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Capitalization (Capital letters used appropriately to open sentences and in titles and subtitles).

End Punctuation (appropriate punctuation at the end of sentences).

Comma Rules (know and apply the five comma rules).

Paragraph Structure (Topic Sentence/Evidence-Example/Explanation-Elaboration).

Essay Structure (Title:Subtitle/Opening Paragraph with lead, angle, thesis/multiple body paragraphs).

Writing Process (Drafting and Revising according to narrative or expository criteria).

Literary Technique (Beginning-Exposition {People/Place/Problem}, Middle-Rising Action {Complications toward a Climax}, End-Resolution {Narrative Threads Tied Up}.

Imagery-Writing that appeals to the five senses and the appropriate use of imagery.

Perspective and Point-of-View: Is the narrator reliable or limited by perspective?

Themes: How can literature help us understand our world and our place in society?

Independent Reading: You will write an essay on one of your independent reading selections. The essay
will cover the narrative structure (B-M-E), literary techniques (imagery), and perspective (point-of-view) of
the narrator, and your personal reactions to the thematic elements in the work.

Please feel free to ask questions or get clarification on any of the expectations as we approach the exam or conference with me in class. You will need technology for a portion of the exam.

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