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Write to Think, Think to Write

Elevator Pitch
Audience: Faculty member in Feminist Studies
There is no way to assess "just" the content without attention to form, therefore form must also
be a deliberate part of our instruction. In such a writing-centered field, we need to be honest and
realistic about how our content knowledge is mediated through language and writing.
Reading and writing are reciprocal practices. If we can introduce students to multiple genres,
styles, audiences, etc., we are preparing them to read, understand, and argue and write about a
range of topics in the future. If we show them how to parse and situate these texts, we can
prepare them for a lifetime of doing so. We must model for students how to form, defend, and
revise an opinion, and writing is one way to do this. It is a distinctly feminist practice to meet
students where they are and to offer them an opportunity to assess and improve their ability to
communicate about their experiences and beliefs.
If we view writing simply as assessment, we lose this possibility. However, if we view writing as
possibility, we can set students up to communicate, intervene and interact in a more just world.

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Writing classes should be about writing (not vampires)

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