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Dayanne Stutzman

English 112-54


Branford, Sue, and Jan Rocha. "Death of the Amazon." New Statesman Jul 02 2007: 36-7.
Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
This is a Primary source. Under the leadership of Marina Silva, the charismatic
environment minister, who herself comes from the Amazon, they have developed an
ambitious strategy for ending deforestation, now running at 1.3 million hectares a
year, making Brazil the fifth largest global contributor to greenhouse gases. Yet
others, created under Brazil's Project for Sustainable Development (PDS), are for the
Amazon's shifting population of former gold prospectors, dam workers and landless
families that have invaded indigenous reserves. Under the terms of a PDS, settlers
can clear one -fifth of the area they are allocated, while the remaining four-fifths goes
to a collective forest reserve to be used for renewable activities, such as collecting
Brazil nuts, extracting oil from andiroba trees, and sustainable logging.
In Brazil, environmental technocrats talk of saving the rainforest with satellite
technology-but, on the ground, the story is all too familiar as loggers, miners and
farmers find new scams to evade the law.
This is a very different articles from my other ones, it is personal about the
authors firsthand experience of the destruction in the Amazon. How strongly she
felt about it and details. This is a very good article to follow up on, because you
can really feel her sadness in it all. It is a more of personal opinion article, but the
author also have creditably to talk and present facts on the matter. I love this
article which in some ways are much more intend for younger viewers to help
them also understand and do differently than generations before. This is great
information for my essay because it really gives me insight on a firsthand
experience, gave me a stronger feeling towards my topic, making me even angrier
in some ways of how we are destroying the one thing that is giving us life and

Dayanne Stutzman
English 112-54

Brondizio, Eduardo S., and Emilio F. Moran. "Level-Dependent Deforestation Trajectories

in the Brazilian
Amazon from 1970 to 2001." Population and Environment 34.1 (2012): 69-85.
ProQuest. Web. 27
Oct. 2015.
This article demonstrates the importance of examining level-dependent
deforestation trajectories that may be undetected within regional analyses. We
examine Amazon-wide, sub-regional, settlement, and farm-level deforestation
trajectories in the Brazilian Amazon and suggest factors that underlie leveldependent differences in spatial patterns and temporal magnitudes of
deforestation from 1970to 2001. At a sub-regional level, we find significant
variation in frequency, magnitude, and intensity of deforestation associated with
context-specific processes, including areas that have stopped deforesting, are
rapidly reforesting, while at the same time increasing economic value of forestbased production. We use remote sensing data from 1970 to 2001.
In 1996 the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development invited
scholars to do research on population and environment, and from this initiative it is
Possible to see the steady growth of this area. One demographer who saw this as a
Promising direction, and who did everything in his power to provide leadership and
Direction to this field in Brazil was Daniel Hogan (e.g. Hogan 2007, particularly his
First chapter that reviews the development of population and environment as a
Field of study; Hogan et al.
This article focus more on variations on the land itself, surrounding the Amazon
and in the Amazon itself due to deforestation. Which is a little different than the
other sources that focus on effects around the world. Like all my other sources, this
was really good to help me support my point in my essay. It was done by
professionals in the field. Like Amazon-wide, sub-regional, settlement, and farmlevel deforestation trajectories in the Brazilian Amazon and suggest factors that
underlie level-dependent differences in spatial patterns and temporal magnitudes
of deforestation. This is an academic support article, many studies was done in
order to get these numbers and results. All these articles it is for us all to make
changes and maybe for the planet earths population to make a change, and stop
all this while we still have time.

Dayanne Stutzman
English 112-54

Doleac, Clment. "Deforestation in Peru: Building a Dramatic Future in the Amazon and
the Andean
Region." COHA. Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), 28 Sept. 2015. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.
Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) is tax-exempt nonprofit independent research and
information organization. COHAs mission is to promote the expansion of human
rights in Latin America, as well as to encourage beneficial U.S. foreign policy
towards the region.

Since the election of President Ollanta Humala in Peru in 2011 priority has been
given to neoliberal policies, free trade agreements, integration into the Pacific
market through the Pacific Alliance (with Mexico, Colombia and Chile), and the
intent to increase exports in order to promote wealth in the country. While the
economy is on the rise, Perus economic model is based on a certain abundance of
natural resources. The main exports of Peru are primary products due to excessive
mining and deforestation leading to many problems for local populations and
Indigenous People. Gold represents around 20 percent of the countrys exports,
copper ore around 18 percent, the refined petroleum nearly 7 percent while lead
and refined copper account for 4.2 percent each, which means that more than half
of Peruvian exports are based on extraction of resources.

