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Foundation in Natural & Built Environment (FNBE)


Name: Yang Jing Loo

Student ID: 0323066
Subject: Social Psychology (PSYC 0203)
Lecturer: Mr. T.Shankar
Session: Monday 1pm 3pm
Intake: January 2015
Submission date: 16th November 2015

Entry 1: Confirmation bias (chapter 1)

Date: 8th October 2015 Time: 4pm

Bias is a prejudice against one thing compare with another which is usually
considered to be unfair. As for confirmation bias, describes the attention being paid to the
information that highly supports in our belief while ignoring information that conflicts our
belief. These can also be caused by misconception defined as an opinion being misunderstood
or had been through a faulty thinking. The newest experiences I had was in Taylor
University, many incidents had happened and one of it was related to the confirmation bias.
The other one was the usage of branded art supplies had allowed me to achieve good grades.
I have met some of my new classmates who seems to be caring and polite when I first
attended class in Taylor University. My first thought was students who carried on studies in
this university had great potential in studies and are good in everything. This concept in my
mind does not last long after fitting into these surroundings after a few months. I studied
some of my classmates character and started to avoid most of them who act differently as
me. Some of their physical appearances for example having obvious tattoos and piercings on
their body parts had gave me a decision to avoid making friends with them. These kind of
situation would always allow me to set a bad impression of them, who are playful, dont
appreciate their life, wasting money, show off, selfish and had abnormal character. During
weekends, I would always be in one of the shopping malls with my family. I had come across
many scenes where people smoke passed by, and saw people with tattoo appearances. Since
young my parents would convince me to avoid people who had these appearances because
they might be bad people, gangster, robbers and etc. A schema is automatically created in my
mind where these information are fixed permanently and guide us to understand the world. It
can be exist for people, places, events and etc.
This belief had allowed me to create an avoidance during these situations to protect
myself from being hurt. This concept had gave me a lesson on why students would choose
their friends and had their own formed groups either in schools or universities. Basically,
there are many groups formed from their own characters, some were to avoid those with
abnormal attitudes which are different from them. The ones that I experienced the most are
groups who chose their friends and avoid from those with lazy or tattoos appearances, smoke,
clubbing, which made them think if they are in the same group, the point they achieved might
not be with flying colours and would pull the whole group down. After having to know them
longer, communication are also needed to be made because a class are work as one. Even
though some of us had verbal communication but there are still always a gap between us,
which are to not being influenced by them as our own thoughts still giving us a sign of the
bad attitude that had in them. This had led to a confirmation bias.
Next, I am still under the IGCSE examination before being qualified to enter Taylors
University. My favourite subject was art which allow me to express my feeling through a
paper during good and bad times. Ive seen seniors produces great artworks and achieve
amazing results. I started to keep track on how they could produce such an attractive and
meaningful artwork. By that time I realized that the brushes and paints they used, most of it
was branded. The artwork are then produced with a wonderful effect of colours which looks
realism and also the brush stokes produces from the brush are finer than the ones which are
unbranded. After the understanding of this process, I requested for different types of branded
brushes and paints from my parents. Art supplies are not as cheap as we expected. I started to

convince my parents to get same branded art supplies as my seniors used for exam which
cause her to get great results.
Until the day I got my brand new materials, I decided to begin the journey of success.
For every session of art class, branded art supplies are used to enhance the outlook of my
artwork and it also gave me confidence during the process of painting. I able to concentrate
and try to achieve the best effect of an interesting artwork. Besides that, I also received
positive comments from my classmates and teachers related to the improvement in my
illustrations. During finals, I able to achieve result with flying colours on art subject because
of the branded art supplies had encouraged me to produce a better and meaningful art piece.
This is where I had the confirmation bias on the usage of branded art supplies which allow
me to score better grades. I believed that most branded good are always in good quality
because the way producers produced have fine workmanship on long-lasting materials.
Lastly, a confirmation bias are made when we had schema in ourselves. Schema are
collected since young and being used for future reference. In my opinion, even though
students who I personally think had bad appearance, the confirmation bias will always apply
to my mind and to be more aware of the people that I mixed around and also as a protection
for myself. Other than that, branded good are always being produces with a good quality and
hence would able to motivate me to achieve good results if I apply them to my artwork.

