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Please sign to show that you reviewed this information with your child. They will get a speci
X____________________________________ Student Name_________

Mrs. Suttons and Mrs. Thompsons Classroom

7:25 7:55 Morning Procedures


Students will greet the teachers.

Students will unpack their backpacks.
Place Backpack in their cubby.
Put lunchbox on the shelf.
Take your binder to the back table for your teacher to check for notes
and homework.
Students will sharpen 2 pencils.
Students will complete morning work at their seats.
Students will read AR book and /or take AR tests.
Students will work on MathFacts in a Flash at the computers.
Students will go to breakfast if needed. Students must arrive at school
by 7:45 in order to go to the breakfast program. Breakfast must be
eaten in the cafeteria. Breakfast is free for ALL students.
7:55 Bell

Students keep Morning Work on their desks to be reviewed with the

Students will sit quietly to hear morning announcements.
Daily Schedule
7:25 7:55 (30) Morning Check In, Morning Work, AR & MathFacts
7:55 8:15 (20) Morning News and Morning Work Check
8:15 9:50 (95) Reading and Language Arts Block
9:50 10:00 (10) Snack Time
10:00 11:05 (65)
11:05 11:50 (45)
Specials Classes (Art, Music, P.E.)
11:55 12:02 (7) Wash Up / Read Aloud
12:05 12:30 (25)

12:35 12:45 (10)
Core Knowledge Listening and Learning /
Science & S.S.
12:45 1:00 (15) Physical Activity Time / Recess
1:05 2:05 (60) Core Knowledge Listening and Learning / Science &
2:05 - 2:10 (5)
Pack Up & Dismissal

Gaining Students Attention

The teacher will use any of the following methods
Hold up hand and say, Give me five
Use a clapping pattern that the students repeat back to you until quiet
Say, 1-2-3, Eyes on Me. Children chant back 1-2, Eyes on you

Calling on Students
The teacher will use any of the following methods
Students will raise their hand and wait quietly to be called on
Teacher will choose a name from the name stick jar and call on that student
Have the Table Teams discuss an answer and the Table Captain speaks for the team

Students Share Ideas or Questions

Students will raise their hand and wait to be called on
Students will stay in their seat and will not walk up to the teacher

To Get Out of Seats

Every child has permission to get out of their seat without asking for the following reasons:
Restroom Emergency
Restroom during seat work
Get a tissue
Student will not leave their seat when the teacher is teaching unless it is an emergency
Collecting and Passing Out Papers
The Table Captain will pass out papers and supplies to their Team
Table Captains will collect their Teams papers and put them in the tray
If the Table Captain is absent a replacement will be chosen
The Paper Passer will collect papers in ABC/# order
What to do When Your Work is Complete
Students will leave finished work on their desks so that the teacher can check for errors
and completion
While waiting, students will complete other work and do any activity on the What to do
When Im Through chart or read their A.R. Book
When A Guest Enters a Room
Students will remain on task and in their seats when visitors enter

Tests and Grades
Student work that comes home with a percentage grade recorded is a grade that has been
entered into the grade book. All other papers that have been completed for practice will
have a star, stamp, or the teachers initials on it.
Number System
Your child will be assigned a number based on his/her place in alphabetical order on the
first day of school. This number helps to keep things organized and you will see it on their
papers and other items that come home.
Please label everything that your child brings to school; jackets, sweaters, backpacks, lunch
boxes, etc.

The form of handwriting taught is Zaner-Bloser. Please encourage good handwriting on all
homework assignments and class work.
Working in Groups
Students are seated in groups and are encouraged to work cooperatively
When working in groups students will use inside voices or whisper voices
Students will work without talking when doing independent work
Headings on Papers
Students will write their First and Last name as well as the date and their assigned number
on the upper left of their paper. Proper handwriting will be expected. See example below
M. Luanne Sutton
Homework will be completed nightly Monday thru Thursday. There is no homework on Friday.
If a child does not bring in their homework, they will be asked to complete it during recess.
A yellow light is given for consistently incomplete homework. The teacher will contact the
parent if the homework is not turned in consistently. Parents need to write a note for any
homework emergencies, so that the homework can be excused or turned in late.
Homework Binders / Agenda Books
Students will take their Binders home every night. Students will put any and all papers in
them, as instructed by the teacher.
Parents should sign/initial the Traffic Light nightly to show that they have seen the
behavior report and have checked for notes from the teacher in the agenda.
The Agenda Book will be checked each morning by the teacher for notes from parents and
to see that parents have signed the Traffic Light.

