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What do you expect?

Shes Old
Response to Mr. Saeed:
Yes Mr. Saeed, she is old and is not in the best health condition as she once was but I do
not believe that is the reason she is acting the way she has been. I plan on running some test and
talking with Mahajabeen to figure out the reason she had been acting strangely. As soon as the
results come back, I will contact you immediately.

Report to Dr. Smith:

While examining Mahajabeens behaviors I have come to realize she may have
depression due to Alzheimers. According to, symptoms of depression in Alzheimer
patients are Isolation in which Mahajabeen has been demonstrating by not responding to things
you say to her and being quiet often. Also the family mentioned that she no longer wants to do
anything and is socially withdrawing herself from the world, which is another symptom of
depression. With her mentioning that she wants to be freed from this world and that she just
wants to be left alone is a good indicator that she is becoming very depressed. With Mahajabeen
growing older her body is becoming very tired, very quickly and they mentioned that she never
wants to help out with the family anymore because she is too tired, this is very normal with old
age. Mahajabeen has become very weak and is unable to preform most of the task she used to be
able to. Also being aware of her memory not being as good shows symptoms of Alzheimers
disease, a chronic neurodegenerative disease in which causes extreme memory loss. Mahajabeen
has been losing things, repeating herself, and forgetting how she got to places. The symptoms
that involve memory loss indicate that she maybe in the early onset stages of Alzheimers.
Looking at the other side of things, some of Mahajabeens strange actions can be explained by

her religion in India called Hinduism. Mahajabeen is showing actions related with the fourth
stage of life, Sannyasa, in which the elderly let go of their social life and get in touch with their
spiritual life while preparing for death. According to, by starting to prepare for
death and the help from their family members has actually increased the life span of the healthy
elderly here in the United Stated is said to be about 70 years old and people of the Hindu religion
have lived up to about 90 years of age. Therefore Mahajabeen looks to have many years ahead of
her, she is just preparing for those many years. In the Hindu culture family and spiritual beliefs
are strong, in the health matters of an Indian the family is 100 percent involved and it is proven
to help the ill. Recognizing thats spiritual ritual are very important to this culture explains some
of Mahajabeens behaviors, the family mentioned that she always wants to be left alone in which
can be explain by the Hindu meditation. Hindu meditation can be defined as a state of relaxed
contemplation on the present moment, or a state of reflection where the mind dissolves and is
free of all thought (Johnson, 2015). Some goals of meditating, including spiritual enlightenment
and the transformation of attitudes, Mahajabeen is in the process of changing her attitudes from
social to spiritual. Therefore Mahajabeens strange actions can be explained by the symptoms of
depression in Alzheimers but can also be explained by her religion of Hinduism, more
specifically the fourth stage of life, Sannyasa.


"Depression and Alzheimer's | Caregiver Center | Alzheimer's Association." Alzheimer's

Association. Alzheimer's Association, 1980.
Hodges, David. "Older Adults From Indian." Older Adults From Indian. Mental Health
Johnson, Uma. "Hindu Meditation." - Project Meditation. Project Meditation.
" Hindu Spirituality." ElderThink: Hinduism and the Elderly. ElderThink, 2010.
Mazumdar, S. & Mazumdar, S. (2005). Home in the context of religion for elderly
Hindus in India. In G.D. Rowles & H. Chaudhury (eds.) Home and Identity in Late Life:
International Perspectives. (pp. 81-107). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company

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