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Universit degli Studi di Genova Dipartimento di Cultura giuridica Giovanni Tarello

Master Global Rule of Law and Constitutional Democracy

Philosophy of Evidence (2014)
(Prof. Giovanni Damele Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Part 1: Evidence, proof and truth.

1.1. Evaluating evidence (Ferrer Beltrn):

1. Resume the essay (max. 4.000 characters)

2. Explain and comment the two thesis on the relationship between evidence and truth
3. Considering the (alleged) distinction between formal and material truth, explain and
comment the third paragraph of the essay
4. El punto de partida que puede permitir resolver el embrollo de la relacin entre prueba y
verdad de una proposicin es la distincin entre ser verdadera y ser tenida por
verdadera. Starting from this quotation, reconstruct, explain and comment the main
characteristics of Ferrer Beltrn's analytical thesis (una posible solucin al problema que
acabar en la nocin de aceptabilidad de una proposicin)

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