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When comparing my English 1010 midterm portfolio with my final portfolio, it is clear to me

that I have progressed greatly as a writer. I have achieved each and every expected outcome to
the best of my ability, and learned the immense value of constantly reviewing my work. I learned
to place less focus on merely ticking off the fulfillment of expected outcomes in order to achieve
a certain grade. Instead, I learned to embrace the English 1010 philosophy that successfully
applying a rigorous revision and editing process, and constantly seeking feedback from others,
will give me the results I desire. However, it is really about my improvement as a writer and my
transformation into a college-level writer, and English 1010 has given me a very strong start in
this direction. There is always room for improvement, but I know I am a better writer today than
I was at the start of the semester. I believe every component of this portfolio completely
demonstrates the writer I am today, and displays the progress that I have made since day one of
English 1010.
Digging Deeper Into The Text
In previous classes, the papers I wrote were all of a similar genre, namely the research paper
variety. After receiving the directions, I was able to perform almost the same exact process when
developing each paper; there was little difference in the nature of the assignments. However, in
English 1010, we have had to write five different types of papers. For instance, my papers have
ranged from a personal narrative all the way to a rhetorical analysis. I have had to change my
mindset after completing one project and switching to the next. Yes, I understand that there are
aspects of the writing process that are common to each type of paper, which is also something I
learned while enrolled in this course. However, English 1010 has caused me to think more about
what point of view is appropriate to use while also determining the purpose, direction and focus
of the paper. Writing Project 1 required that I tell the story, in first-person, narrative form, of my
experiences with reading and writing. I recalled personal details of the bumpy path I have taken,
and had the chance to talk about my successes and growth as a reader and writer. On the other
hand, Writing Project 2 required a very different approach. A personal narrative was not
appropriate in a paper that presented objective summaries and academic responses. Given the
dissimilar nature of these two projects, it was essential that I paid close attention to the criteria
and requirements of each; in fact, this was necessary when transitioning between all writing
projects in English 1010.
I have always been able to differentiate between main topics and supporting ideas. However, this
year as a student in English 1010, I learned how to further utilize this skill while writing in order
to strengthen my papers. The use of both main points and specific details helps to add depth and
texture to my papers. In Writing Project 2, I discussed the broader effects that aging has on
individuals and society. My supporting details for these higher level concepts came in the form
of describing specific drugs and treatments being developed by researchers and companies I
identified by name.
Beyond simply differentiating between the two, English 1010 has taught me how to maintain the
proper proportion of a main topic to its supporting details when condensing information from a
larger article into an objective summary. In other words, I have learned to prepare summaries that
are neither top heavy nor bottom heavy, but which instead maintain the original balance
between main ideas and detail found in the cited article. This was a special challenge because

one article, "Live forever: Scientists Say Theyll Soon Extend Life Well Beyond 120," tended
to wander among supporting ideas that appeared largely unrelated to one another, which made a
concise and accurate summarization difficult to achieve. After revising my draft summary several
times I was able to produce a balanced summary that pleased me. This a perfect example of my
growth as a writer; I encountered a new challenge, one of striving to reach a balance in my
writing. It was a struggle that was unknown to me in past classes where constant writing was
required. English 1010 not only presented the problem to me but also gave me the tools and
opportunity to resolve it.
The purpose of Writing Project 4 was to distill different types of 21st century writing into one
project, all relating to the novel The Postmortal. Creating a new cover for the novel, which was
just one section of the writing project, forced me to look deeper into the novel and identify
different themes and images, that at a glance, would represent the book. I had to look beyond the
words in the novel, and create images of the action that was occurring in my head. This was
completely different from the type of straightforward thought process I have employed in other
English courses when analyzing texts. When creating the new cover, I first drew four designs all
with different images and themes found throughout the novel. To do this, I reread sections of the
novel, isolating themes and images which drove the action or provided a foundation for climactic
moments. I put a lot of thought into each component of the cover because my goal was to create
a cover that visually communicated the essence of the novel in a glance. I also imagined the book
resting on a display in a bookstore, with my cover design exciting the curiosity of passing
customers. I believe my cover is bold enough to capture their attention and say to them, Pick me
up and have a look inside! The assignment was far more challenging than I expected, but I have
learned in English 1010 that the process of designing a cover for a novel is an excellent way to
extract themes, images, and motifs. I never gave book covers much thought until I had to design
one. I also have a newfound respect for the artists who design book covers. I learned that the old
saying definitely applies here because Its not as easy as it looks!
Writing Project 5 applied rhetorical analysis techniques to the review of a video produced by
People For Bikes. I used the SOAPStone methodology (introduced to me in English 1010) to
identify the purpose and audience of the video, and search for the presence of ethos, pathos, and
logos, as well as logical fallacies, to determine the videos reliability and its relationship to an
objective point of view. Rhetorical analysis revealed the video to have a certain amount of
credibility and reliability, but it was not objective; People For Bikes promoted their organization
and the sport of cycling and its personal and community benefits without presenting opposing
viewpoints. However, the video was meant to present the organizations pro-cycling stance, and
inspire bike riders through the liberal use of pathos. The analysis of the video and the resulting
writing project would not have been possible without the skills and techniques I have learned in
English 1010. Furthermore, I learned how to identify rhetorical appeals and logical fallacies (also
introduced by English 1010) to determine the sincerity and truthfulness of appeals made by
various parties; I consider this is an essential step in developing the critical thinking skills I will
use in my future scholarly, professional, and personal settings. Now that I have learned about
logical fallacies in the class, they seem to pop up everywhere I look. Everytime I watch an
advertisement or listen to a politician speak, my logical fallacy indicator turns on. This is a great

