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The Personal

Mia Mallory, M.D.
Associate Dean, Diversity and
University of Cincinnati College of

Personal Statement
If we wish to know a man, we must ask, What is his story, his
real, inmost story? for each of us is a biography, a story. Each
of us is a singular narrative, which is constructed
continually and unconsciously by, through, and in us
through our perceptions, our feelings, our thoughts, our
actions; and , not least, through our discourse, our spoken
narrations. Biologically, physiologically, we are not so different
from each other; historically, as narratives, we are each of us
-Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for
a hat

Qualities we want in a physician


Cares about me


Loves being a Doctor

Listens well

Treats everyone well

Communication skills

Respects me

Easy to talk to


The Basics
The essay can be about anything
It allows you to tell the reader why or how you

are going to be a great doctor

You have 5300 characters to tell your story

The Basics
Integral part of a successful application
Allows the selection committee to get to
know you personally
Demonstrates your values, insight,
experiences and commitment to medicine

The Basics
The essay plays a variety of roles in the
The essay will stand out :
If it is well written and unique
It is poorly written
If it explains something that is not elsewhere in the
application e.g.( poor grades, illness, course choices)

The Basics
The essay should tell the reader something

they dont already know

Allows you to discuss items in more detail

from volunteer experiences to any

academic missteps
Allows you to tell your unique story

Begin by brainstorming
Evaluate your ideas and narrow your focus
Tell your story or your journey
Keep it to 1 page
Use action words
Speak in the first person

Be clear and concise
Have a topic sentence at the beginning of each
Tell short stories about one or two experiences
Mention others who have had an impact on
your path
Try to catch the readers attention

Keep medicine at the forefront
Give concrete examples
Keep it authentic
Avoid generalizations
Explain challenges or obstacles
Comment on academic record fluctuations

Some schools ask for essays on
secondary applications
Be ready to answer questions about
special circumstances (felonies or
institutional actions)
How life events have influenced you and
what you have learned

What to do
Try and write an interesting story
Catch the readers attention with a brief
introductory paragraph or sentence
Decide how to organize in advance
Be succinct
Describe something new that is not in the rest of
the application

What to do
Draw from your circumstances
Describe why you are going to be an
excellent physician
Do have a mentor and/or a colleague review it
several times before submitting the essay
Do a grammar and spell check

What not to do
Dont use big words that are uncommon
Dont take on controversial topics
Avoid focusing on long explanations of shortcomings
Be careful when using humor
Dont use names of patients
Dont reiterate experiences

What not to do
Dont plagiarize
Dont use a professional writing service
Dont assume a well written essay guarantees
an interview
Dont use common words and phrases, (e.g.
passion, helping people etc.)

What not to do
Dont start every sentence with I
Dont make excuses for poor grades
Dont try to share everything there is to
know about you
Dont write it if you are not prepared to talk
about it
Dont use clichs

I want to be a superhero. Doctors have
always been as big to me as the
superheroes of my childhood

Does this sentence make you want to read

more and get to know this applicant?

Get over here and do chest
compressions! I heard the nurse calling my
name not truly believing she was talking to
me. I though I might pass out myself.
Do we want to keep reading and meet this

I have always wanted to be a doctor. I was
always successful in science and being a doctor is
the natural progression of my fascination with
science. I love helping people and medicine
combines my love of science and helping people.
Do we want to keep reading?
Does this person stand out?

You are probably tired of reading essays.
Dont get alarmed, mine isnt any different. I
had the usual experiences like everyone else;
a sick family member, good grades, plenty of
pets to practice on. What draws me to
medicine is life long learning.
Do we want to meet this applicant?

Pre-med advisors
Numerous web sources and videos


Tell your story

Be concise with concrete examples
Be creative
Be authentic
Have a friend or mentor review it and spell check
Have fun!
Dont sweat it!


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