Entry 2: Self-efficacy (chapter 2)

Date: 15th October 2015 Time: 3pm

Self-efficacy is defined as a kind of personal expectation, opinion or judgement relate

to a persons capability to complete and perform a certain task. Self-efficacy and self-concept
had a great difference where self-efficacy is mostly defined in a more specific view for
example I am confident and had the determination to get flying colours on the upcoming
examinations. As for self-concept it is defined as a general view of self, the belief of the self
confidence is being constructed is higher for example I am an intelligent and smart person.
The greatest memories I had in high school are during art classes and also sports day which
are held once a year.
Art class are one of my favourite class during my high school times. Unfortunately,
there is only 2 hours of art class a week. If I able to give recommendations, I would request
for more classes like the ones that allow us to express our own thoughts to an artwork. I
might not be the most outstanding art student in class but I enjoyed the process of expressing
feelings in art. During an on the spot assignment, I struggled on the development in ideas of
creating my own dream creature. I was suffering and nearly gave up on my own thinking
when I saw most of my classmates had almost done well in their progression. The only
thought I have in me is I cannot make it; I am not perfect enough to compete with my
classmates; I am not the outstanding ones. These decisions had avoid me to go through this
assessment. Until the appearance of my teacher- Ms Feeda, head of art instructor.
Ms Feeda told me You can do this! Before that, the self-efficacy for this task is still
undeveloped as I was unable to conduct and continue this assignment. After gaining the
confidence from Ms Feeda, my self-efficacy grows and this had caused me to have a sense of
high anxiety and make me feel more relaxed. I gave myself an aim when others can do it, I
can do it. This had gave me the motivation, courage and confidence to go through the
process of idea development and work harder. Competition was not the main goal but to
achieve what I do best for a particular task. I was glad that I had completed this task even
though it was a last minute work. Grades that I will achieve soon might not be as well as the
previous ones but at least I have the self-efficacy in self shows that I had given the best
performance for my artwork.
The following day was sports day, we as students are required to compulsory
participate in any of the sports according to sports houses. Slamdunk is one of the sport
houses which does not have many students with sport skills. I was in this team for 3 years and
wasnt the student who always participate during events. Sports are not always an enjoyable
things to do because it requires physical strength and personal motivations. Unfortunately, I
was chosen to be the backup of a student because the student in charge have not return to
school for days. It was the greatest challenge to me as I did not usually participate in such
kind of sports since young. I was suffering as I was afraid to try on new activities that I do
not usually fit in but luckily my friends from other team gave me their support and said to me
You can do this.
During break time, I was in my deep thought. This was an opportunity to belief in my
ability for the achievements in this goal and it was an exposure for me to perform my sports
skills. The motivation from others allow me to realize my personal abilities from different
perspective. I did not do my best in my unfavourable activities but I did found the skills I had
in high jump. The motivation I had in myself gave me the chance to perform well.

Achievements that I deserve after sports day was getting a bronze medal, getting fit into
sports and also an experience of exposing myself into sports. The belief of true self guide me
with the instructions from the goals I aim for. With the addition of motivation from friends
allow me to think deeper, realize the skills I had and expose myself into a new environment.
Lastly, the higher self-efficacy tend to allow students to have greater achievements in
self because of the motivation and the aims in a students goal which makes them to perform
their individual skills better. Other than that, self-belief are also an important role in our own
self-efficacy. It allow us to belief in our individual thoughts with an addition of motivations
from others allow us to have an aim of achieving a certain goal either it is experienced or
practiced in a new environment.

Entry 3: Counterfactual thinking (chapter 3)

Date: 22nd October 2015 Time: 6pm

Counterfactual thinking usually related with bad or negative events. Defined as how
individuals reflect upon on an event that has already took place or happened. It can be used to
improve or worsen our mood. There are two types of counterfactual thinking which are
upward and downward counterfactuals. Upward counterfactuals focuses on the thinking of
how the situations could be better. For example, If I started doing project 4 days earlier,
instead of yesterday, I could have score better. Downward counterfactual thinking focuses
on the situation, how could it have been worse. For example, I got a pass for test at least it is
not a fail.
This was my first year in Taylors University where I mixed most friends either my
classmates or outsiders. There was a first trip organized by one of the lecturer to Kuala
Selangor for our first project. It was my only chance to know and understand my classmates.
I met this guy called James, he is a foolish looking guy with spectacles and always had silly
jokes during conversations. I couldnt get off my eyes of him whenever he is around. We
might have our silly talks the whole day if no one distract us. I really appreciate the freedom I
had as I get to have fun with friends and complete group works with them. James are one of
my friend that I most aware of, he helped and guide me through assignments and also my
own attitudes. I used to be an introvert until he taught me to mix more friends and expose
myself to the environment.
This had lasted no longer, my parents had stopped me from making friend with James.
They used to keep track on my progress in school and thought I was in a relationship at the
age of 16 and do not believe in what I told them later on because I was too close to James.
My phone was checked by her every day especially when she realize I chat with James and
this had lead a loss in my own privacy. My timetable was being controlled later on because of
this misunderstanding situation. James had recently called my parents and told them the truth
but then they end up with a quarrel. It was not the outcome that I was looking forward at after
their talk, I was wonder if things could become better after his clear explanations with my
parents. I expected too much from James, he spoke loudly to my parents for this clarifications
and this had lead my parents to have a bad impression on him. If only I did not have a close
relationship with James, this misunderstood situation would not occur from my parents and I
would still be able to make friend with James.
After that, I was trying to get fit it with other friends. As I personally think a close
friendship will benefit myself and during assignments because it is better to have a partner
who understands your situation and provide advices either on personal issues or works. From
the misunderstanding issue onwards, I aim to work on myself during assignments.
Relationship with friends would not be as important as doing individual work. Relationship
between me and James had been far apart and this outcome had given me stress. Ever since
lecturer gave us a project, I would complete it individually with the researches of my own
even though it is a group work. I would do my part and pass on to them for the following
completion. This had become a practice of my daily life. The character of self had remain as
previous before I met James. After class I would go back home immediately and complete
my own task. This was also to avoid the misunderstanding from my parents.
The following day, maths examination took place. The worse thing was I did not
practiced as usual. I lose the confidence in myself for scoring an A which I usually get in

