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Micah Gabby Hannah

Google Books
Book One: The First Year-- Hepatitis B: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnose,

Hepatitis B is a terrifying virus. It takes pity on no one, and is something one is

affected with for the rest of his or her lives. There is some good news for the people
affected with HBV. Only about one percent of the people with the virus have acute
fulminant other wise know as the life threating strain on the virus. With the right tools
HBV can be contained, and the person affected can live for a very long time.
There are many trials an infected individual must go through to contain this virus.
Once the panic of finding out is over one must sit down and figure out what to do about
this newfound virus. Start with researching the disease, and how to live with the virus.
Not everything on the Internet is true, so find reliable sources and separate the good from
the bad information. Next, find a doctor to help you treat the systems of HBV. For a long
time Doctors were told that they could not treat HBV, so many doctors still dont. With
that being said the affected patient must find a doctor who is passionate and willing to
help them live with HBV.
One individual has had HBV for twenty-five years and contracted with it after a
work-related chemical poising. This individual took it into their own hands, and tracked
down their childhood medical chart. They discovered that the individual had been

diagnosed with hepatitis at age eleven. The individual was very carful, always using safe
sex methods, and avoiding anything that could lead to contracting the virus. After going
to several doctors this individual has now contained the HBV. His name is Will and he
can do everything a normal unaffected person can do (hike, run, lift weights). His liver
has been very affected by the HBV, but he has hope if he keeps active that he many be
able to keep his own liver for the rest of his life.

Book two: Dr. Melissa Palmer's Guide to Hepatitis & Liver Disease,

Hepatitis B is an inflammatory disease affecting the liver. It affects around four

hundred million people, with 1.25 million loving here in the USA. HBV is the number
one leading cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis around the world. In certain regions of the
globe over half of the population has come in contact with the virus. Luckily for North
America HBV has very low dominance.
HBV is transmitted in a few different ways. It is transmitted through blood,
semen, and maybe saliva. Hepatitis B isnt something you can contract simply by being
in the presence of an infected person. It can only be contracted in three differ ways, by
sex, blood or blood products, and to a baby by its mother during the pregnancy and
birthing process. In areas like the US, where the epidemic is low people usually get
hepatitis B by sex or using infected needles of illegal drugs. Sadly in areas of the world

like Africa where the epidemic is in full high effect it is contacted by the mother during
the birthing process.
Blood or blood products are a big factor when it comes to the early epidemic of
hepatitis B. Prior to the 1970s blood and blood products in blood banks were not tested
for virus such as HBV simply because they didnt know such things existed. This caused
the infection of many individuals that received the contaminated blood through
transfusions. Since then there have been departments like the FDA that now intensely
screen the blood for HBV. Another way that it was transferred was through unsterilized
tattoo, piercing, and even acupuncture needles. Even people in healthcare that may
accidently poke themselves with an infected needle are at rick for contacting this disease.

Book Three: Hepatitis B the Quiet Killer,

Beginning your life with hepatitis B can be a hard thing to do, but getting control
of the disease is necessary and must happen. One has to let go of their old life and begin a
new one with full awareness of the virus they now live with. Dr. Peshek stated his path by
first finding a good liver doctor. His doctor told him that hepatitis is an inflammation of
the liver and several things can cause this, one being a carrier of the hepatitis B virus.
Most of the time acute hepatitis caused by the hepatitis virus will cure itself because
makes antibodies that will eliminate the virus. A lot of the times people who have HBV
wont have symptoms, but flu-like symptoms are not uncommon.

Dr. Burgstiners program is a vitamin and supplement execution of treating HPV.

It helps the immune system build up, strengthen, and eventually eliminate the HBV virus.
Dr. Peshek, after years of following and studying this method decided to give it a try. He
was disappointed in the program because after six moths he was still affected with HBV.
With some convincing from the staff he decided to preserver and continued with the
treatments. After staying on it for a while longer he decided to go back to his doctor and
confess his shortcomings to see if he had any advice. He suggested the Interferon
program. This is an injectable medicine that kills the virus. A couple months later his
blood test looked better, and was unable to replicate anymore.
To finally try and knock out HBV as a whole Dr. Peshek boarded a plane to Paris
to meet up with Dr. Brechot. The doctor reviewed Dr. Peshecks chart and came to the
assumption that he contracted this disease from one of his dental patients that must have
been a carrier. Dr, Brechot prescribed him the GenHe Vac B vaccine therapy. Dr. Peshek
understood from the doctor that this vaccine was not one hundred percent effective, but
went along with the vaccine and hoped for the best. The vaccine worked for him. After a
few months the vaccine had brought the HBV to a level that could no longer be detected.

Book four: Elementary Science Methods: A Constructivist Approach,

Children from the time they are born are inquisitive. They wonder why things are
they way they are, how weather happens, and many other things. They want to know why
things work they way they do. They are constantly experimenting. Kids love getting away
from school on field trips, or doing something hands on like dissecting a frog. Teachers
utilize this to help them teach in a way the students enjoy. Paper material and worksheets
do not help kids learn what are supposed to, much less enjoy it.
The concern is that students dont know the science material, or are ill prepared to
move on in science. National test that are taken nation wide reflect this. These test are
given to asses he nations youths knowledge of science, and it needs to improve. The test
given is called the TIMSS test, and it also tests for math. This test is now given every
four years because the nation is so concerned with the youths low test scores. The NAEP
takes care of these results and puts them all together.
Around the 1960s elementary science teachers started using hands on approaches
that help student discover on their own, the solution to the experiment. In a short amount
of time teachers realized this method was better than the previous method. This method
gets the child more interested in the experiment, and encourages the child to learn. Even
though, the new method was better hands on experiments could not be used for
everything, so now teachers had a new hurdle to cross. They decided to implement both
the old method of lecture and worksheet learning to come up with a new way of learning.
One of the things they used is the 5Es: Engagement, exploration, explanation,
elaboration, and evaluation. These together break down experiments so the students get
the full learning experience.

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