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Activities for three year olds

Done by:
Aisha Ali
Ayesha Hassan
Antoinette Wiseman
Edu 1003

Students will be able to count to ten easily.
Students will use their fine and gross motor skills and show great
development .
Students will use their cognitive skills .
Demonstrate an initial understanding of classroom management including
routines and schedules .

Children at three years of age begin their Cognitive,

Physical and Language development. They are
improving and refining how to use gross motor skills.
Such as: skipping, jumping, riding a tricycle. They are
also improving their fine motor skills. Such as: starting
to build towers out of cubes , controlling a pencil using
just two fingers , drawing and copying a circle. Their
cognitive development refines. They start to match a
few primary colors , remember and repeat songs and
even sometimes talk to themselves while playing .

Newspaper basketball
Gross motor skill

Learning g oals:

Main area o f learning: Description o f Activities:

The students will learn to count as they
1) The students will each take p apers according to h ow high they can
Cognitive d evelopment
count . With the maximum of 10.
They will learn to tidy u p since they are
2) The b in is p laced and is set as their g oal.
throwing p aper into the b in.
Physical Development 3) We will d emonstrate and show the students h ow to d o it.
They can learn hand eye coordination.
4) The students g et in o rder and the first o ne in line starts to toss the
The children can learn to h elp each
Gross motor skills.
papers in the b in with o ur h elp in a p rocess that isnt too fast b ecause
other o ut and work together.
the rest o f the students will b e counting the n umber o f p apers that are
They can p ractice throwing.
being thrown o ut loud (ZPD)
5) When the student starts to g et u sed to it we will let them d o it alone
while still counting with them.
6) The students g uess the n umber o f p apers the first student threw and
then the n ext student g oes.
Sequence o f Activities:
1. First we will let the students take the number o f p apers they want and g iving it to them.
2. Secondly, we will p lace the b in and ask them to crush each o f their p apers separately.
3. Seeing as h ow they h ave d ifferent n umbers o f n ewspapers they will count with the student that is throwing the p apers in the b in to g uess
how many n ewspapers they took.
1. A bin o r basket
2. Up to ten p apers for each student

1-The students that h ave weak arms o r cant throw o r h ave any p roblems with this can b e the o nes that either crunch the n ewspapers, or they
can run towards the b in and throw and count, making them p articipate like the rest and n ot feel left o ut o r d ifferent.
2-We can supply the special aid p artially d eaf child with a radio aid, the radio transmitter allows the teacher to either record her voice o r talk into
a mic that is h eard d irectly into the radio aid allowing the child to easily listen.
3. The students that cant count h igh can j ust take a small n umber o f p apers.

Jamie. (2014, July 23). Indoor Throwing Activity That Wont Break Breakables. Retrieved
from Hands On As We Grow:

Paint cubes art

Fine motor skill

Learning g oals:

Main area o f learning: Description o f Activities:

The children will u se their fine motor
1) The activity is individual where the students will u se color ice cubes to
skill .
paint a p ortrait that represents them .
They will d ifferentiate b etween colors. Cognitive d evelopment
They will learn that ice melts in the
Physical Development

Sequence o f Activities:
1. First I will ask the children q uestions about the colors , and then I will explain what they n eed to d o.
2. I will let them take a p aper and choose the colors they want.
3. I will see if any student h as any p roblems o r misunderstandings.
4. Every child will d escribe their p aining when d one.
1. Craft sticks
2. Papers
3. Water
4. Washable p aint
5. Freezer
6. Ice cube tray
7. Basket

1-For the kids that cant match p rimary colors we will supply them with simple colors like red and yellow
2- for the students that d ont want to g et messy we will supply them with g loves
3-We can supply the special aid p artially d eaf child with a radio aid, the radio transmitter allows the teacher to either record her voice o r talk
into a mic that is h eard d irectly into the radio aid allowing the child to easily listen.
To g et the children to express themselves and d ifferentiate b etween colors . I will review their u nderstanding o f the colors in the n ext p eriod .

Jamie. (2014, June 2). Paint with Frozen Paint Cubes on a Hot Day. Retrieved from Hands
on as we grow:

Jamie. (2014, July 23). Indoor Throwing Activity
That Wont Break Breakables. Retrieved from
Hands On As We Grow:
Jamie. (2014, June 2). Paint with Frozen Paint
Cubes on a Hot Day. Retrieved from Hands on
as we grow:
Megitt, C. (2006). Child Development. London:

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