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STEM: News for Tomorrow

Tiger Creek Elementary


A STEM Journey

[Edition 1, Volume 1]

A Picture is Worth a

Phase 1

Thousand Words

To look at room 95 a year ago

design and create our new

and then to look at it now, no


one would believe the

changes that have been
brought about by a dream, a
box, and a lot of hard work.
Several years ago, we started
trying to encompass Science
and Social Studies into the
Math and Reading
Curriculum by purchasing

Today, we have all grades

coming into the STEM lab
doing experiments, using
Legos to show simple
machines, making clouds, in
a bottle, constructing bigger
and better buildings with
guidelines to solve problems,

no one would believe the changes that have

been brought about by a dream, a box, and a
lot of hard work.

guided reading books, leveled

incorporating math, reading,

books, read aloud books, etc.

technology, engineering,

for teachers to have at their

and writing into everyday

disposal. All along dreaming


of a science lab where

students could come to learn
and explore. With some
clever fund raising, and
diligent work at finding and
borrowing materials, thirteen
teachers came together to

STEM brings in the

possibilities of tomorrow
into todays classroom. It is
the essence of discovery and
creativity that will hopefully
change the lives of students
and teachers.

Project Based Learning as
a part of STEM, focuses on
helping students go through
an inquiry process that
challenges their thinking,
engages them in authentic
tasks, and shows
demonstration of mastery.
Using Critical Thinking,
Creativity, Collaboration,
and Communication
authentic activities create
polished products and
valuable data that students
will share with real-world

Butterfly Rescue
The end of September brought

well as perseverance and hard

a mystery to TCE. It seems

work. Teachers and students

that about 150 larvae had

dove into research to find

been delivered to the school

what the larvae needed, the

by mistake. These butterfly

number of days in the each

larvae would not make it back

part of the life cycle, and how

alive to the company due to

to gather material for the

the travel time involved. We

larvae to thrive. The result

were told to just dispose of

was the release into the


butterfly garden that Mrs.

What? Are you kidding? No

way was that happening at
TCE. Several teachers from
grades PreK to First Grade
volunteered to mother the
larvae to butterfly and release.
We did not have the fancy
butterfly houses, or fancy
food that comes with kits to
be purchased. What we did
have was technology for
research, compassion for
insects and our biosphere, as

Tiger Creek Elementary

134 Rhea McClanahan Drive
Catoosa County
Tunnel Hill, GA 30755

Hamiltons K students had

made and maintain. Take a

Now, we have a praying

mantis and ant farms. What
will be next?

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