example of applying what I have learned in English 1010 to settings beyond my writing projects.
The class has not only started my transformation into a college-level writer, but it has also taught
me critical thinking skills that will last me a lifetime.
Composition of Work
I previously learned that a strong thesis statement helps to set the tone for the entire paper, and
that a thesis statement was used to set up the paper; however, in English 1010, I learned that they
also should be debatable and cause the audience to think about what is being presented in the
body paragraphs. Once again, English 1010 has expanded my thinking when it comes to writing;
a new idea is offered that has helped me approach writing in a more mature manner. Writing a
convincing, yet arguable thesis statement is essential to becoming a well-rounded college writer.
In writing a strong thesis for Writing Project 2, I demonstrated my ability to recognize a central
point, and develop a solid foundation, via a boldly-stated thesis, on which to build my
arguments. If my Writing Project 2 thesis was written too broadly or weakly (as it was in the
initial drafts), I realize now it would have been a struggle to develop my persuasive ideas in a
coherent and orderly fashion.
The chart below displays the development of my thesis in Writing Project 2.
Course Outcome- Developing a Thesis

Demonstrates Mastery of Course Outcome(s)

Initial Thesis

Thesis After Revisions

Although no specific methods have been

proven that would allow humans to live for
centuries, there are major steps being taken in
the scientific community towards developing
different procedures that could allow humans
to do so in the near future.

The development of anti-aging drugs and

therapies must continue so that humans can
age gracefully, continue to be productive, and
exist in better health than they do today.

The thesis I developed for Writing Project 5, delineated my organizational structure and logical
development of the rhetorical analysis performed on the People For Bikes commercial. The
thesis was specific enough in that it gave the paper focus and a solid platform from which I
developed my ideas, but it also left enough room for me to explore relevant themes that appeared
as I put my thoughts into words. In other words, I believe that my Writing Project 5 thesis did not
paint me into a corner in terms of the shape and direction of the project. This is a significant
development for me in terms of English 1010, and this is one area where I have taken note of my
growth as a writer; I do not believe I would have been comfortable crafting a flexible thesis like
this in the early weeks of the course. In truth, I did not intend to create a thesis with some
wiggle room, but I recognized its immense value once I stumbled upon it.
In Writing Project 2, I built many of my arguments around data I gathered from cited and reliable
sources. As I moved through the drafting process, I realized that I needed to also enhance the
facts presented in my final product and connect on a deeper level with the reader. This English
1010 assignment, coupled with an expected outcome dealing with the presence of personal

experience in my writing, gave me the opportunity to weave that experience into the text. Adding
a bit of myself to the paper made it more interesting, and gave it a living, breathing feeling that
extended beyond the facts, figures, and quotations gleaned from my sources. It made the paper
more enjoyable to write, and I hope, more enjoyable to read. Additionally, the details I presented
in Writing Project 3, which described the career path to becoming a math teacher, were enhanced
by the experiences of my mother and sister, both of whom are professional teachers. Their
struggles and successes added depth and color to the information I presented about the
coursework and teaching certifications offered by various colleges.
The chart below represents the integration of sources with my personal experience.
Writing Project 2

Writing Project 3

Physical and mental ailments cause an older

persons world to shrink to sometimes,
literally, a single room. Simple, daily
activities can be a complex struggle for an
older person, and even the identities of close
friends and family members can be forgotten
as memories fade with age.

I would ideally like to teach in a public

school for a couple of reasons. I have always
attended public schools and now my sister and
mom both teach at public schools, so I have
only ever been exposed to public schools. My
family has always been incredibly active
when dealing with levies and other legislation
that has to do with public education.

