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Name: Luke

Age: 5

Evaluator: Jessica Baine

Date of Evaluation: 10-09-15

Grade: Kindergarten

Student Information: Luke is a little boy in kindergarten and he says his favorite thing
to do is play Legos. He say he also really likes going to school and enjoys reading.
According to Luke he and his mother read together every night. His favorite book is a
star wars adaption. Lukes mom says he does very well in school and his teachers
hardly ever have complaints about him.

Assessments Administered:
Print Awareness
Phonological Awareness
Letter Recognition
Listening Comprehension

Student Observations:
Luke was very good throughout all the assessments and seemed especially excited
whenever we moved on to something new. For the most part he understood all the
instructions and if he didnt all I had to do was explain the instructions in a different way
and he would quickly grasp the concept. We were in a quiet area away from others so
he didnt get distracted except to tell me stories but he quickly focused again when I
redirected his attention to the assessments.

Assessment Results:
(Print Awareness):

On the print awareness assessment Luke scored a perfect 22/22. He had absolutely no
difficulties with the Book Concepts, Reading Concepts, Directionality Concepts and
Concepts of Letter and Word sections. He only had some slight difficulties with the
Punctuation Marks section with the quotation marks and comma. He knew what the
quotation marks were for but not their names and then he knew what the comma was
called but not what it was for but he still received one point for each because he at least
knew the name or the purpose for each. I would suggest Lukes mother work with him
on punctuation and she can do this by having Luke point out punctuation marks in
magazines or stories and have him tell her what theyre used for.

(Phonological Awareness):
On the two peas phonological awareness assessment Luke scored a 6/6 on all but three
of the sections. These sections were single syllable onset-rime segmenting,
phoneme isolation of medial sounds and phoneme segmenting all of which he
scored a 3/6 on. It seems like Luke is having issues with segmenting phonemes to help
with this him and his mom should do activities that work with blending and segmenting
phonemes. For example squaring up where you have a picture of a word and then a
number of boxes below that picture that correspond with the number of phonemes in a
word. Then have Luke move tokens into the boxes as he sounds out the word for the
(Letter Recognition):

Luke scored an 81/83 on the CORE phonics survey. He didnt

struggle until he got to the vowels. He knew the long vowel
sounds but when asked to tell the short vowel sounds he could
only give me the short sounds for e,i and a. He clearly has a
solid grasp on the letter names (uppercase and lowercase)
because he breezed through them with no mistakes. I would
suggest Luke and his mom make word charts with the words
that have the long vowel sound and then words that have the
short vowel sound so he can distinguish the difference between
the two sounds for each

(Listening Comprehension):
After using Abduls Birthday Present and completing the Listening Comprehension
assessment Luke scored a 10/16. For the first section on the rubric he scored a 2
because he used a combination of complete and incomplete sentences to retell the
passages. The next section he scored a 3 because he accurately captured the salient
idea of each event but often times he was not specific enough. Next section on the
rubric Luke scored a 2 again because he didnt use transitions when going through the
events. Finally on the last section Luke scored a 3 because instead of using vocabulary
from the passage he used synonyms for the vocabulary.
Luke scored very well on all the assessments given to him. On the print awareness
assessment he scored a perfect 22/22 and he really only some slight difficulties with
quotation marks but he knew at least the name or the purpose of the marks he had
issues with. An activity that Luke can do with his mom that will help him with quotation
marks is his mom can point out quotation marks whenever they are reading together
and quiz him on the names and purposes of them. Next I performed the two peas
phonological awareness assessment on him. He did very well on all the sections except
for ones having to do with segmenting phonemes and onset and rimes. An activity that
works on this is called squaring up. This is where you have a picture of a word and
then a number of boxes below that picture that correspond with the number of
phonemes in a word. Then Luke would move tokens into the boxes as he sounds out
the word for the picture. The next assessment Luke and I did was the letter recognition
assessment. Here he scored an 81/83. He quickly and easily moved through all the
sections that dealt with letter names and he only started to struggle when it came to the
two different vowel sounds specifically the short vowel sounds. To combat this Lukes
mom can do word charts with him that have words with the short and long vowel sound
so he can learn the difference between the different sounds. The last assessment Luke
and I did was the listening comprehension one with Abduls Birthday Present. This is
the assessment that I think Luke had the most issues with based on his score. He
scored a 10/16 because he would miss little things like not using transitions or using
incomplete sentences to retell passages. To work on this his mother can do with same
thing I did with Abduls birthday Present with different stories.
(Jessica Baine)


I had a very good experience performing these assessments on Luke. It helped

that he was very excited to be tested I think probably because hes aware that he is very
good at reading especially for his age. I think this is due to the fact that his mom used
to be a kindergarten teacher so she knew how and what to teach him before he even
started school. I could tell when I would switch to a new assessment Lukes interest
would get piqued and he was excited to do something new but I also noticed towards
the end of our time together he was starting to get a little antsy. So I think when I
actually become a teacher and start assessing students I need to reduce the number of
assessments performed at one time especially with 25 or so students in my class.
When I first started assessing Luke he would look at me after every question to gauge
my response and to see if he was doing well so I just reassured him that he was putting
in a great effort and not to worry about if he was getting things right or wrong and then
he seemed be less worried about if I thought he was doing well or not. Something I
noticed about my assessing technique is that I need to keep in mind the age of my
students. Sometimes when I explained to Luke what we were about to do I might have
explained too fast or with age inappropriate vocabulary and he would look at me a little
confused. Then I would reword and speak slower and I would see the lightbulb go on.
Im assuming the more I work with younger children the better I will get at giving them
instructions. Honestly I think I really lucked out with Luke because he was so eager and
well prepared (because of his mom) it made my experience flow very smoothly.
Although I think it would be interesting for next time to work with a kid who is maybe
struggling with reading just to see how I would have to adjust and react to this. Overall I
had a great time playing teacher it made me very excited for my future and it just made
me feel even more confident with my career choice.

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