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Assignment Ideas:

Sacred WritingSacred writing is a time where students are asked to write, uninterrupted, for 10 minutes.
During this time students are asked to write in response to a prompt. The prompt will be related
to the concepts that will be covered during that class period. Sacred writing will be held during
the first 10 minutes of class. If students are unable to respond to the prompt, they are
encouraged to write about whatever else is on their mind at that time. The goal of this writing is
to get students minds in the vein of that period's discussion or to clear their minds of other
discractions. This writing is not graded for content, but rather for participation and
thoughtfulness. Throughout the course of the unit each student is required to share their writing
at least one time (only if it pertains to classwork).
Reading ResponsesReading responses are assigned essays that ask students to think critically about a piece of
writing. These responses are 350-500 words and will be assigned twice during the unit. One
response asks students to interrogate the theme or message of their book. They are asked to
write from the perspective of the main character (more details will follow). The other response
asks students to ask questions of the book itself, either to the author or the public in general.
Students will examine the limitations of the book or the book's portrayal of its main character
The goal is to push students to examine a text as a cultural critic.
Bookshelf DiscussionDuring the bookshelf discussion students will be gathered in groups to discuss one of their
supplemental readings. In small groups students will discuss the importance of the article they
read as well as how it ties into the larger theme of answering the question Who am I?.
Book TalkStudents will book talk their main text to the class touching on it's themes, characterization,
literary devices, coming of age qualities, who am I relevance, etc.
Final PresentationThe final unit presentation will be a creative group project. Students will group themselves
(with assistance when needed) by similarities in their main texts. For example- readers of
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit might partner with readers of Butterfly Boy to present on how
one's sexuality impacts her identity. Students must pitch their creative idea to the instructor
for approval and additional assistance. This presentation will include a brief written component,
an oral presentation, and creative execution in order to convey an understanding of the texts and
how those texts connect to individuals and their sense of identity.

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