This article is more about the effects deforestation in Perus side of the Amazon,
and how it is affecting the country health wise and economically. My essay is not
only about Amazon in Brazil, but also the problem with deforestation in general, so
this really helps me to make my point of how it is effecting many more countries
other than just Brazil or even South America. I would definitely recommend
following information in this article. It is not a big nor rich country, but it is still
taking our Amazon for granted. This is a general information on the country, but it
is more about the gold digging rather than just deforestation. I really liked this
because it shows how deforestation is occurring in many other ways and reasons.

Dayanne Stutzman
English 112-54

Medicine Man Movie. Dir. John MC Tiernan. Perf. Sean Connery and Lorraine Bracco.
Wikimedia Foundation, 7 Feb. 1992. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
Campbell has found a cure for cancer, but attempts to synthesize the compound
have failed. With supplies of the successful serum running low, Campbell isolates a
derivative of a species of flower from which the formula can be synthesized and
with Crane's help is determined to find its source.
In desperation and after new samples fail to contain the missing compound, Crane
runs the chromatograph one more time and accidentally discovers that the source
of the cure is not the flower but a species of rare ant indigenous to the rainforest.
Campbell demands the construction stop. A fight results and a bulldozer catches
fire, destroying the village and the research station along with many acres of
This movie is a little different because not only focus on issues the Amazon is
facing with the deforestation, but also the benefits of us saving it. Also the movie
talks about the many natural resources for medicine we have in the Amazon, it
revolves around this plant that can cure cancer. This is a very good example of
what my essay is about. In my essay I mention how many plants and resources
that can cure not only cancer, but many other diseases located in the Amazon.
This movie generalizes a lot about a lot problems the Amazon is facing with
deforestation. It also focus on the cure of cancer, which is what the movie is about,
this doctor finding this specific flower that can cure it. I think this movie is in
general for all audience because right now diseases are becoming an epidemic.
This movie gave me a great visual on what it might be really like on the Amazon
facing such great destruction everyday. It gave me an even stronger view on the

Dayanne Stutzman
English 112-54

Medvigy, David, et al. "Simulated Changes in Northwest U.S. Climate in Response to

Deforestation." Journal of Climate 26.22 (2013): 9115-36. ProQuest. Web. 28 Oct.
Numerical models have long predicted that the deforestation of the Amazon would
lead to large regional changes in precipitation and temperature, but the extra
tropical effects of deforestation have been a matter of controversy. This paper
investigates the simulated impacts of deforestation on the northwest United States
December-February climate.
It is concluded that the de- forestation of the Amazon can act as a driver of
regional climate change in the extra tropics, including areas of the western United
States that are agriculturally important.
Like it says in the article, the deforestation in the Amazon was long predicted to
lead to large regional changes in precipitation and temperature, but the extra
tropical effects of deforestation have been a matter of controversy. This article
focus on the controversy rather than just the problem. I am mentioning it on my
own essay how this precipitations and changes on the weather do to this
deforestation is affecting us all. The information on El Nio is definitely worth
following since it something that is something we are feeling worldwide. It is a very
general information on all the aspect of the deforestation but it focus on the
Amazon specifically. It is intended for us all to be more conscience on the effects of
deforestation and how we should be more worried. This was a very good article
and it help me with the statics part of my essay.

Dayanne Stutzman
English 112-54

Song, Xiao-Peng, et al. "Annual Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in the Amazon
Basin between 2000 and
2010." PLoS One 10.5 (2015)ProQuest. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) is considered
one of the most cost-effective strategies for mitigating climate change. However,
historical deforestation and emission rates-critical inputs for setting reference
emission levels for REDD+-are poorly understood. Deforestation in the Brazilian
Amazon increased between 2001 and 2004 and declined substantially afterwards,
whereas deforestation in the Bolivian Amazon, the Colombian Amazon, and the
Peruvian Amazon increased over the study period.
Deforestation is considered the second largest anthropogenic source of carbon
dioxide to the atmosphere. While annual carbon emissions from fossil-fuel
combustion have been continually increasing since 1960s, historical trends of
deforestation and associated carbon emissions have remained poorly understood.
Quantifying trends and temporal variability of carbon emissions from deforestation is
important for a number of reasons. First, it may explain some of the inter-annual
variability of atmospheric CO2 concentration. Atmospheric inversion studies suggest
that the inter-annual variability of global CO2 growth rate is dominated by tropical
land ecosystems, with positive anomalies related to El Nio and negative anomalies
related to La Nia [27-29].

This article is about how deforestation is affecting our oxygen, and how carbon
dioxide is increasing more and more each year since the 1960s. This article is one
of the most important ones to me, because it really focus on specific damages that
deforestation is bringing to our whole entire planet. Pretty scary ones too. The
author suggests a lot information worth following, one we have been experiencing
for quite some time now; El Nino. It is an academic support provided by scientist
and scholars research. It is specific to our atmosphere and destruction to our
whole planet. This was great, because it gave me specific numbers to help me
understand the topic even better.

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