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Joash Canelo

Mrs. Debock
English IV
October 19th, 2015
Essential question: How will the world today, handle the influence of rap to the community?
Working thesis: The mouths of the people have spoken and now it is time to understand that rap
is real life for teens, a way for people to express their power, and sex and drugs are found in
many musical genres.
Refined thesis: The influence of rap has changed the world in so many ways, unfortunately it is
blamed for the actions of most of the worse cases that deal with committing crime and doing
illegal substances.
Rap music, The Final Evidence
Taylor, Carl S., and Virgil Taylor. "Rap Music Provides a Realistic View of Life." Popular
Culture. Ed. John Woodward. San Diego: Green haven Press, 2005. Opposing
Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Hip-Hop and world Culture: Contemplations on an Emerging
Cultural Phenomenon. 2004. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
The thing about rap is that it is glamorous and really easy to get into if the person likes
music about life stories and future lifestyles that most lives crave. Everyone has a taste for fame
but only some in this lifetime achieve their goal with the way of the industry handling music in
their own way nowadays. The only advice I have for the community is too stay outta the street
life and stay to the average innocent prep life. Most of the reasons why rap is so looked down

upon is because no one in the streets that made it are bragging about where they came from or
what they had to go through, they are just happy to know they have made it from the bad time or
period in their life to where they are now. What most people ignore is the fact that people
actually have to be talented to be famous and all the work it takes to get there is sensationally
exhausting to the human body and soul. This type of performance on the human body, physically,
is damaging to ones health. For someone to work in and out of the studio every few hours takes
more work than an average algebra question, The excess sleep that is not being used causes
rappers and singers to try and cope with illegal substances in order to push through past their
limits just in hope that the song they had just spent so much time on, gets a few hundred
thousand hits and gives them the opportunity to make enough money to survive another day.
Most may think that the rap life is all about abusing drugs and women but all are blind that
cannot see the real purpose for which is to make money and get their home life improved.
Source Citation
Eby, Lloyd. "Lyrics with Violence and Exploitation Harm People." Should Music Lyrics Be
Censored for Violence and Exploitation? Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Green haven Press,
2008. At Issue. Rpt. from "Why Eminem Is a Problem." World & I Online
[]. 2003. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 20 Oct. 2015.

The point that Eby is trying to get across in this analysis is that rap is not the only type of
music that has a lot of sex, drugs, and alcohol in the lyrics of the songs. There are other genres
like rock and roll and jazz for example that influences the economy in the same way that rap has
changed the world. For years our generations have been demoting people of other races or people

of other gender, For years people sat by and just watched it happen, and now that rap is a multibillionaire industry everyone has to find some type of bad outcome from it because people are
jealous that others have something they dont, dedication, patience and passion! The people of
our society are more corrupted than a computer when it crashes, The reason I say that is because
all that is seen nowadays is the news with a breaking story of a robbery or shooting that was over
a simple object that could probably cost something within the budget of 50$ to 100$, Now some
people hear that and say well its not that bad because it is only 50 to 100 dollars. Well yeah it
may not be that much after coming back to reality but for the principle of money being stolen
would make someone really start to think and hate the world we live in just because no one
knows what the word treaty or peace means, almost like we are all in our own world war,
person against person so choose the enlightened side now if thought possible to make it to the
top of the rap game, if not then get a real job because the mindset at this age equals not ready to
make his/her own path through the governments tax and rule- free getaway, Its not called a free
country for no reason.
Hagedorn, John M. "The Relationship Between Rap and Gangs Has Been Misunderstood." A
World of Gangs: Armed Men and Gangsta Culture. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press, 2008. 93-98. Rpt. in Gangs. Ed. Adela Soliz. Detroit: Green haven
Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
"Hip hop's real power and true significance resides in its capacity to empower people to
change their lives." [Philosopher] Cornel West sums up the essence of hip-hop culture from the
deindustrialization meltdown where social alienation, prophetic imagination, and yearning
intersect all types of musical styles rather than locating a "gang subculture" in different kinds of
neighborhood "opportunity structures," or as an epiphenomenon of larger, more "fundamental"

structural forces. Some claim that in the face of desperate ghetto conditions and the permanence
of racism originates from understanding gangs and how to "get" their music- where it came from,
what it represents, why they like it, and what potential it can tap into when a person Is in his
feels or Mindset to make it out of the ghetto conditions that are unlikely to be improved by
government, business, or liberal whites. Paul Gilroy points out that "black culture"like hip-hop
derives from many African, Caribbean, and European influences. The diversity of this culture
is, in fact, its strength, speaking in many different voices and with many different messages at
various speeds including tongue twisters and metaphors that run off the top of the head reflecting
a life struggle in comparison to the topic they had brought up. Rappers might not be the most
obvious line of defense against the growing epidemics but when such an epidemic arose and
became known as Ebola, the importance of putting the spotlight on "local African heroes"
engaged in fighting with the epidemic. Not many people have a way of getting the worlds
attention but sometimes if youre talking about something out of the ordinary like the outbreak of
an epidemic or an unusual murder case then people will listen and the people that will listen will
talk, and talking is commonly used to communicate with one another so when one hears news
that is crazily edited so many times after going from person to person, the result usually ends in
an unforgettable events which at times are too dramatic for society to handle causing world
arguments. These arguments have resulted in society seeing only the wildest of stories in rap
history and has set new regulations for future generations.

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