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Visual Essay Prompt Assignment:

Display picture on the board

Have students talk with their partner about what they see

Have students write the quote word for word as the start of a new paragraph on their
paper (this is the hook)

Write one sentence giving your initial thoughts about this quote/picture without using I
think or My thoughts are or any other personal pronouns (one minute)

Tell them to decide whether they agree or disagree with the statement and think about

Ask them to write a sentence that gives two reasons why the statement is true or untrue
without saying I agree with this because or This is true because (allow only one
minute to write)

Have them start a new paragraph and ask them to give an example of how this statement
is seen in a book, story, or movie (allow three minutes to write)

Have them start a new paragraph and ask them to give an example of how this statement
is seen in history, current events or in their own lives (allow three minutes to write)

Have them start a new paragraph and write one sentence claiming why their position on
this topic is correct (one minute)

Ask them to continue this paragraph and write about what questions or philosophical
musings about the big picture that they get from this idea (allow two minutes to write)

Have students read back through their writing silently

*Adapted from Gretchen Bernabei

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