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Dusty Wherrell

Annotated Bibliography
Satanists unveil sculpture in Detroit after rejection at Oklahoma capitol. (Nod). Retrieved
September 18, 2015, from Schreiber, J. C., & Culbertson, M. J. (2014). Religious
socialization of youth involved in child welfare. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(7), 12081220.
This source is about a chapter of Anton Levites Satanism that tried to get a statue built in Tulsa
on state property near a statue of the Ten Commandments. It was moved to Detroit because city
officials and churches decided the Supreme Courts ruling on the matter and forced the move. I
will use this source to show that Christian conservatives will deny others their rights of
expression just because of lack of tolerance.
Weaver, H. (2011, September 15). 9/11's Legacy of Religious Discrimination. Retrieved October
1, 2015, from
This article explains how religious discrimination has dramatically increased for the Muslim
community since 9/11, or anyone that is perceived to be a Muslim. This article explains that
since 9/11 it has increased the hate between Christians and Islam even though the majority of
past touristic actions where from a Christian and explains that the animosity built upon years of
intolerance from both sides.
Cheng, W., Ickes, W., & Kenworth, J. B. (2013). The phenomenon of hate crimes in the United
States. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(4), 761-794. doi:10.1111/jasp.12004
This study was publish to show the rate of hate crimes over 40 years and to give a social
psychological explanation of the reason behind it. It shows that form 1990-2000 religious hate
crimes had started to lessen and then after 9/11 it began to rise for multiple groups of religions. I
will use this study to explain how religious hate crimes and discrimination is a real thing and not
something a single group of people made of to explain why things are not going well for them.
Polis, A. (2005). Christians against Christians. Journal of Human Rights, 4(3), 419-430. Doi:

This journal article looks at the phenomenon of religious discrimination from a different angle by
looking at the fact Christians are the ones most likely to discriminate against other Christians. It
explains that since Christianity has so many denominations and so many different perspective on
the Bible that is the most common form of discrimination and many do not realize it and that
they blame the nonreligious for this discrimination.
Myers, D. (2010). Conformity and Obedience. In Social psychology (10th Ed.). New York:
This chapter explains that conformity to a religion is common because it keeps people from
feeling alone and out of place with groups of people being a dominate religion of the society. It
goes on further to explain that religion is used to keep people obedient of societys rules and that
any other religion gives a sense of defiance to the set of norms and leads to discrimination.
Yam, K. (2015, August 28). Son With No Arms Uses His Mouth To Spoon-Feed Sick Mom
Every Day. Retrieved August 30, 2015.
Bowen, J. (2014). Religions in practice: An approach to the anthropology of religion (Sixth ed.).
Boston: Pearson.
This book explains how society all over the world uses religion in everyday life and how it
impacts them. Religion is used as a way to force people to do what society deems as right even if
it means discriminating against others for it. I will use this source to show that discrimination
based on religion is considered acceptable only if it is the dominate religion doing so.
Cajun, R. T., Kosmin, B., Keysar, A., Hammer, J. H., & Nielsen, M. (2012). On the Receiving
End: Discrimination toward the Non-Religious in the United States. Journal Of
Contemporary Religion, 27(1), 105-127. doi:10.1080/13537903.2012.642741
This article is highly relevant to my topic because it looks at religious discrimination of those
who are considered religious none. It does support my research question because it shows they
are highly discriminated against. It also goes from a different angle in the fact it is looking at
those who do not consider themselves atheists or another forms of religions which most people
do not see as being possible to discriminate against. I do not detect any forms of bias in this
article since it is a scientific paper and they must remain as objective as possible. The
information comes from their own research study. The data itself is based on self report surveys
their participants had to fill out. The source is up to day being only 3 years old. There is no new
information on this since it is an area not very well studied. The authors both have their Ph.D.s
in social psychology and have done several studies on religion over their life time. The purpose

