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Linh N Pham

Professor Bandara
October 31,2015
Hello, my name is Linh N. Pham and this is my E-portfolio assignment for my Religions
Course. Here below I will give examples of my recent past assignments regarding WHAT IS
RELIGION and also WHAT IS DHARMA? I will also have a conclusion made at the end on
if Hinduism is considered a Religion or not and I will wrap up my essay with my final reflection
on regards of the course.
"What is religion?"-Assignment 1
What is religion? How is defined? Is there more than one god? If so, how do I live this life so I
can be with god? These are the many questions we have asked each other over the course of
decades. Here, in this essay I will go into details on what exactly I think religion is. According to
Swidler "an explanation of the meaning of life and how to live accordingly." To me, religion

doesn't just mean faith, it doesn't just mean sacrifices, and it doesn't just mean a big organization.
It is a way of life, it is the reasons people live there life day in and day out.
The Ultimate goal, the ultimate reasons on why we are here and what are we here for? It is not
only a part of my life but also in many other peoples as well all over the world, the one common
goal we all have is to become one with god or to be in the eyes of God. Religion is human made,
but not only is it real to the believers but it is a bond between families, communities, and total
strangers. It unifies everyone for one common reason, not only does it give millions reasons to
live but hopes that in the end they will be able to achieve the ultimate nirvana.
Religion is believing in an ever living god also consisting of daily rituals that people perform
everyday might just look normal to you and me but to some it is very spiritual and enlightening
for them. John Ayto:Dictionary of word origins "Latin religio originally meant 'obligation, bond.'

It was probably derived from the verb religare 'tie back, tie tight' It developed the specialized
sense 'bond between human beings and the gods,' and from the 5th century it came to be used for
'monastic life' ... 'Religious practices' emerged from this, but the word's standard modern
meaning did not develop until as recently as the 16th century." The roots of the word religion

is Latin base interrupted into modern day English would be, to tie again or to tie back or
bond. As I review the text and readings, basically religions form other religions and all
religions have the same ultimate goal/agenda. All religions relate in a sense because they all try
to tie back people to the ultimate reality that there is more to life than what meets the eye.
There is many variations of religion, for example: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Confucianism, Christianity and so many more. According to William James, "The very fact
that they are so many and so different from one another is enough to prove that the word
'religion' cannot stand for any single principle or essence, but is rather a collective name." No

matter what religion you look into, youll realize that its less about the religion but it is more of
a life philosophy. Religion not only gives people a reason to live but it also provides opportunity
for understanding and growth within one's own virtue. One must fully accept themselves as well
as others around them to be able to gain nirvana. People must change their ways and accept
things that are out of their reach, selflessness is the key to working towards the ultimate
happiness and good karma. By living right, understanding others, giving and showing
compassion it all helps us achieve nirvana.
In conclusion, my findings on behalf of religion leans towards it just being a resource for people.
It gives reasons for people to go on and have a sense of dignity, not only does it unify a
community or family. It makes the bond between you and god that much easier to be able

achieve. In the end, living right and having something to believe in then achieving nirvana is the
ultimate ending goal.




John Ayto:Dictionary of word origins


William James

What is Dharma"- Assignment 2

What is Dharma?? What does Dharma do? How do you get Dharma? It is reported that Dharma
is dated back in 2500 BCE-1500 BCE to even before then, we just don't really know when
exactly. Dharma is EVERYTHING. Dharma is an individual who has chosen the path through
righteousness and lives by the religious guidance of the Vedic scriptures. It is one who follow
their beliefs and traditions. Deriving from the Cosmic order meaning it is your obligation. Also it
features the story that is made so you know what sacrifices were made for you to be here on
Dharma is now known as Hinduism, Hinduism is just a broad term for all of india's religions
combined. Dharma has three main deities, known as the Trimurti, which are Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva. It was first introduced to America by foreigners during The American Civil War, every
since then people have just been calling it the wrong name for quite awhile. With over 300
hundred million devoted followers Dharma is believed to be the way to live. Dharma is made up
of The Upanishads,(ancient scripts of Hinduism) this term 'Upanishad' literally means, "sitting
close to or sitting down near." There has been reports of over 200 Upanishads but only 13 are
reported to be followed as the core of Dharma. The Upanishads were reported to be dated around
800 - 400 B.C and are foretold to be the writings of Indian philosophy. They are a bundle of

original oral translations, which were scripted as harmony, truth, order and the universal
principle of law.
Principle of laws are defined as;
The 10 Rules of Dharma
Manusmriti written by the ancient sage Manu

