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Professional Development Responsibility Log

Teacher candidates will document their professional development activities as part of their
professional responsibilities as a teacher candidate who is working toward documenting
proficiency for the Maine Common Core Teaching Standard #9: Professional Learning and
Ethical Practice and for Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration.
Teacher Candidates Name: Heather Freytag
Date of




Links to Maine
Common Core

3 Sep


I learned about health

accommodations for a
student. The parent and
student had input into their
plan. There were small
changes to the plan in
order to meet the need of
the student. The teachers
made sure to ask questions
about what was needed
and all concerns were
addressed for both parties.
I learned how a 504
meeting was conducted
and how to address the
accommodations in the
classroom. I also learned
the importance of allowing
the student to voice any
concerns with the plan as
In relation to MCCTS I
learned how to listen to a
parents beliefs and
expectations and apply
them to a classroom

Appendix A
copy of

10(d) The teacher

with learners
and their families
to establish
and ongoing
communication to
support learner
development and

The team meeting taught

me how to collaborate with
other school professionals.
It also taught me some
strategies to help get to
know students. The
Chebeague team sent to
parents a million word or
less essay. The parents of
our students were asked to
provide us with some
insight into their sons or
daughters. We got some

Appendix B
notes from

3 Sep

e Team
(8th grade
team of

10(q) The teacher

respects families
beliefs, norms,
and expectations
and seeks to work
with learners and
families in setting
and meeting
challenging goals.

10(b) The teacher

works with other
to plan and jointly
facilitate learning
on how to meet
diverse needs of
10(c) The teacher
collaboratively in

very moving conveyances

from parents, in many
different mediums; poems,
pictures, essays, letters,
and drawings. The team
then discussed behaviors
that, as a team, need to be
addressed. This showed
me how a team works
together to teach students
common values, and
respect. The behavior
rubric is used by all
teachers to address
problem behaviors. The
teachers also discussed
individual students they
were worried about, or
needed accommodations.
They were checking to see
that all the students were
having their needs met.
One student recently had
an updated 504 plan, so
the teachers discussed
this. They also went on to
discuss recent transfers
onto our team. They
wanted to ensure that the
transition was going
smoothly. Seeing the team
approach modeled was
helpful. I saw how to
approach colleagues with
thoughts, and questions. I
also saw a great team
approach to meeting the
needs of students. I will
use the information I
learned, and saw modeled,
in any future school I work
9 Sep
27 Oct

and high

I learned how to work as a

team within my content
area. The science teachers
at both schools had great
communication, and
collaborative mindset.
They wanted to present a
continuity among their
science content. The
middle school science
department communicated

the schoolwide
effort to build a
shared vision and
culture, identify
common goals,
and monitor and
evaluate progress
toward those

Appendix C
notes from
Appendix D

and in
collaboration with
colleagues, the
teacher uses a
variety of data
(e.g., systematic,
information about

their grading rubrics. The

lab report rubric was the
same for each grade. They
assigned two lab reports
(one at the beginning and
one at the end). Then they
compared them at the end
of the year to see how
their students improved.
As a department this is
part of their yearly goals,
called SMART goals. After
discussing the lab reports,
they discussed how to help
the target groups to
improve troubled students
grades. They then
discussed moving to the
NGSS. There are resources
available to check out, and
one teacher modeled them
for us. This meeting
showed me how we keep
data on student
progression. There needs
to be a before and after
comparison. This is
important for all teachers.
Also, the transition from
one set of standards to
another was interesting to
see. The teachers were
beginning the process
early, so they would have
it ready for everyone as
soon as the green light was
given. The high school also
began discussing their new
transition to standards
based grading. To get
ready they began
separating out the habits
of work. This new system,
will hold students
accountable for turning
work in on time, being
present and ready for
class, not using their cell
phones, or iPads when not
directed, and participation.
Basically they are
removing behavior from
the grading system. I dont
think behavior should be

notes from
high school

research) to
evaluate the
outcomes of
teaching and
learning and to
adapt planning
and practice.
10(c) The teacher
collaboratively in
the schoolwide
effort to build a
shared vision and
culture, identify
common goals,
and monitor and
evaluate progress
toward those

part of an assessment. So
seeing this type of
accountability for habits of
work was great. In the
future the habits of work
will most likely be its own
standard. It is a great
practice to have it
separate before that
begins. The high school
teachers also discussed
how science practices are
important skills, not
content based. Also they
agreed they should be
addressed every year and
not just in a particular
subject. I also agree with
this. Based on my middle
school placement, students
do not retain what they do
not practice. The high
school science department
is also starting to set their
grading up for standards.
They discussed what they
were working on to get
their assessments ready
for the transition. Again
seeing how teachers work
together to make the
transition smooth and
doable for everyone was
great. It can be done in a
positive manner and I liked
the team approach. I will
certainly keep this in mind
as any future assignment
addresses the same issues.
25 Sep

gym duty
for Jamie
who had
to take
the 6th
on a field

I learned how to control a

large crowd of students,
and how to allow students
that need to be active,
some choices. As students
came in for the morning
they could get a pass to go
to the gym. They could
then play games, or sit in
the bleachers. I engaged
students and welcomed
(said good morning) them
to school. I also learned
how the students


10(b) The
teacher works
with other school
to plan and jointly
facilitate learning
on how to meet
diverse needs of
10(c) The teacher
collaboratively in
the schoolwide

connected to teachers
when they see them daily;
even if they arent one of
their teachers. Having
extra duties helps to be
visible to students, and
make connections to them.
Also if you have that duty
every day, you may notice
when a student is having a
crisis or trouble. Then you
could report it to guidance
and get them help. This
gym time was meaningful
to students that had
accommodations where
they needed extra
movement during the day;
many were students with
ADD, and ADHD. The gym
time allowed them to rid
themselves of energy
before they were expected
to sit in a class. I know two
students that utilized this
time to help them be ready
for class.
9 Oct

