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Name: Mundhir Alghailani

English: 102
Date: 6/18/14
God as the Reason for All the Good Things
Synthesis Questions: Is God really the reason behind all the good things coming every humans
way? Can science and religion work together in providing humans all the good things in life?
It has been a human instinct that every time something happens to a person, the first thing he
does is look up or close his eyes and give thanks to the Lord in prayer. Even the young children these
days are used to showing gratitude to the creator whenever they get good grades in school, win an
academic competition, or receive a gift that is in their wish list.
Christians and other believers believe that God, indeed, is the source of all good things on earth.
A religious book has it that a nation that turns away from God does not survive. (Thompson 378).
The same book describes God as the sole and source of all good things in life: life itself, love,
knowledge, and purpose. (Thompson 378). This is quite acceptable, especially for those who believe
in God. Oftentimes, it is their Creator who they believe, is responsible for all the good things happening
to them.
However, in spite of this, there are still a great number of individuals who firmly believe that it
is Science that is responsible for all the great happenings in ones life. Good feeling, some say, is a
result of scientific reaction or attitude. Happiness, according to great philosophers, is not a miracle, it
is, an occurrence of great diversity in space and time, but all things are interrelated because they
originate from a common source beyond space and time (Cloninger 223). This may be true, especially
that experiment sand behavioral observations were conducted for to prove this. With that said, this
essay aims to argue that God is still the source of all things happening to a persons life.
In this paper, the pro-God or the believers who acknowledge God differ from those who believe
in Science in many ways. For instance the pro God believers believe that long before the coming out of
many books from different fields, the Bible has been providing inspiration and enlightenment to many.
Christians have attested that whenever they are feeling down, or feeling alone, they turn the pages of
the bible for some passage readings. After that, they testify that they no longer feel the loneliness at all.
The Holy Bible, specifically the Old Testament presents that God controls history, countries, rulers,
and empires. (Thompson 378). Religious teachings have it that all things seen here on earth are
created by God, and according to this logic all that makes one unhappy is created by God.
Those who believe in Science have similar views, especially when they say finding it is not the
easiest venture. However, it's not clear what you mean or how you define "happy". it is all because of
scientific reaction. Philosophy explains some facts about how to become happy. The subject explains
that the science of mental health must recognize that individuals operate within the context of the goal

and values of society. (Cloninger). This means that it is the way a person thinks that brings him
happiness and positive aura. Moreover, what his body does and what he puts in his mind are both
causing him happiness and all other favorable things coming his way. Science explains as well, how an
individuals diet and daily physical activities affects positive outcomes in his life. People who believe
more in Science than God as the source of good things rely on theory, experimentation and observation
to have a perfect life. They have in-depth explanation on an individuals whole being (Carr).
Religious people are firm in their stand that God is the ultimate provider of all the positive
things happening in their life. And when bad events happen, they still turn to God for guidance,
support, and above all, miracle. People all over the world who believe in God possess the attitude of
being positive in all events of their life. Even if challenges come their way, they still have the attitude
of thinking positive and holding on to hope that negative things happen to make the positive shine even
brighter. When the weather is too hot that all the leaves dry, rain is what we need. And when it pours
down, there is a feeling of gratefulness and satisfaction.
Scientifically speaking, positive psychology is the source of all good things, too. Having a
positive mind, according to science is that, ones elated feeling is caused by the works of the nervous
system. The brain contributes to a persons feeling as well. According to a Psychology book, positive
illusions are probably hard-wired into our nervous systems because they are so adaptive from an
evolutionary perspective. (Carr 82). All things happening to a person is a result of science. The
movement of the eyes, beating of the heart and even words uttered, are all producing both good and bad
If the religious feel good about themselves all the time because it is what the bible tells them,
the science believers have positive self-perception because of the way their memory works. Meaning,
their self-motivated attitude and positive aura has begun from their childhood days, as early as
preschool stage. However, the natural reaction of thanking the Heavenly Father is still dominant. A
person, prayerful or not, always thank God for all the good things happening in his life. Even if he is
aware of the scientific explanations existing, the believer in him still comes out.
Science believers have a counter explanation to the earlier mentioned about the rain that people
always want when there is too much sunlight the dry season is causing. Science experts can now invent
and create heavy downpour through cloud seeding and this already provides positive feeling among
people. When one is extremely happy, it is his nervous system that is again, working on this specific
positive mood.
God is the source of all happiness. Taking from the point of view of Thomas Morris (2011) God
is everything. Meaning, He can make things happen in the whole world in all aspects. God is the
provider of financial means to those in needs. He is also guides people who ask for protection when at
risk and in danger. People all over the world, no matter what their religion is, are asking for Gods help
for anything. It is also a natural thing that people pray each time something good happens to them.
They feel grateful for the blessings they receive.
It does not matter whether one is a Christian or Catholic. What matters most is his belief in God.