of this study was to show that those who consider themselves non-religious can also be
discriminated against based on faith just simply because they do not have any. The information is
clearly presented and is not presented in from multiple points of view since the style of the
article is academic in nature. I would rate this article a 4 because it gives a unique view point on
the subject matter that many do not consider.
The authors explain that those who are not religious are some of the most discriminated
against because of that and that it is swept under the rug because many people believe
that since they have no religion at all they cannot be discriminated based on faith. I will
use this to show that this is a problem in the US and that it is not just those with a faith
are discriminated against.
Discrimination by Senator Joseph Lieberman against Nonbelievers. (n.d). Humanist, 60(6), 5.
This source does relate to my topic because it goes at the fact that many politicians play the
religious strategies to gain voters and say their votes on legislation. It points out specifically
Liebermans attitude towards anyone who may not agree with his view on religion. There might
be a little bias since it is coming from an organization based for atheism and agnostic. But they
do cite sources of his speeches and other politicians speech that demonizes atheists and
nonbelievers as the cause of violent acts. It isnt the most up-to-date source being from about
2002. The age does not really affect it though since it still shows many of the politicians
strategies and views of nonbelievers, many of whom are still in office. Yes there is newly added
information in the topic but just rehashes the same material as it does here. They are an authority
on the subject because the organization is headed mostly with scientific community from a
variety of fields. They are the ones being demonized and have a right to speak out about it. The
Humanist journal published it. The purpose is to inform the public about atheism and
agnosticism and point out the US is not to be governed by religious beliefs nor a religious
government. The information is clearly presented. The intended audience is the general public.
Id rate it 3 because it does do a good job at exposing politicians use of religion and the use of
scare tactics to get at a community is doesnt really say discrimination out right.
It explains how US government officials use religion to set policy that may block other groups
rights and opinions to appease the majority. As well it points out how nonbelievers are used as
scapegoats when there is a horrible action done, like school shootings. I will use this to show that
religious discrimination is Okayed by our leaders and so we as a whole emulate them.
Using Religion to Discriminate. (2013, July 16). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from

This source does relate to my topic because it explains how the LGBT community and women
are discriminated against using religion. It supports my topic because it shows statistics of
occurrences. I do not detect any biases or unsupported claims. It gives public records and judicial
cases as support. The information is presented as a fact and the information is free of errors. It is
up-to-date. The age of the source does not affect its relevancy because discrimination has always
been a problem and it just explains how it is. They have the experience and credentials to be
considered an authority on the subject. They work at the ACLU, which published the website.
They are qualified to write about this subject because they only deal with discrimination cases
and have had a long history of doing just that. Purpose of the article is to inform. It isnt
presented in multiple viewpoints. The information is presented clearly and is intended for the
general public. Id rate this a 4. This is because it does do a great job at explaining what religious
discrimination can look like it does not give a lot of support. While yes the few case explains
they used were great it still could have been better or at least more, though it wasnt meant for
that kind of written.
This is about what religious discrimination is and how it is most commonly being used. It also
goes on to explain why it is an accepted practice and what federal law allows for its protection. I
will use this to explain what religious dissipation is and what forms it can take.
Davis, K. (2010, October 8). America's True History of Religious Tolerance. Retrieved
November 6, 2015, from
This source relates to my topic by discussing the long history of American use of religious
discrimination. It supports my topic. There seems to be no biases in the article though historians
each may have a different view of the same things. The author uses several documents and
personal accounts to back up his ideas. It is free of error. This source is but to date, being only
five years old. The subject may be really old but the point is to tell the history of religious
discrimination. The author does have the credentials necessary to be considered an authority on
the subject since he is an American historian. The Smithsonian published the article. The purpose
of the article is to inform people about how American history isnt so clean cut as we are
somewhat lead to believe. It doesnt seem the author is omitting facts, but considering it is
history interpolations might be different. Id rate this article a four because it does deal with
religious discrimination in the US it only does so in the past, which is important in and of itself.

This article is about the history of Americas religious tolerance, or lack thereof. It goes from the
colonial era to the great migration of the early 20th century and explains major religious
discrimination acts that happened in major eras of US history. I will use this article to show that
our use of religious freedom is not so much held to high regards to those that are not in the

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