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Anti-Racism Proposal

Elder Sanchez
2823 Truman NE
Albuquerque, NM, 87110
Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) office
6400 Uptown Blvd. NE
Albuquerque NM 87110

Growing up in a Hispanic home I know how it feels to be pushed and shun away from all of the
other kids at school just because I talk with an accent, and sometimes I dont know what some English
words mean. I also know the terrible feeling of having to stand there and watch as my parents are
mistreated at their jobs or even at stores by people who look down on them just for being Hispanic. It
should not matter if ones from Hispanic, African, Native, or from any other racial descendants, because
we are all humans and we all deserve the same respect as everyone else.
So I propose that the Albuquerque public schools should create a template that helps educate
students on anti-racism in elementary schools. That way they can teach students at a young age that being
racist is not funny. I also propose that APS should teach courses for the teachers to show them how they
can approach the new learning subject in their classrooms.

Analysis of the Problem

The book, Understanding Prejudice, Racism, and Social Conflict, written by Reynolds,
Katherine J., and Augoustinos, Martha in 2001defines racism as,

The belief in a racial hierarchy between groups is a central defining characteristic

adopted by many theorists to define racism.

Which in simpler words it means that a group of people believe that their racial ethnicity is better than
everyone elses.

Racial discrimination, or racism has been around for centuries, it has even dated back to the
medieval days where the rich sought themselves in a higher position than the poor. Racism did not end
when the African Americans got their freedom oh no, racism has followed humanity all the way to the
twenty first century. Now a days we see racist remarks everywhere we look, as stated in the book,
Racism, Culture, Markets written by Gabriel, John in 1994, the seventh page says,

The first is concerned with representations, meaning literally how aspects of the world are
re-presented, in newspapers, film, television, on the radio and in everyday conversation.

In the reading it shows how it has become normal to see racial expressions everywhere you look. A good
example is the presidency campaigns going on right now in the year 2015, where one of the runners that
goes by the name of Donald Trump has been going on national television and saying racist remarks
about the Hispanic race. A good example is when he stated,

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody elses problems. When Mexico
sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre not sending you. Theyre not sending
you. Theyre sending people that have lots of problems, and theyre bringing those problems
with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, I
assume, are good people.

This remark was the first step to Trumps decrease in popularity because most people took great offense to
this remark and soon started to hate Donald Trump.
Throughout the years there have been several hate crime murders towards those of a different
racial background, and in some cases the people at fault where police officers who were sworn to protect
those in need. Such was the case of Rodney King an African-American kid from Los Angeles who was
beat brutally by several police officers in the year 1991. If you think that this problem is below you, it will
come to you as a surprise when you find out that one of your children has the ideology that the other races
are mean. In the book, Racism, Gender Identities and Young Children: Social Relations in a Multiethnic, Inner-city Primary School, written by Connolly, Paul in 2002, the fourth page states,

Usually asked a number of young children each to nominate their three best friends and then
drew conclusions as to their level of racial preference from their ethnic background of the
children chosen. What emerges from these studies is the silence that has tended to surround
young children. Very little attention has been given to the voices of the children themselves,
and to allowing them the space to articulate their own experiences and concerns.

Here it is stating the type of research done on children to see what they think about on the topic of
different races. This research was conducted by Holmes in 1995 on a young colored girl that went by the
name of Terri, and who was asked on different races and the conversation is as follows,

Terri: Some white people are mean. Because some white people sometimes, because some
white people dont like Black people and theyre mean. The other day I was walking to
school. I saw a little white girl and said Hi and then she said Hi and I thought she liked me

and she did cause she played with me. One day, I was playing with this white girl and her
mommy said I couldnt play with her no more. She was mean.
Inv.: Are all white people mean?
Terri: Not all, only some. Youre never mean Robyn. You always play with us.
(Holmes 1995:60)
Thus we can get the conclusion that children do start thinking about racial differences at a young age and
from this information we can also pull out that racism is not genetically passed but it is learned. My
reasons being that the little white girls mother did not want her daughter playing with a colored girl, and
if the mother keeps telling her daughter to stay away from people like her, the daughter will start to tell
herself to stay away from colored people, and she will give her children the same advice as her mother
once gave her.

Statement of need
The way that I propose we fix the problem of racial discrimination is by moving ten percent of
the foreign languages classes, and put it towards classes on anti-racism. The public schools districts can
also make a new teaching plan for elementary schools that teach students in class activities on how they
should treat everyone fairly and equally. This project will not cost the parents nor the school board a lot of
money because they already have all of the funds they need, and they will not have to waste that much
money on the books, because there have been a lot of great writers who have written on anti- racism and
who the school districts would be able to teach on. One good example is Marxist who wrote a theory on
the evolution of racism throughout history. The reason why I chose elementary schoolers is because at
that age children are still learning, thus meaning if they learn at a young age that racism is not something
normal that everyone should do, the future can seem brighter because they are the new generation. If the
new generation teaches their children what they learned on anti-racism their childrens, children might not
have to even know what racism is because it will be forever forgotten. Parents will also be playing a large
role in this plan because not only do children learn at school but at home, and young children usually look
up to their parents on how they should act around people. If they see their parents act kind towards others
thus they will also act kindly towards others, not mattering what race they are from.


To inform people that there is a problem in everyday life that has been here for generations,
and there is a possibility to stop it cold on its tracks.
To teach that the plan will not cost that much money.
To show that the difference can begin with the parents.
To explain that there is a possibility to a better future without racism.

The cost for this proposal does not cost that much money because the schools already have the
budget necessary to fund the anti-racism project. As seen on the graph below we could see that the
amount of money that is mostly used in school budgets is the one for foreign languages which comes

around to $564. If the schools take out ten percent from the foreign language funds they will be able to
research, and make the program needed to make a new learning composition for the elementary schools to

"Breaking Down School Budgets - Education Next." RSS. N.p., 16 Aug. 2009. Web. 26 Oct. 2015.

Furthermore if Albuquerque public schools (APS) actually go through with this proposal it will
help new generations in coping with discrimination by getting rid of the idea that racism is ok, and that
one should do it to the ones that are beneath them. If this proposition gets passed, and done I will not have
to worry for my children that they will be bullied in school for being of Hispanic background, and I will
not need to worry that my child will see me being mistreated by someone who thinks they are above me
just because they are white and I am Hispanic. Future generations will be thankful because they will not
need to grow up in the world where they are discriminated for being of a certain race, and be pushed out
of everyone elses lives for being from a different culture. The future will be impacted immensely but
only if this proposal is passed so please think carefully, and be the change that the world needs to finally
stop the problem that has been around for centuries.

Works Cited

Augoustinos, Martha, and Katherine J. Reynolds. Understanding Prejudice, Racism, and

SocialConflict. London: SAGE, 2001. Print.

"Breaking Down School Budgets - Education Next." RSS. N.p., 16 Aug. 2009. Web. 26 Oct.

Connolly, Paul. Racism, Gender Identities, and Young Children: Social Relations in a Multiethnic, Inner-city Primary School. London: Routledge, 1998. Print.

Racism, Culture, Markets (ebook) by John Gabriel." N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015.

The United States of America. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Commission
onSecurity and Cooperation in Europe. HATE CRIMES. N.p.: n.p., 2007. Print.

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