I have always loved math, and, without even realizing it, I approach assignments in all
disciplines as if they were a math problem; this especially applies to English, and I believe my
best work in English 1010 is a result of the approach I take when outlining and drafting papers.
The creativity I display when completing a writing assignment is of an analytical nature. I work
from a position of knowns and unknowns; I build a framework of known quantities such as
project requirements, audience, potential sources, and a point of view, and then seek to resolve
my unknowns, which include locating reliable sources, developing a well-crafted thesis and
conclusion, and creating an appropriate content and structure, all with the goal of producing a
meaningful and interesting paper. I developed this approach in previous classes, but found it an
extremely important tool when developing my ideas in English 1010, due to the complexity of
each project. My outlining skills improved greatly too, because they were in constant use the
entire semester.
I understand the difference between primary and secondary sources, and I learned and made use
of both kinds of sources in English classes which preceded English 1010. However, in searching
for Writing Project 2 source material, I realized the differences between the two kinds of sources
are not as clear-cut as I once thought. For example, I wanted to add another primary source to the
paper to strengthen the stance I took in favor of anti-aging drug research. I was unable to find a
suitable, straightforward primary source relating to my topic, but I discovered an article by Zo
Corbyn, which while technically a secondary source, also contained multiple primary sources.
After writing my objective summary for Corbyns article, and including other key information in

my body paragraphs from her article, I realized I gained a new understanding of the value and
benefits of using secondary sources which also incorporate primary source material.
The chart below displays several secondary sources I used to make my paper more informative
and authoritative, and also identifies primary sources quoted in the articles.
Article and Author

Who/What Primary Source is Quoted

"Senolytics: Scientists identify new drug that

slows the ageing process and could
dramatically increase our life expectancy" by
Christopher Hooton

Co-lead author and TSRI Professor Paul

Robbins, PhD
Mayo Clinic Professor James Kirkland, MD
Co-lead author Laura Niedernhofer, MD, PhD

"Live forever: Scientists say theyll soon

extend life well beyond 120" by Zo

Researcher Aubrey De Grey

David Masci who is a researcher at the Pew
Research Centre
Director of the Buck Institute for Research on
Ageing Brian Kennedy
Researcher David Sinclair
Mayo Clinic researcher James Kirkland

I am extremely careful when writing to differentiate between my ideas and the ideas of other
writers. I have worked hard to avoid presenting someone elses ideas as my own since I first
learned about plagiarism during my middle school days. The idea of stealing ideas is profoundly
terrifying to me; it is just plain wrong and there is simply too much to lose. If I am in any doubt
as to whether an idea is not my own, I will again consult my source material and give credit to
external sources by applying the appropriate in-text citations and making sure they can be found
in the works cited page. English 1010 introduced to me three different and effective methods of
integrating sources into a paper, and I successfully applied all of these techniques to Writing
Project 2; they are as follows: direct quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing. Learning and
practicing citation methods also makes it easier to avoid claiming credit for anothers ideas. I
know how to cite a source and do it well because of English 1010; therefore, there is no laziness
or ignorance on my part when it comes to creating a citation to avoid the plagiarism trap.
Plagiarism represents the height of academic dishonesty, and can result in ruined grades, loss of
status among ones teachers and peers, and the expulsion from a class or institution. I understand
the importance of developing my own ideas and citing the works of others. These thoughts were
strongly reinforced by the plagiarism awareness activities used in English 1010. I found these
activities to be highly effective in both clarifying the plagiarism issue and teaching me how to
avoid it.
The chart below shows where and how in Writing Project 2 I avoided plagiarism.
Course Outcome- Avoiding Plagiarism

Demonstrates Mastery of Course Outcome(s)

Types of Avoiding Plagiarism

Examples of Avoid Plagiarism in Writing Project 2

Direct Quoting

Howe explains that the reason companies are

rushing into the anti-aging market is to capitalize on
the burgeoning public demand even as research
continues (par. 8).


Author Neil Howes article entitled Will AntiAging Drugs Lead To A Brave New World?, which
was published in Forbes, reveals how scientists in
the field of longevity research are attempting to
develop drugs that limit aging itself and lengthen the
lifespan in humans.


Senolytic drugs rid the body of cells that have

stopped dividing (Hooton par. 7).