Patience (dhriti)

forgiveness (kshama)

piety or self control (dama)

honesty (asteya)

sanctity (shauch),

control of senses (indraiya-nigrah),

reasoning (dhi),

knowledge or learning (vidya),

truthfulness (satya)

absence of anger (krodha).

The source of dharma is derived as;
1. Dharma (ethics and duties)
2. Samsara (rebirth)
3. Karma (right action)
4. Moksha (liberation from the cycle of Samsara)
-According to Vedas there are 3 tendencies(gunas)

sattva- tendency towards purity and truth

Rajas- tendency towards actions toward activity

Tamas- tendency towards inaction

With these tendencies it will affect our thoughts, behaviors and personality
Dharma is derived from the root Sanskrit word "dhri" which means "to those to uphold RTA."
Those who uphold RTA, RTA is defined in Rig Veda which it is defined as natural law or natural
order. Can be taken as anything that upholds order in the universe. Dharma seems to be the
ultimate goal, it is also known as samadhi or moksha. Samadhi or moksha is defined as if one is
one with god or as one has finally achieved purism and is fittingly to be with god. Dharma can be
defined as ethical principles people follow through to be able to be with god.
Dharma is the ability to gain power and spiritual strengths through beliefs and rituals. People
who follow through with Dharma believe it is their religious duty and moral right to behave in a
certain manor. A mannor that somehow uplifts society, shows good moral ethics. The author of
Ramcharitmanas Tulsidas has defined the root of dharma as compassion. If one want to be with
god then one must follow through with the cosmic orders.
The footpaths of Ashrama Dharma:
1. A Celibate Student (Brahmacarya)
2. A Married Householder (Grhastha)
3. A Retiree dwelling in the forest (Vanprastha)
4. A Wondering renunciant (Sanyasi)
Dharma has a set of Caste & duties everyone must obey by. These castes define who you are and
where in society do you play a role, whether that is a commoner or you come from royalty.
-The Caste & Duty
Varna+Ashrama Dharma
Priest, rulers, merchants and servants
Brahmins (Priest)from his mouth

Kshatriya (Rulers) from his arms)

Vaishya (Merchants) from his legs
Kshudra (Servants) from his feet
More other sub castes exists (untouchables)
Dharma believes that if one can follow through with all the writings , then and only then can one
be one with god. Dharma means eternal bliss here and now on earth. One must follow through
with one's regiments by maintaining faith, purism and finally moksha. The ending result is
nirvana and hoping to be with thy god.
Is Hinduism a religion or it is better to be called Dharma?
In my opinion Hinduism is a religion but at the same time it is Dharma. Religion.
Many can define it as a lifestyle, a belief as many may put it. Religion is not what you feel and
what you do, but religion is what you do in the process so in the end you can achieve dharma or
the ultimate truth. Some may call it Nirvana, the others define it as the stage where you can
become one with yourself and god. Where you have no self reservations and you are cleansed of
all wants of this human life. Religion is man made but the ultimate truth is what makes it
different from all else. So many different religions but only one final goal and that is what
reunites everyone together. Faith, trust, believe, self sacrifice and daily rituals is what lifes
philosophy is all about. You must be one with yourself and others to be able to receive the truth
and karma. By showing compassion and kindness towards others and living the right will be the
only way you will be able to achieve good karma and nirvana. Religion is how you live your life,
Dharma is the way you live your life because of religion and self beliefs.
Your Reflection:
How this course has changed my views on Religion, before this class ended or even
started. I had no clue what religion was really about but every since I took this course my views
on religion has changed dramatically. Not only is religion a group of people with the same
beliefs but it is just something that people do because it is apart of their lives not only because it
is their religion but this really is their life and something they truly beleive in.

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