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Behavior Management Strategy for a Middle School Classroom Setting

Classroom rules include:

1) Be seated in class when the bell rings and remain seated until
the teacher dismisses you.
2) Bring all materials to class with you each day.
3) Do not talk while the teacher is talking.
4) Follow all directions.
5) Be respectful of the teacher and other students in class.
Consequences include:
1) 1st offenseWarning
2) 2nd offense Remain in seat for 2 min. after the bell
3) 3rd offense Remain in seat for 3 min. after the bell
4) 4th offense 30 minutes after school detention and a call to parents
5) 5th offense/severe disruption sent to principal
Rewards include:
1) Praise and daily recognition
2) Bonus points for an assignment/quiz
3) Homework pass or bonus on a test
4) Class appreciation days*
* If after two weeks the class has received 10 or less 2nd or more offenses, the class will
receive a class appreciation day.

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