A body of written work, prepared by me over the course of the semester, exceeding 5,000 words
has been submitted for English 1010. The sum total of the works I included in this portfolio are
original works that adhere to the requirements and instructions presented with each assignment.
They have undergone an exhaustive and constant process of self and external reviews and
editing, and draft versions of my papers were prepared exclusively in Google Docs. The volume
of work in the portfolio surprised me. I have never produced this much written material in any
other class, and was more than a little intimidated by this requirement at the beginning of the
semester. While I focused on the quality and content of my papers, their minimum length was
also something I kept in mind, especially at the beginning of the semester. However, as I
progressed through English 1010 and constantly exercised my revision and writing skills, I
became a more confident writer who, I discovered, had plenty to say in my writing. I found
myself with a surplus of material for nearly every project. Therefore, my concerns about paper
length decreased dramatically, which allowed me to place much more emphasis on the quality of
the final product.
Revising and Editing
The feature of English 1010 I enjoyed the most has been the opportunity to constantly refine my
work before its final submission, after an exhaustive process of review, revision, and editing. All
of these activities were performed in digital environment, namely Google Docs. I never
submitted any assignment with a headful of unresolved questions, hoping it was completed
correctly. The course offered a multitude of opportunities to get answers to my questions and
submit my work, many times before the due date, for reviews by numerous people, which
resulted in an enormous amount of beneficial feedback. The atmosphere that prevailed in the
class was one that encouraged me to constantly review my work, and submit it to others for their
opinions and guidance. It allowed me to write in a more relaxed state, and reduced my fears of
the criticism of others. Beyond improving my mechanics as a writer, English 1010 taught me
how to make the best use of the cooperative and supportive environment I encountered in the

classroom. It was my work, of course, but accomplished with the help of many others. I cannot
think of a better way to learn anything.
Learning how to review, revise and edit my work evolved as I moved through the class until it
became second nature to me. I checked the progress of my revisions by comparing earlier drafts
to later drafts which highlighted areas for improvement. I was excited to share my work with my
classmates and professors, and through the Smarthinking website because I knew I would receive
feedback that would only improve my work. Based on a professors recommendation, I began to
read each paper aloud to myself; I was amazed at how much popped out that required
corrections and revisions. I also noted several habits about my writing that I have attempted to
change in this course. First, I learned to make better and more effective word choices. As I read
and reread each paper, and received feedback from others, it became clear to me that I relied too
much on certain words, and used them again and again. I began to look for words that added
interest and excitement to my writing, words that were more appropriate and descriptive. I tried
to follow the advice of my professor, who said show, dont tell, and be as descriptive as possible.
A second habit I have tried to break is a tendency to be somewhat redundant when I write. Peer
review was especially valuable in identifying lines, often within the same paragraph, in which I
merely restated an idea I presented a few sentences earlier. Once this habit was pointed out by
others, it became quite obvious to me, and now I catch and correct most instances of redundancy
before others see it.
Revising and editing, in all its forms, and when constantly performed, have yielded numerous
improvements to my writing throughout the semester, which in turn, has started me on the path
to becoming a skilled and effective college writer. There is not a single aspect of my English
1010 writing that I have not reviewed again and again. From a papers title and hook to the
concluding sentences, EVERYTHING which appears on the page has been subjected to a very
rigorous review process which starts with me asking, Can this be improved? I have reworked
the structure and placements of sentences countless times, searched for words and titles that are
just right, questioned my structure and point of view, and repeatedly sought the advice of
others. I have reread papers so many times that I can see the words when I close my eyes. This
for me is the Big Lesson of English 1010: Use every technique and tool I have learned to review
and improve my work, then start the process over again, and keep at it until I produce a final
product that meets the course outcomes, is organized, logical, coherent, and which can be
deservedly called college-level writing.
I have noted some of these revision and editing improvements in the charts below.

Original Phrases

Phrases After Revising and Editing

since we were always at the library

since we were constant visitors

even the papers I enjoy writing and can

write well have undoubtedly improved

even the papers I enjoy writing have

undoubtedly improved too


Regis discuss synthetic

Regis explore synthetic

similar DNA samples to help humans

similar DNA samples, helping humans

that a team made up of scientists

that a team of scientists

through other various tests

through additional testing

college which belongs to

college belonging to

can toy with peoples emotions

can toy with peoples emotions


Initial Hook

Hook After Multiple Revisions and External


Having the ability to live for

centuries or maybe even forever
may sound daunting to some while
to others, it sounds like the best
thing that could ever happen.

Imagine a world where aging is a thing of the

past, where the prospect of becoming old and
disabled becomes as obsolete as the rotary
phone and the typewriter. Indeed, aging as most
know it might also be dumped into the
scrapyard of history just like an outdated

Human senses are constantly

bombarded by images and
messages meant to persuade, and
many times people are unaware that
it is happening to them.

Six U.S. Marines, the American flag, and the

island of Iwo Jima. Everyone recognizes the
components of this image, and everyone feels
something when it appears. The picture,
unintentionally, became a symbol of World War
II, and to this day, people are stimulated by it.

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