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Wayne State University

To: Vytautas Malesh

From: Zeinab Mcheik
Date: October 23, 2015
Subject: User test report of How to Raise Awareness of HIV in your

HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) is a growing epidemic that has
been altering the lives of individuals for many years. HIV is not
focused on enough, leading people to be nave to the situation at hand.
In order to increase awareness and prevention, a community approach
is necessary. These instructions were composed to provide assistance
on how to begin a community approach on HIV. The manual is designed
for individuals of all ages who would like to raise awareness in their

The purpose of composing a user test manual was to provide amiable
instructions to the user attempting to demonstrate how to approach a
community on HIV. This topic is a very sensitive one and many struggle
with the appropriate way to approach the matter.
The testing of these instructions was designed to help give insight on
how applicable the steps were. I focused primarily on understandability
and location, making performance a secondary test. This provided an
opportunity to see how efficient the instructions were: clarity, visuals,
and successfulness.

In order to test this approach, three testers were selected to answer
questions based on the instructions given to them. I chose one novice,
one intermediate, and one advanced user to run the testing. Each test
was preformed in the testers home. This allowed for a community
environment, where each tester could take into consideration their

surroundings. The users were provided with a questioner, similar to

likert-scale format. The questions tested for clarity, helpfulness, and
efficiency. In addition, testers were more than welcome to provide any
additional insight on the instructions.
Tester 1: A Freshman at Wayne State University who is majoring in
computer engineering. This individual has little to no experience in
medically related issues. Thus, he fulfilled the role of being a novice.
Tester 2: An intermediate senior at Wayne State University majoring in
Biology. The user has general information regarding the matter, and
has also participated in a biology research opportunity on campus.
Tester 3: A medical doctor who has been practicing in Urgent Cares
and Emergency Rooms for 10 years now was my advanced user. He
has diagnosed and treated an enormous amount of patients for HIV.

Results and Discussion:

When conducting my research it was found to be that most of the
process ran smoothly. My users had suggested a few problems with
word usage, advertising, and the way the information was laid out.
They also suggested some ideas to incorporate within my steps.
Tester 1: The novice tester rated the easiness of the instructions as a 3
(not to easy and not to difficult). The reasoning behind this was
because he felt it would take effort and time to go out and approach
the community. He rated the clarity of the instructions as a 2. He
commented that it would be better to reduce the paragraphs and
provide more bullet points in the instructions for an easy read. For
visuals he rated it a 1 (very helpful), stating that as someone who is
not interested in medically related topics, the visuals helped attract
him to the subject at hand. As for how confident he felt performing the
approach his response was a 2. The tester additionally recommended
simplifying some terms in step 2 of my instructions.
Tester 2: The intermediate tester enjoyed going through my
instructions. For easiness it was rated as 1 (easy), stating that the
steps were straight forward and simple. For clarity it was rated a 2,
claiming that too much information was placed in paragraph form. The
tester suggested removing some information and placing it in bullet
form so it would be much easier to follow. Helpfulness of the images
was rated as a 2, they claimed that the pictures were interesting but I
may find better. Overall the tester felt confident in performing my

instructions, rating that as 1. Additional comments from the tester

included that based on understandability they believe that this will be
a very effective way to raise awareness.
Tester 3: The advanced user commented that the instructions were
very actionable and off good quality. For easiness was rated as a
1(easy), stating that although it takes initiative to do this task, the
instructions are simple and easy to follow. For clarity a rating of 2 was
given, commenting that trimming down the paragraph would make it
more approachable for the reader to take on the task at hand.
Helpfulness of the visuals was rated as a 1 claiming that they were
relevant to the topic and provided attraction and insight as to what
was being described in the instructions. Overall confidence of
conducting the instructions was a 1. The doctor commented that for
step 3 raising awareness in the community it would be beneficial to
have celebrities advertise HIV, being that this generation is more
technologically oriented and persuaded by individuals of status.

After taking into consideration the questionnaires of the testers, and
insightful comments they provided me with, a few revisions were made
to help improve the usability of the instructions. The focus was to alter
the areas that proved to be most problematic.
1. I revisited all steps of the instructions and removed unnecessary
material from the paragraphs below the images, adding more
bullet points for better clarity.
2. In step 3 raise awareness in the community I added more ways
individuals could promote getting people tested and interested in
the matter. One example would be, reaching out to celebrities to
help raise awareness.
3. More telling Images were added to help individuals like the
novice and intermediate user relate to the information provided.
Images in step 2-4 were changed.
4. The users felt like the instructions were actionable and
appropriate, leading them to conclude that performance would
be successful, thus, no altering occurred in the instructions.

1. Rate the ease of the instructions from 1 to 5. 1 = easy 5 = very

2. Rate the clarity of the instructions from 1 to 5. 1= clear 5 = very


3. Rate how helpful the visuals were. 1= helpful 2 = very unhelpful


4. How confident do you feel in conducting this approach? 1=

confident 5= very unconfident

Please feel free to provide any additional insight in the space provided
below that could help enhance this process.

Thank You for Your Participation

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