It is important that one feels grateful for the things happening in his life, both big and small. And
whats best is that he acknowledges the source of his good feeling. He never forgets about God, the
provider of his happiness. God, who created the universe guides and governs all things both according
to His will and pleasure and for the benefit of His creatures. (Lockyer). Indeed, because the Father in
Heaven created the whole world, He is responsible for all the things that he has made. Humans, animals
and things are all under his full responsibility. Because of this, whatever people feel toward these
creations, it is always coming from the Lord above. Everything he feels and does are all not possible
without Gods guidance. Indeed, there is a strong belief that God exists. Humans are born because God
had panned them to be in this world.
There may be strong scientific explanation to individuals source of good things happening in
their life. However, Gods providing it all still stands out among the rest. He may not be physically in
existent but He is strongly felt in each and every condition. God allows things to happen in any way
because He is the only one who knows about the capacity and capability of the people He, Himself,
Even if others feel that there is no such thing as miracle and that God is just a character of the
Holy Scripture, the highest and Almighty Father is still believable to be true. Many have already tried,
proven, and tested that they need not see a physical God to experience complete happiness and good
things. By merely experiencing Him, having felt and experienced complete peace and happiness, God
is already felt. There have been many times when God makes himself felt and experienced in any kind
of situation and condition.
So many times, an individual just closes his eyes and sincerely prays for anything.
Miraculously, when he wakes up the next day, unconsciously, he sees his prayer either answered or
feels that God is little by little responding to him. One needs not be so familiar with the bible to know
that God is with Him. As long as he is praying and feeling grateful about the things happening to him, it
already means acknowledging the Creator for being the source of all positive or good things.
God is the source of promises. In a written work, Christ is made our Surety, not only for all
Gods promises. (Lockyer 22). Science may have had it that the fulfillment of ones dreams and goals
is through his hard work and determination. By studying hard, sweating out in fulfilling his goals and
acknowledging God, he undoubtedly experiences all good things in life. Why analyze the works of the
brain, the movement of the nervous system and behavior of a person so just to guarantee good things
are felt and experienced when all it takes is faith in God?
In todays era, people around the world vary in belief and religion. There are Catholics,
Christians, Protestants, and more. It does not matter, anyway. Whats important is that they
acknowledge God as their source of all good things happening in their life. Science may have better
explanation in proving that there is no religious connection to the things happening in a persons life.
Science is always involved with what is going on.
However, Gods being the source of all good things has no other explanation. This needs no
theory or experimental results because religion explains it all already. God is even better than any other

source of good things. He has no restrictions in providing the people with perfect happiness. There is
no right or wrong in searching for God and acknowledging his presence. Theres not even a level (high
or low) needed when proving that indeed, the Creator is the source of all the goodness in the world.
However, even if there are other people who do not believe in the existence of God, their
opinion is highly respected. Their views may have contributed favorably to this topic discussed and
argued. The participation of the body and mind are part of reality in achieving perfect happiness and
experiencing all the good things in life. Nevertheless, the spirit is the weightiest of them all. It may be
unexplainable, but God indeed is the most powerful source of all the best things one could ever
experience in life.
Finally, individuals should realize why they exist in this world. Certainly, they are born through
science. They are made and conceive which Science can clearly explain. But if one tries to analyze the
root of all these knowledge, facts and experiences, he will discover that no one can trace where
everything really came from. This then, is whats called the miracle of Godthe source of all things. It
is He, who gives the life people live. It is God who brings people to eternal life after their time here on
earth and no genius and science expert can explain all the whys and hows of it.
The reason why many people who believe in God are hardly ever feeling negative is that,
because they allow God to rule their lives. More often than not, they depend on God in their every
activity and in all the decisions they make. Therefore, the reason for these peoples constant
contentment is that the know they are living their life the right way and they are putting God first, as
their guide and center in life. Because of this, the right thing to do is be positive all the time. The only
One to trust and depend on for source of all-good things is God. It does not mean though that Science
does not exist. However, this field can always be applicable, but individuals should not take religion
and spiritual belief for granted. People who do not have much literacy and understanding why such
good things happen will never think that Science exists.
Therefore, it does not need literacy and higher level of educational attainment to experience and
achieve total happiness and consistently good things in life and an earth. Even the uneducated
understand that God is around and only He can provide all the positive things a person ever deserves in
life. One should understand that people who make other people happy; places and things that all create
cheerful mood to make humans happy all came from God, and God alone.
Churches all over the world, no matter what congregation they belong to, are sure to unite in
this belief that it God who is the root of all the good things happening in the world. He and only Him,
can make people (of all genders and ages) happy. Good chooses no social status, age and sexuality in
giving unconditional love and happiness and this is something that even Science cannot explai
Works Cited Abraham, A. "Why Evil Rules-If God Is:A Question of Believers and Non-Believers
Alike.." Xlibris Corporation, 2011. 278. Carr, Ala. "Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness
and Human Strengths.." Psychology Press (2004): 388. Cloninger, Robert. "Feeling Good: The
Science of Well-Being.." Lockyer, Herbert. "All the Promises of the Bible.." Zondervan, 1990. 1352. Pojman & Rea, Michael. "Philosophy of Religion: An Anthrology.." Cengage Learning (2011):

704. Thompson, Charles Frank. "The Greatness of God: How God is the Foundation of All Reality,
Truth, Love, Goodness, Beauty, and Purpose.." CrossBooks., 2012. 1-468.

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