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Telf. 667835539

Aggressiveness record Episodes

C/Gloria Mas, 2, portal 2, 1C


Triggers + Ratings + Experience + Expression Styles + Consequences

Instructions : Fill a complete record for each of the episodes you experience
Triggers Describe the events:
Ratings Put a sign next to every thought you have / had on the trigger
The episode of aggression has occurred:
Mon. Tues. Wednes. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun
The episode of aggression occurred in the:

------------Dramatization (f.ex., I thought it was one of the worst things that could happen)

morning afternoon night early

This episode of aggression ocurred in:
job - home whith my family

------------Low frustration tolerance (f.ex., I thought I couldn`t handle it)

------------Requierement (f.ex., I thought the other person must have acted differently)
------------Other qualifiers (f.ex., I thought the other person was "bad " , it was "useless " or
" asshole " or a "bastard ", etc.)
-------------Self (f.ex., in the depths of myself I thought I was less important
or worth less than I thought)

The target of my aggresiveness was:___________ -------------Distortion (f.ex., I began to reason in a very chaotic way , did not see things clearly)
Explain details of the situation that ocurred:

-------------Injustice (f.ex, I thought the other person was acting unfairly)

-------------Revenge (f.ex.,I thought the other person deserved to suffer or be punished)
-------------Other ratings:_________________________________________________________

What was the intensity of aggressiveness in this situation? 0
How long did the aggression?________minutes_________hours__________days
What physical sensations experienced ? (put a sign next to each of the physical sensations experienced ):
muscle tension _________ fast heartbeat _________
diarrhea _________ sense of unreality __________ tingling

headache _________ stomach pain _________ healthy energy ________ rapid breathing _____ sweating

_____ dizziness _______ fatigue ______ flushing _______ indigestion ______ blushing _______ tremors ________ upset stomach

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