high school. I guess the character in me had transformed myself to a cold hearted and
unconscious person. I knew I could not get well in this test but the motivation in me was still
on. I reminded myself to try my best even though it does not make sense to me. The end of
maths examination had given me a feeling of urgency, I should study and practice before I
went for the test. Few hours later, the results are then released to every student in class. The
moment I received it, I wasnt surprise with my results as I know it would not be as well as I
expected. It was a C, at least it is not a D. I wonder if I fail I would have retake this exam or
subject. As long as it is a pass or border line, I am still in a safe zone.
Lastly, upward counterfactual thinking usually makes people to feel regret during the
process of thinking after the outcome of an event. As for downward counterfactual thinking,
people make themselves feel better after the outcome because they realize that the outcome is
still not the worse than it could be.

Entry 4: First impression (chapter 4)

Date: 30th October 2015 Time: 8am

First impression can be changed in a short period of time. It can be defined as when
people judge us apart from first look and which is incorrect. First impression can be based on
age, culture, language, gender, physical appearance, and voice. The behaviour of self can also
influence the first impression of other people. For example, wearing a skirt and have an
impolite sitting position would give a bad impression to other people on the way of behaviour
and general knowledge taught since young.
I made a bad first impression to friends and teachers when I entered International
school for the first time in Form 2. To be honest, I dont make much friends at first because it
was totally a new environment for me to fit in. Due to my character, I am a person who looks
cold hearted, unsociable and unwilling to make friends because of shyness and does not have
the courage to fit in the new environment. For the past 2 weeks, I was quiet throughout the
whole day in school. Even when there are group or curricular activities after class, I did not
participate and point out my ideas much. I agree that my English speaking skill was not as
good as Chinese language thats why I felt left out most of the time. During parents teacher
meeting that held once in a year, teacher in charge would give suggestions for parents to
understand their childs performance in school. I was the one that repeatedly receive
comments for example, not participating in events; dreaming; unsociable; could not complete
work and etc. These were caused by my introvert character.
Until I met a girl called Qiqi, after a change in our table positions. She has the same
personality as me, thats why I chose her as my partner in school. I would reject classmates
that make fun of each other and having jokes all around during class time because the only
thing I would understand is I should be more mature. I was wrong, I did not have fun during
these few years until I graduated and qualified to enter Taylors University. Stress was the
only thing I get when I was alone the whole time. My classmates had asked me why am I
acting shy and quiet, I rejected them by not answering them. This mistakes had given me
troubles and gradually affect in my studies too. I made a choice in Taylors University, I
should be more sociable and give a good impression to others even my true self are cold
hearted and quiet. Leaving a good impression to outsiders will benefit ourselves because they
will the supporters by your side when you are facing challenges or difficulties in your life.
Besides that, classmates from my class in Taylors University had gave me a bad first
impression when I met them in the first day too. Their physical appearance are exactly like a
role model of gangster. From their acts, I able to analyse their character and attitude which
are most probably not the best friends to make with. They might be the ones who hurt anyone
at the back without further notice. The appearance of having visible tattoos and piercings on
their body, smoking; speaking vulgar languages and use improper words; impolite tone of
voice shows that their maturity is still not upgraded according to their age and gender. It
might be an incorrect statement to describe a person from the first look but I experienced
once during group projects. At first, I did not recognize what is their true character and
attitude but I think I should give myself an opportunity to group and experience the process
of completing this particular task with them.
Without further thinking about the groupings, we formed in a group of 6 and started
our discussions. It was an honour to make friends with different cultures from other countries
or states. This project require students to study on the natural environment and come out with

