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By Winslow Lewis, Joseph Bigham, Peiling Li, Chenyu Ge

What is Air Pollution?

Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate

matter and harmful gases. 6
The most common air pollutants are: nitrogen dioxide
(NO2), carbon monoxide(CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2),
ozone (O3), and lead (Pb). 6

Why is Air Pollution a Concern?

Children, elderly and those who have heart or lung

problems suffer the most when the air around them is
polluted. 7
Polluted air can also adversely affect our quality of life.
One example is its impact on visibility. In the past few
years, our visibility has been getting worse. Poor
visibility can also be a result of natural causes, so it is
not always a sign of bad pollution. 8

"Effects of Air Pollution on Humans, Plants and Animals." Effects of Air Pollution on Humans, Plants and Animals. Web. 3 Dec. 2015.


Worst Places for Air Pollution

China loses 1.6 million people to diseases caused by air

pollution each year.3
The poor air quality of China results from their large
population size and use of coal as an energy source.
China gets 80% of its energy from coal, one of the dirtiest
forms of energy.5
Agricultural land near power plants has been left dry and


The Indian city of New Delhi has the highest PM2.5 levels in the
world. The PM2.5 levels in this city are at 151 PM2.5 while the
WHOs standards are set at 10 PM2.5. 4
The poor air quality is due to its large population and the
minimal restrictions placed on vehicle emissions.1
Air quality has limited crop yield by half.2

"Travel and Air Pollution In Beijing & China." A Guide to Travel in China Where to Visit Tips
How Tos and More RSS. Web. 3 Dec. 2015.

Best Places for Air Pollution

Dickerson, Kelly. "Air-Quality Index." Tech Insider. N.p., n.d. Web.

Portland, Oregon has a pm2.5 value way below

national average.
Portland's urban trees, weather and city regulations
all play an important role in maintaining the city's air
Portland Oregon now contains 236,000 street trees
and 1.2 million park trees, Portland's average number
of trees per square miles is much larger than other
The city has used strategies such as building more air
quality monitoring stations, replaced wood-stove and
diesel engines, enforced existing wood-stove
certificates, etc. to maintain good air quality.

Connection to Service Learning

Possible Solutions for Air Pollution?

Background Image 10

To combat pollution in the United States, the

Clean Air Act amendments of 1970 gave the
EPA the authority to establish and enforce air
pollution standards.9
Emphasis on clean energy resource
Solar, Wind, and Geothermal 9
Use energy efficient devices
CFL lights consume less energy 9
Use public mode for transportation 9

Peiling Li- Danny Woo Gardens

Worked in an urban, public garden, which plays an
important role in afforestation. The food is
donated to local restaurants.
Local farming eliminates the need for food
transportation. This means no transportation
emissions created.
Joseph Bigham- Burke Museum
Worked in a environment with children. I helped
lead tours on the different exhibits in the
The theme of the Museum was sustainability
Carpool instead of drive
Reduce emissions

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