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Killick & Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

Time Analysis (44 Minute Lesson)

Teacher: Sheldon Simas

Date: 11-18-2015
Class/Grade: _3rd

Observer: Thoren Bradley

Time Analysis Code:

The code provided for each 15-second segment is based on

what 51% of the observed students are doing at the end of
each segment.

M = Management:

The time when most students (+ 50%) are not receiving

instruction or involved in lesson activity, (i.e., changing
activities, getting out or putting away equipment,
instruction about equipment use, listening to behavior
rules or reminders, preparing for demonstrations with
no teacher feedback).

A = Activity:

The time when most students (+ 50%) are involved in

physical movement (i.e., catching a ball, throwing at a
target) or practicing the objectives planned for the day.

I = Instruction:

The time when most students (+ 50%) are receiving

information about how to move or perform a skill (i.e.,
how to move using all the space, watching a
demonstration, reinforcement of COTS, listening to
instruction, listening to feedback about performance of
COTS, preparing for instruction/demonstration with
feedback from teacher).

Minutes 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

Drs Killick & Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32

Total # of Intervals (ALL Is Ms & As) = 140 Intervals

# of A Intervals = 40 ___112__ = 600 seconds
Total # of Intervals (Total A Time)

# of I Intervals = _______25___ ___ 112_________ = ___375_seconds

Total # of Intervals (Total I Time)

# of M Intervals = ____47________ __112______ = _705____seconds

Total # of Intervals (Total M Time)

Total Time Of Lesson= 28 Minutes

Activity in Minutes= 10 Minutes

Instruction in Minutes= 6.25 Minutes

Management in Minutes= 11.75 Minutes

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