pop up posters. We as a team able to suggest information and provide opinions which
everybody agreed but not until the day of progressing the pop up posters. Clara was the
appointed group leader, her gangster appearances automatically gave us an instruction to
listen and follow on what she appointed us to complete. This wasnt a good example of being
a leader. I experienced being scolded by her for an unreasonable reason. This happened when
I asked her opinions about my work and the descriptions of process. I was fine after Clara
rejected my work. Besides that, she uses a loud tone of voice to explain the mistakes I made.
It was a terrible group project in semester 1. From that incident on, I refuse to work on
projects with her because of the first impression she had given me which cause me to feel
Lastly, first impression are an important role to present for an outsider. Experience of
being an introvert in school gave me the worst memories because it avoided me from
communicating with friends and teachers during difficulties. As for a friend that I just met, I
had been the observer to understand her style of doing work related to her attitude and
character. I might be judging a person too harsh but it was the fact that she gave me an
impression of not communicating with her after the incident. The only thing I had in mind is
to have an open mind, accept the fact of friends or outsiders attitude to increase the exposure
of myself from different environment.

Entry 5: Observational learning (chapter 5)

Date: 3rd November 2015 Time: 5pm

Observational learning can be defined as modelling which is a type of learning

acquires new responses and actions after self record on the process of learning. It is an
important role in social learning and is particularly important during childhood. Some can be
depend on an individual behaviour, whether a person is interested or bored at accepting a new
challenge. Other than that, observational learning need to be gone through a several process
of initiative learning and remembering.
Art is my hobby which started since young until today. Defined as an expression from
human creativity skills and imaginations, more on visual forms such as painting and
sculpture. It requires patience to complete an attractive and meaningful artwork. My parents
sent me to art classes at the age of ten and that is when I found my art talent. My first thought
about art when I was young was just drawing, painting with colours and art and crafts. After
received trainings from the tutors, I able to pick up the skill of applying contrasting colours in
my artwork and sketch with perfect lines. This was only learning the basics of art. My
favourite art tutor, Ms Feeda had taught me art for 3 years in International school. The
exposure that we experienced from her teaching style reflects a lot on our creativity. The way
she presented her work and the explanations about art benefited us as students to have our
own style of creating an art.
My style was more on realism. I like to use thin brush stokes to create the details of an
artwork, it enhances the whole art piece to become a reality of 3D form. Techniques I had
applied on are dotted, think sweeping lines, collage and etc. I had observed some of the
seniors work and learnt to apply the style of their work to mine as a references. The first stage
is to pay attention on the seniors process on how to use the materials and apply techniques
into a blank piece of paper. Next, is memory, this allow us not to only observe but also to
remember the process mentally or physically of the actions. The following is initiative, the
availability to produce the act carefully with skills. Lastly, motivation are also an important
stage in order to have successful observational learning. Ms. Feeda did gave me the most
motivation during my final examination. The way she convinced me to do better had improve
my way of completing the task. I had much more confidence to expose myself more than she
Next, social learning from observing is also an important role during childhood. My
younger brother and I are 15 years apart, I experienced to observe his actions from a baby
until a toddler. It was an amazing process to see the growth in him day by day. When he was
baby, he used to cry when he is hungry, sleepy or unfeeling well. These are the daily routines
of a baby, eat, rest and play. After a few months, he would start to walk, talk and eat by his
own. These are also the observational learning of him from adults. For speaking, he would be
mumbling at first few months and after a period of time on observations and practice of the
words or sentences used by adults, he able to communicate with others. The process of
growth taught him to be more independent from learning the procedures of adults life every
day. The repetition of the daily routine had made him to remember the process which allow
him to act the same way as adults do.
Besides that, observational learning also occur during my working experience. I had
worked for a mural art company for a few months and that was during the wait of my final
results. I applied to work as a temporary artist. The work that I in charge of is to create an art

piece on canvas and should be seen meaningful to others so that it can be sold in a reasonable
price. At first, it was a tough job for me to suggest ideas but throughout the observational
learning from my colleagues work, I able to start on developing my own skills. The process
of interpreting the idea development are the main point before apply colouring techniques
into it. From what I observed, every artwork that sold in the company have different
characteristics due to the producer with different cultures. Everyone have their own style of
creation. The manager had the skills of keeping the business well which led this business a
success in the market. My observational learning on this strategy are learnt but have not been
Lastly, observational learning are applied from young until the end of the day. It is a
process of growth because it able to provide collective information in every human.
Basically, it is also to enhance the knowledge of ourselves and to experience more on the new
environment. Observational learning are also depend on a good or bad situations. A good
learning would be beneficial for our own growth while a bad learning would probably
conflict an individual character.

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