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Norm-referenced test A test that is

evaluated2 in reference to the norm group10.
17.Criterion referenced test A test that is
evaluated2 in reference to the criterion11 or
18.Grade equivalent score A measurement1 that
translates how the student did on the test in
reference to a grade level
19.Percentile rank It gives a relative position
where the student stands in reference to other
students that took the same test.
20.Standard deviation When forming the
Normal distribution (Bell) Deviations start from
the middle in standard or regular segments, they
can be either positive or negative

23. NCLB No Child Left Behind signed into

legislation in December 2001. Schools must make a
AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) and annually test
their students. Standardize testing13 and AYP
determines rewards (federal funding) punishments
(failing grades for the school) and promotion of
students to the next grade level or denied graduation.
NCLB requires schools to make a
24.Bubble kids students that are in the bubble if
they can raise scores next time the test is taken.
Bubble kids can raise the AYP requirement.
25.Curriculum narrowing most schools have
increased their instruction time of Language Arts by
46% and Math 37% but at the expense of other
subjects such as science, social studies, art, music,
physical education, lunch and recess.

21.Normal curve The bell shape distribution

(normal distribution)10

The ABCs of

22.Stanine A score also known as the Stardard-9

point scale 1 = low, 5= average, 9= high. 1
stanine is equivalent to a .5 of a standard
deviation-20 unit.


Ximena Gmez-Peralta

1. Measurement A given score or rating to a

specific task.
2. Evaluation Is the worth or value given to the
measurement or scores. ex. In vocabulary 75%
of the words learn might be meeting the
required amount or words while 75% in math
might mean that the student has gaps in their
3. Summative assessment An assessment given
at the end of a period or unit. That shows what
the student knows, which are their weakness
and their strengths.
4. Assessment OF learning a grade given at the
end of a period or unit, which is based on what
the student has learned.
5. Formative assessment A way for teachers to
monitor the progress of a student through
observation, questions, checking to see if
students understand what they are learning.

7. Performance assessment students are asked to

use a variety of skills and knowledge to a
specific project with a due date. The process
they follow must be of their own choosing as
you would in a real life environment. Also
called Authentic assessment.
8. Portfolio A collection of work that shows
improvement and achievement overtime.
Portfolios can be done in all areas. Notes or
writing on self expression, reflexion and
analysis of their work may be added later.
9. Rubric A guide to score students work, that
explains how the work is to be scored according
to the content standards or different elements.
10.Norm-referenced grading Students learn and
achieve at different levels due to differences in
prior knowledge, learning skills and motivation.
When the scores are put into a graph, they form
a bell shape also called normal curve
distribution. Some scores will be very high or
very low with the majority of scores landing.

6. Assessment FOR learning Teacher and

student work together and use formative
assessments information to improve focus and

somewhere in the middle of the bell. Also

called grading on a curve.

11. Criterion-referenced grading A grade or

score is assigned by how well the student has
learned or mastered the standards (or criterion)
12. Mastery learning The idea that most students
can learn with good teaching, enough time and
motivation to keep learning.
13. Standardized test Are made by people with
specialized knowledge on how to make test.
Test takers answer the same questions under
the same conditions. Answers are evaluated in
a norm referenced grading.
14. Reliability The belief that the standardize test
produces a consistent performance from
15. Validity A test must measure what it says it
will measure. A reading comprehension test
should not grade you on how well you write
your sight words.

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