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Learning Cycle Lesson Planning Form

Science Topic/Content Area:

Grade Level:

Electricity within the body


GLEs to be Addressed:

LPS: 4.2.1 construct and design simple circuits.

NE: SC5.2.3.f Recognize that the transfer of electricity in an
electrical circuit requires a closed loop.
DCI: PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer.

1. What concepts/big
ideas do you intend
students to learn?

Big Idea: Students will be able to learn how electricity works within the body.
My lesson concept: Students will be able to learn how to build their own circuits and connect it to how it
works in our body.

2. What do you
expect students to
understand about this
concept and be able
to do as a result?

By the

end of this lesson, students will be able to:

Create their own circuit
Understand how the circuit works
Understand that electricity flows through the circuits
Understand that electricity flows through our bodies just like a circuit

3. Why is it important
for students to learn
this concept?

Its important for students to learn this concept because electricity impacts our everyday lives. Not only
does electricity, technology wise, affect us but so does the electricity within our body. Students need to
know how their everyday lights work. I know I always wondered how electricity worked when I was a kid.
Students should know that electricity isnt just light bulbs and computers; it is also through our bodies.

Adapted from the Content Representation Tool (Loughran, Mulhall, & Berry, 2004)

4. Provide an
overview/ explain
what teachers should
know about this topic.
What miscon-ceptions
do students typically
have about this
concept? (Lesson
Background Info)

What teachers need to know:

What simple circuits are: Circuits are pathways of wire that electrons move through. A power
source forces the electron to move throughout the circuit. Once the electrons reach a device
(light bulb, computer, etc.) it powers the device to work. In our circuits, the battery produces the
energy that flows through the wires to light up the light bulb.
How electricity works: Electricity is energy that is built up in one place and can flow from one
place to another.
How electricity within the body works: Nervous system sends signals throughout our body. Atoms
such as protons and electrons create electricity. Without all these components, our body would
not be able to move.
What insulators are: Doesnt allow the flow of electrons to move through paths easily
What conductors are: Allows the flow of electrons to move through paths easily
Students struggle with understanding that electricity is within the body too. (Even I didnt
understand that electricity was within the body.)
Batteries are the electricity

Adapted from the Content Representation Tool (Loughran, Mulhall, & Berry, 2004)

5. What specific
activities might be
useful for helping
students develop an
understanding of the
concept in each
phase of the Learning

Engage: I will first ask the students what they already know about electricity. I will ask, Where do you
see electricity in your everyday life? I will then ask the students if they think that electricity runs within
our bodies.
Exploration: I will have the students play around and create their own circuits using the batteries,
wires, and light bulbs. If they get stuck, I will give them hints. For example, attaching one wire to the
light up and touching the other end to the battery. I will ask, What do you think I should do with the
other wire now?
Explanation: I will have the students discuss how they think electricity in the circuits work. What is the
main energy source? What allows the light up to light up? Afterwards I will ask, Do you think electricity
flows in our bodies? Most kids will respond with a no. Then explain to the kids that electricity flows into
your body to make your heart pump. Just like the electricity in the circuits flow to the light bulb to light
up. Afterwards, send the kids to Dillon to show the EKG.
Extension: I will ask the students to draw on their exit tickets a working circuit and then a broken
circuit. This shows their understanding of how a circuit works.

6. In what ways would

you assess students
understanding or
confusion about this

Formative Assessment: Before the lesson, I will ask the students questions to figure out their prior
knowledge to this material. During the lesson, I will ask questions to figure out if they are starting to
understand the concept of electricity. After, I will ask questions to check for students understanding.

7. What materials/
equipment are
needed to teach the

Light bulbs, wires, circuit boards, and batteries

Summative Evaluation: At the end of the lesson, I will have an exit ticket. The exit ticket will be for
the students to tell me what they learned about electricity and how the circuits worked. I will not let the
students move on to the next booth without them telling me what they learned.

Adapted from the Content Representation Tool (Loughran, Mulhall, & Berry, 2004)

8. References (Please
list all resources
consulted in
developing this form)

Nebraska State Standards

LPS Standards
Engineering students

Adapted from the Content Representation Tool (Loughran, Mulhall, & Berry, 2004)

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