Development day

The teachers K-12 met at

the high school to go over
district information and
training. I learned how the
district was going to roll
out their new evaluation
plan. They have a video
that relayed all the
important information to
teachers. I saw how
teachers reacted to the
new evaluations. They
were being tested first
within the district, to work
out problems. This seemed
to be a well thought out
plan, not a hastily put
together plan. Then we
worked on district ideas,
and thoughts with a mix of
K-12 grade groups. They
were working together to
decide what habits of work
should be included in the
new standards they were
creating. They also

effort to build a
shared vision and
culture, identify
common goals,
and monitor and
evaluate progress
toward those

Appendix E

9(a) The teacher

engages in
ongoing learning
opportunities to
knowledge and
skills in order to
provide all
learners with
curriculum and
based on local
and state
9(b) The teacher
engages in
meaningful and
aligned with
his/her own needs

discussed the transition of

proficiency based grading.
Many of the teachers were
open to the new system.
There were a few that were
not. We all shared our
thoughts and concerns. It
was an interesting way to
make all the schools feel
they were working on a
team. I see how they
utilized a large audience
into one cohesive unit. If I
had to do a presentation in
the future, this may be a
great way to get
information out there
efficiently. I liked how all
the grades were training
together. They had the
tables utilize the think-pairshare tool. It was great to
see strategies that we use
in class, being used on the
teachers; it worked well.
Overall we shared our
thoughts about where we
wanted the district to be in
10 years, how we wanted
the habits of work to be
laid out, and how we were
going to be evaluated.
There was a meaningful
engagement with the
superintendent, the
assistant superintendent,
the principals, and the
* adapted freely from University of Maine student teaching materials.

Appendix A

and the needs of

the learners,
school, and

Appendix B
Meeting notes from Chebeague team meeting 3 Sep 2015
Present: LA, Math, SS, SCI, Special Ed, guidance counselor, Conan
-Emergency contact forms to Callahan
-Get email for parents, to communicate open house times
-Million Word Essays
-sent to parents, getting some back already, will exchange soon
- use string backpacks
- two students have exemption
- should we bring up no backpacks for next year?
-504 meeting on I.J.
-recent behavior addressed
-Conan- teacher for Project X
-S. recently decided to quit and be mainstream- stigma worry
-Conan sad to see S. go, hopes he can manage mainstream
- Two new people wondering if they will be joining Project X
J, and C
-Leadership team met

-Ruths teaching stuff- she will read the chapters and report back
relevant info
-Student Concerns
-J.W.- dismissed from special ed down in Florida, keep him on radar,
dont want him to get behind bc missing accommodations
-D.F.- had supported study hall-Dad is not happy; stigma
-V.P.- his routine
-8 graders get their computers tomorrow
-cant go home yet and there is a fire drill at 830 tomorrow (3rd period)
-Cell phone rule- review and enforce
Appendix C
Meeting notes from Brunswick Junior High school science
department 9 Sep 2015
Present: Tabby and Sue (7th grade), Jamie and Joel (6th grade), and Laura,
Suzi, and me (8th grade)
-going to get NGSS passed for Brunswick
-working on lessons and resources for NGSS
-NGSS/ standards
Pick one you like then lists the standards
Can look at cross cutting stuff, overtly teaching!
Resources and lesson plans at bottom
Pick lesson-shows reviews of lesson-red this will help it be better!
Read tips-see why it works or what it needs
Then chosen: best fit practice, best fit core idea, best cross
cutting concepts
If all match the performance then not a lesson a test!!!
Then after check this out view this resource
On a card provided by Tabby: click on the tab labeled The Standards
Choose a standard
Scroll down to the lower right to find resources and lesson plans
Click on the desired resource to get a review and a link to the resource.
-Smart Goal-doing a before and after lab report
6th- Jamie- Jan/AprJoel Jan/Apr on germination/science exhibit
7th- Sue-Nov/late Jan
Tabby- Nov/Apr on ?
8th- Suzi-Sep/Mar Laura- Sep/Mar on density/burning food lab
-They have personal goals due 10/15
District goals are tied to teaching standards
-update sub plans and turn in google drive
-Next meeting- Start 360 testing
And how do we get students to proficiency?

Appendix D
Meeting notes from Morse High School science department 27 Oct
Present: Eric, Julie, Lindsay, John, Carolyn, Lauren, Danielle, and me
-Habits of work, their new system
Keeping documentation
Working out point system
Checking for work habits, cell phone usage
Another example gave his lab partner a wet willie. Lol
(may have hard time doing this) said some teachers
-science practices
Skills not subject
Should be repeated yearly
-Standards set up
-habits of work-holistic not nit pick
Appendix E
Meeting notes from professional development day in Brunswick
school department 9 Oct 2015
Present: K-12 staff, principals from all schools, assistant superintendent
-Strategic planning
Went over thoughts on our school district
Clarifying ?s
Concerns as it goes forward
Hopes or ideas about changes
Will have goal and can be used for recertification
Classroom observation
Self-evaluation-using a rubric (this is new)
Using the Kim Marshall rubric
Scored as a PBL (portfolio?)
-Proficiency based learning Law LD 1422/option 6
Longest timeline to implement law
PBL-high quality standards based teaching and learning
UBD units
Priority/graduation standards
Common assessments?!
1. 5-8 standards each content area
2. Performance indicators and report to demonstrate learning
3. How to measure and document
Also 3 work habits that will be separate from academic work
1. social responsibility
2. organization

3. academic responsibility
-Then we brainstormed by table what we thought the work habits should
focus on
We then shared them with the group, they will use them to plan the

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