Friday Folders
Brown envelopes go home each Friday. Parents should review the Friday Folder on Friday
evening and send it back to school emptied on Monday morning.
The students will file their folder in the green crate each Monday morning.
Classroom Jobs
Classroom jobs will be posted each Monday and will rotate and be assigned to new students
each week.
Entering the Classroom After Lunch & Specials
Students will enter the room quietly, sit at their desks and rest their heads for a few
minutes. Lunch boxes will be placed on the bookshelf by the door.
The teacher will excuse each group to use the restroom, get a drink, and wash hands.
The teacher will read aloud at this time while the lights are dimmed and the room is quiet.
When Students are Tardy
Students who arrive after the 7:55 a.m. bell must report to the office to receive a late
pass. Please allow adequate time to arrive and proceed through the drop off line. School
Board Policy 2.77 states that all students who have excessive unexcused tardiness or early
pick-ups (6 or more per quarter) may be referred to the RTI Team to be considered for
possible retention. Once arriving, the student will place their pass on the Teachers Desk
then follow the Morning procedures for unpacking. They will then join the class in the
current activity. Please make every attempt to get your child to school by 7:25 a.m. Tardy
arrivals result in a rushed start to your childs school day, as well as decreased time to take
A.R. and Math Facts tests.
If your child is absent, please send a note stating the reason for their absence upon their
return. Missed school work will be sent home with your child when they return. You may take
1 day per days absent to have your child complete and return the work to school. It is
important that your child only miss school if they are ill.
Book Orders
Scholastic Book order forms will be sent home once per month. Book orders can only be
placed online. No money should be sent to the school. Through your orders, we receive free
books for our classroom. If you would like the books that you order to be a surprise for
your child, please e-mail me and I will notify you when they arrive, or send them home in a
sealed envelope. Directions for ordering online can be found on our class website.
You are welcome to send in a treat for the class on your childs birthday. Please be sure that
the treat is individual sized (no sheet cakes). It is preferred that you bring the treat in
during our classes lunch time, 12:05-12:30, and hand them out.
Lining Up for Lunch or Assemblies

The teacher will call for the Line Leader and Door Holder to line up. The teacher will then
call one group at a time to line up in ABC order. The students will stand quietly, tuck in their
chairs and walk to get into line. The Lights Manager will be the last person in line.
Students are expected to face forward with hands at sides or behind their back while
walking quietly in the halls.
The class can earn Bear Paws from any adult in the school that sees them following proper
line rules. At the end of each month the class with the most Bear Paws eats lunch on the
Cafeteria Expectations and Lunch Visits
Children sit at assigned tables in the cafeteria. They can speak quietly to one another while
eating their lunch and need to raise their hands to use the restroom or ask a question.
It is a GREAT treat for parents to have lunch with their child and we do encourage it!
If parents are joining their child for lunch they need to arrive on time especially if
bringing their lunch for them. If parents are not there within 5 minutes after lunch begins,
the teacher will have the student buy a lunch to ensure that they will have time to eat.
Parents may eat with their children only, no other students allowed, per school policy.
Parents must stay in the cafeteria or just outside the cafeteria doors at the picnic tables
while eating lunch with their child. School rules and proper behavior must be maintained
during this time. NO running around the picnic area.
Please watch the time and finish up at the same time as the rest of the class.
12:05 12:30
Fire Alarms / Drills
Students will line up quickly and quietly as soon as they hear the alarm. The teacher will lead
the students to the P.E. Area where they will wait in line quietly until given the all clear
signal to reenter the building.
Students will listen to dismissal announcements while in their seats.Students will wait for
their transportation group to be called then they will stand, stack their chairs and line up at
the door. The teacher will dismiss the students and walk with the students to the bus ramp
and Parent Pick Up.
Regular student dismissal will always be followed unless the parent sends in a note or the
office notifies the teacher of a dismissal change. Please do not e-mail dismissal information.
Teachers Office / Conference Hours
M-F from 11:15 11:45
Afternoons, M, T, F from 2:20 3:20
Please call, e-mail, or send in a note if you would like to conference.
Classroom Rules, Rewards and Consequences
Three Oaks Elementary School uses the PBS Positive Behavior Support Program

I will respect my teacher and classmates.
By following directions the first time they are given
By completing all work to the best of my ability
By raising my hand and waiting to speak
By keeping my hands, feet and other objects to myself
By allowing my teacher to teach

Students will receive the following rewards for good behavior and work
COMPLIMENTS = A special treat chosen by the students and teacher
Table Group Points = Choose an item from the Prize Box or a Homework pass
Special prizes and privileges for students who move up the behavior chart
Good Notes or Calls Home / Stickers or Stamps
Sharing work with the Principal and Assistant Principal

Consequences for Poor Behavior:

Warnings for poor behavior will be given to students. The teacher will speak with the
student about what behavior is expected of them.
If disruptive behavior continues, the student will need to move their light color from Green
to Yellow. Student will walk the Thinking Path for 5 minutes at recess.
If disruptive behavior continues still, the student will move their light to Orange and walk
the Thinking Path for 10 minutes at recess.
If disruptive behavior persists, the student will change their light color from Orange to
Red. Student will walk the Thinking Path for the full 15 minute recess.
5 or more yellow/orange lights in a 4 week period will result in an N on the Progress
Report. 3 or more red lights will result in a U on the Progress Report.
10 or more yellow/orange lights during the Quarter will result in an N on the Report Card.
6 or more red lights will result in a U on the Report Card.
A Behavior Tracking Form will be used to track consistently poor behavior and a note or
phone call to the parents will be made.
If immediate time out is needed, it will be served in the adjoining classroom.
A conference with parents will be scheduled if poor behavior choices are consistent. If
needed, a Behavior Plan will be written.
If no progress is made a referral will be written.
Students causing severe disruptions will be sent to the office immediately.
Severe disruptions:
1. Inflicting physical harm on another person
2. Destroying property
3. Refusing to obey staff members
4. Using profanity

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