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UBD Lesson Plan on Point of View

Stage 1
Established Goals
2.2.b.iii: Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text and explain how
it is conveyed in the text
3.1.a: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event
How point of view determines the tone and events included in accounts of events
Essential Question
Can anybodys point of view (even a supposedly unbiased third party) truly be
Students will know
The significance of using different points of view in narrative
The varying levels of point of view in narrative
Why an author would choose a particular point of view to reveal less
Students will be able to
Identify point of view in writing
Display varying points of view in their own writing
Analyze how point of view will affect the outcome of a story
Stage 2
Performance Task
G: To use details about a character to understand their feelings and motivations
R: Students will continue a narrative, after its conclusion, from the point of view
of the main character
A: An individual who has read the complete story
S: Narrative will be constrained to the time immediately after the conclusion,
using details appropriate to the character
P: A narrative
S: Meet criteria by using details that would befit the character
Other Evidence
Desired Understanding
Spotting a particular point of Being able to identify all
Written or oral response
view in text
forms of point of view
Reading an article and
Recognizing that bias can
Group discussions or mini
determining how the authors influence the information we written response
point of view informs the
Write a piece from another
Recognizing how different
Quickwrite to be turned
characters point of view in
people view the same set of
in/shared with class
the same story, describing
motives and feelings

Stage 3
Learning Targets
I can identify points of view within a story
I can use characteristics of a character to write from his or her point of view
Do Now
On a sheet of paper, write about something you may take for granted, but would
miss if it was absent. This will help them feel empathy for main character when
we read the story.
Learning Activities
I am
Students are
Circling and looking at
Do now
Observing what the students
truly find important
Reading All Summer in a
Reading along and talking
Determining comprehension
Day aloud/periodically
with table groups about posed of key words and ideas
stopping to ask questions
about vocabulary and
character motivation
Circling room, building on
Working on worksheet with
Determining how well
ideas of groups and posing
their table groups regarding
students picked up on details
helpful questions if they are
character motivation
that inform characters
Circling and reading drafts
Beginning narrative,
Seeing if students understand
continuing from where the
why a character would act a
story concluded
particular way, based on

Key Vocabulary
Give me one reason that the main character is so lonely
Text Used
All Summer in a Day

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