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Take notes in the right hand column and

answer the questions to the left. To complete this
worksheet you will need to visit the Academic Standings
web-site at and
review the FAQs for each Academic Standing to answer the
following questions:

NAME: Kasie Hoagland

DATE: November 10, 2015


1- Why does BYUIdaho have academic

To help students safeguard the sacred church resources expended in their behalf. Academic Standards
are also the university's way to hold students accountable for the mastery of educational curriculum
deemed essential for a degree from BYUIdaho.

2- What are BYUIdaho' Academic


The two Academic Standards of BYUIdaho. Greater than or equal to a 2.0 semester GPA, Greater
than or equal to a 2.0 cumulative GPA

3- How does
Academic Warning
affects me?

"Academic Warning" is just that, "a warning." Academic Warning does NOT prevent registration nor
access to any other student services on campus. Academic Warning is intended to warn you that if
you fail to meet any of the Academic Standards in another semester, you will move to Academic

4- What is an Achieving The Achieving Academic Success Workshop (AASW) provides the student with an understanding of
the BYUIdaho academic policies, resources available to each student, and how to return to
Academic Success
Satisfactory Academic Standing.
5- How does one get
on Academic

Your academic standing has changed to Academic Probation because you failed to meet BYUIdahos
two Academic Standards for a second time: 2.0 or higher semester GPA, 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA

6- Why cant a student

register for more than
12 credits while on
Academic Probation?

We want students to be successful academically. We have found it beneficial for students to take 12
credits or less while on probation until they have changed the habits or patterns that led to Academic
Probationparticularly because any future failure to meet the Academic Standards may lead to
Academic Suspension.

7- What implications do
being placed on
Academic Suspension
has on a student?

Sit out for two consecutive semesters following Academic Suspension.

8- After Suspension, what Dismissal-When you return to BYUIdaho after Suspension you will be on 2nd Probation. You will be
is the next step in ones dismissed if both the following occur: Less than a 2.0 semester GPA and Less than a 2.0 cumulative
Academic Standing?
GPA. You will not go onto Dismissal if your cumulative GPA remains above a 2.0. However, you will
go on Suspension again if your semester GPA is less than a 2.0.

9- What is the impact of

Academic Dismissal?


SUMMARY- Put in your own words what youve learned

I have learned that if my cumulative GPA or my semester GPA is not up to standards (2.0) then I could
receive the Universitys punishment of a warning and if that doesnt push me to get it up then I could be put
on probation. BYU-Idaho has given students standards so that they will learn and not waste time or money
by going to school and not learning anything. A 2.0 GPA or less basically says that the student doesnt
know the material and needs to either take less credits to have time to learn the material, be better with their
time management, be more focused, or need extra help from teachers or student tutors to comprehend the
things being taught. The Academic Standards hold students accountable to make sure that they are doing
the things necessary to learn for their career, if they dont meet this standard there are consequences.

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