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MDD Standard

The teacher candidate makes adjustments to the lesson plans

based on assessment data and pupils engagement,
communicating the analysis and conclusions regarding the
impact of instruction.

3.1 Student Response to Lesson 1: Did the student(s) respond in

the ways you had predicted? What do you think accounts for
differences in student responses and learning? Consider
complexity of task, and individualization to student ability.
Students responded way better I predicted because I knew them from last
semester, so I knew some of their personal interests and this helped me a
lot when the time of planning came. Also, due to the fact that they already
knew me they were more confident that last semester, and showed more
personality to answer and asking questions and participate. However, they
still lack the language for maintaining a fluent conversation even though
they have plenty of income and motivation with English related extra
activities such as the English day (full of activities, dance, theater, poems all
in English) and the spring talent show.
3.2 Adjustments for Lesson 1: Describe how you will adjust your
second lesson in response to your analysis above. Consider
instructional strategies, the organization and content of the lesson,
motivational strategies, preventative management strategies,
procedural changes, materials, activities and assessment. Explain
why you believe these adjustments will improve student learning.
As the school focus has always been the reading skill and its reinforcement,
I will try to adjust my lessons in order to reinforce the skills that are more
oral related (the ones of listening and speaking). This is because even
though we live in a context in which the English language is not common,
every day the country is more known and globalized so in that case the
English language is more and more use and necessary. So for this I will try to
keep on doing more active lessons with a focus in oral activities, so in this
way I can provide them with more income.
3.3 Analysis of Learning Results
3.3.1 Whole Class: Use the assessment data you collected to draw
conclusions about the extent to which the whole class attained all
learning goals. Support all claims about student learning with
observable data (e.g. student writing, test results, specific student
comments, or observed student performances). Include samples of
student work. (Attach these in the appendix.)

The worksheets I delivered to students in class were all summative marks

(this was an agreement between the guide teacher and I) so the students
worked in class. Besides the TBL lesson was a project in which the students
had to make a ppt about outfits, in which they had to choose and event and
create a presentation showing the clothes and accessories they were going
to wear for said event and then they had to present it in front of the class.
For this project I used two rubrics, one for the oral presentation and one for
assessing the ppt.
3.3.2 Individuals: Select two students that represent different
levels or kinds of performance. Describe what these students
learned in relation to two significant learning goals, one of which
must represent higher-level learning. Use specific examples of the
students' work including student writing, test results, specific
student comments, or your observations to draw conclusions about
the extent to which these students attained the learning goals.
Student 1: This student was really messy and he was one of the ones who
was always misbehaving in class. However, he was really good at speaking.
He liked speaking activities and also activities that were fun. When I needed
some volunteers for activities such as the Hangman he was one of the first
who raise his hand to participate. Nevertheless, this didnt happened when
activities of reading or listening took place, in the case of those type of
activities he was easily distracted and I had to help him to maintain
concentration. He had bad marks with the teacher, however in the project
they had to make he got a 7.
Student 2: This student was very shy and he had no friends so when the
time of pair activities it was always hard for him (and for me) to work. Even
though he was shy, his grades were not bad. His main weakness was the
project in which he needed to speak in front of the whole class. This became
really hard for him, but he was able to do it. In terms of written assignments
or reading he was very good.

3.4 Impact of your instruction on Student Learning

3.4.1 Identify what you believe to be the instructional strategies
and activities that contributed most to student learning.
Team work and active lesson plans contributed a lot to my students learning
and motivation. The sitting arrangement also helped me a lot when the time
of oral activities came, because we worked with different types of sitting
arrangement such as in circle or in groups, sometimes only two rows looking
into each other etc. These kind of things kept them interested and
motivated for learning.
3.4.2 Explain how
learning. Consider

your teaching behaviors affected student

student response to explaining, giving

directions, modeling, organizing activities, leading discussions, the

pacing of the lesson, and the overall organization of the lesson.
When I started making more active lessons, changing the sitting
arrangements and focusing in more oral content they showed really
enthusiastic about it. I believe that they started looking English with other
eyes, because they thought about the foreign language to be a boring and
useless subject. My teaching behavior was always to be comprehensive,
supporting and engage with what they like. So in this sense I feel that they
appreciated the fact of being like that with them and this is why they worked
and learned like I never thought they would.
4.1 Identify two concrete aspects of your lesson planning,
assessments or implementation of the lessons that you will do
differently the next time you are asked to plan and deliver
instruction to a group of students.
There were two problems with my lesson plans. The first of them was the
fact I planned everything considering the use of TICs (always reserving it in
advance of course). However, if something would have happened for
example a blackout I have the sense that the lesson would have been
affected because I would have to write everything in the whiteboard and
they would have been extremely bored and unmotivated. Thanks to the
Universe that I never had to face a situation like that, but for the future I
have to always plan with a plan b in mind.
The second problem was that I didnt considered that the use of ppt tool was
going to be difficult for some students. I took for granted that all of them
knew how to use it and I loose time (and them too) explaining the use of ppt
tool. So for the future I will ask the students which type of tools they would
like to use (or know how to use) in order to plan these type of evaluations
using a tool they like and know better.

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