put in the information but
make sure its well organized
when presenting. There are premade slide layouts and students
can add interesting transitions
to make their presentations
more fun. Also with the premade slides the students can
change the font ,color, background on each slide to whatever they want it or should be.
The students can also print
their handouts in the classroom
which becomes very helpful.
The students can also insert hyperlinks that when they click
on it ,it will open up webpages.
This program is free and user

Why YouTube??
YouTube is a very well known educational
program. There are a lot that can happen
and the students can do with using
YouTube. I will use YouTube in my classroom for a lot of different things so my
students can interact and see others do
things that are unique and educational .
Numerous things that I will use YouTube
in my classroom for are, accessing high
quality educational videos, awards, take
advantage of YouTubeEdu, engage visual
learners with my lesson content, demonstrate experiments ,extend opportunities,
step-by-step explanations to problems,
listening skills, research assignments, resources, etc. I can also use YouTube to introduce different topics that we will be
focusing on throughout the school year.
Other topics that are very important relating to school like Cyberbullying for example. It is very important for all the students to learn about cyberbullying. Why it
is not tolerated in our school and the
effects that is has on other students. I can
also use YouTube for my students to be
very creative and create their own videos
and playlist to show to the class and others in the school ,the county, etc. They can
actually teach others what they have
learned doing their creative videos from
math problems like long division, multiplying to science learning about the solar
system, three states of matter to social
studies learning about world geography
and civics, etc. YouTube has a very board
program that can be used for many different educational topics in the classroom. It
is also very important to me that the parents know about what is to be expected
when their child is on
this program.

Text 2 Mind Map

Text 2 Mind Map is a program
for my students to organize
their thoughts and Ideas. I will
use this in my classroom to
simply show them how to organize their thoughts and ideas.
To teach them that there are
other ways in technology to organize their brilliant ideas. This
will simply be great for the students to plan for writing their
essays. The program is free, very
easy and fun to use. The students will have to type in the
information on the left hand
side in the text column and then
click Draw Mind Map and it
will draw the mind map on the
right side for you. The map is
also color coordinated for the
student so the student can see
the different ideas and thoughts
that the student plan on writing
about. The students are allowed
to change the color and font of
the text. The students will also
be allowed to save, zoom and
download there work. Using
Text 2 Mind Map will also help
the students with their exams
and them collaborating together
in groups with working on projects and the groups staying focus on what is important. The
parents will love this program
because it is free. Parents can
also use this program to plan for
ideas in the classroom and/or
upcoming events. The students
will love this program because it
is a very easy and a quick program that basically does all the
work for them. Text 2 Mind will
encourage the use of mind mapping.

Class Charts

StupeFlix? What is That??

StupeFlix is another great way for my students to be

very creative. This program is a video creation web
service. This program is also free and unlimited. I
will use this in my classroom for my students to create their videos. They can create a video by themselves or if they are working with a partner or in a
group. StupeFlix is very fun and is a unique program to use. The program has a lot of different
themes that my students can choose from to create
their videos. It has different music that they can
choose from that would be playing while the video
is playing that goes along with the video. It is a very
mix of photos, small video clips, music, etc. This
program will tell a story with its texts, images, audios, etc. making it into this awesome video. A creative way I would use this for my students is at the
beginning of school I would introduce this to my
class and they would create one by the end of week
to introduce themselves to the whole class by creating a amazing video about them. StupeFlix has
about sixteen beautiful themes that the students
can choose from. It is web-based and easy to use
that it works like magic! It also has unique features
such as transitions, maps, set movie pace, add
voice, set volumes, trim videos, reverse, and sol-mo.
After my students have finished making their awesome videos that will upload them to there
YouTube account.

Class Charts is a very helpful program

that I will use in my classroom for behavior and my seating plan which has a huge
impact on the students grades. This is a
fun and easy program to use. With the
this program it has proven that it has
double the test scores for lower students.
A lot of the students are going to want to
sit with their friends in the classroom.
With my seating chart I can arrange that
and make a decision on where the students will seat. I will create my seating
plan based on the students needs and
abilities in my classroom. This will also
help me improve the behavior of the students and their grades in the classroom.
Helping with the students characteristics
in the classroom is another improvement. This seating chart will let me
know how well they work with others,
their manners, honesty. I will also use
this in my classroom to track the students skills. See what they need extra
help on and what they are improving in.
I will be able to seat down with them
and their parents and discuss what they
need to work on and are improving in.
They will be allowed to see the progress
and the awards that they get from me .
This program will also help me become a
more effective teacher in the classroom
and personalize my teaching and learning because learning about my students
is very important to me. It will make
things in the classroom run by so much

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