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Seth LeRoy

Ethan Whitford
Miguel Rodriguez
Victoria Sharra
1. Identify and explain the organization of the Legislature
The legislative branch is made up of two houses, The House of Representatives
and The Senate, which is also known as a bi-cameral legislature. The House of
Representatives contains 435 members while the Senate contains 100. Both houses
decide whether a bill becomes a law.
2. Identify and provide an example of the powers of the Legislature, both formal and
Formal Powers - powers enumerated or given by the Constitution. (i.e
impeachment, regulating foreign commerce, passing treatings, passing laws, declare
war, and confirm ambassadors). ( Article 1 Section 8)
Informal Powers - the creation of the national bank, federal minimum wage, and
establishment of the military draft (powers not enumerated or ratified by the
3. Identify and explain how Congress shares powers with the Executive, Judiciary, and
4. Discuss the implications of Congress sharing powers with each of the following:
Executive, Judiciary, and bureaucracy.
(answer for 3 and 4)
Congress shares powers with the other branches by the checks and balances
system, breaking presidential ties, or confirming presidential cabinet appointments.
Legislative Branch - makes bills laws
Executive Branch - executes laws
Judicial Branch - interprets laws
Bureaucracy - multiple departments with high ranking officials that enforce laws
5. Discuss the functions that Congress performs.
Congress has a purpose for the people. To represent and to serve, while hearing
the voices of millions. Congress also looks at bills that may or may not become laws,

they are purposely strict on law making to see which bill (From populations POV) will
benefit the majority of the population.
6. Identify how the power of the Congress has/may evolve gradually.
Congress gained powers such as the power to investigate through committee
hearings and the overview of the budget (provided by the executive branch). Also, as the
country grew, so did the houses. The 17th amendment also implemented a new election
for the senate letting the people vote.


Initiates all revenue bills

Must confirm many major presidential


Initiates impeachment procedures and passes articles of


Tries impeachment officials

Two-year terms

Six-year terms (One-third up for reelection every

two years)

435 members (apportioned by population)

100 members (two from each state)

Approves treaties

7. Identify how the power of the Congress has/may changes dramatically as a result of
Congress will exercise its power to change the majoritys view. For example,
government shutdowns will occur until someone changes their opinion on a given
subject. Also, Congress will impeach presidents if they appear to be doing scandalous
8. Identify and discuss the ties between the Congress and political parties.
Congress helps determine the financing budget for political parties. Also, political
parties elect candidates to run for public office, which can represent any portion of the
branches. Speakers for the House are also determined by political parties.
9. Identify and discuss the ties between the Congress and interest groups.
Interest groups propose bills/laws to be made and in the hopes of getting them
passed, interest groups will donate money, financing campaigns. Also, interest groups
hold the opinions of some voices that might be left out in the general population, so it is
important for Congress to hear out the interest groups as well.
10. Identify and discuss the ties between the Congress and media.

The media shows important factors that Congress needs to lookout for (most of
the time). For example, the media can display world wide news on shared views and the
social problems that the general population is facing. Although the media can be biased,
Congress can display information of what is going on with the government through the
media and also advertise for candidates through the media.
11. Identify and discuss the ties between the Congress and state and local governments.
Congress is there to make laws that all state and local governments should follow,
while giving them the freedom to create their own local laws. The federal law always
overrules the state/local law (i.e Marijuana in Colorado), which is dual federalism.
House of the Senate
2 per state
elected by the people after ratification of 17th amendment
of senate are up for reelection
represents entire state = facing more concerns
no time limits on debates
sole power to try all impeachments
confirms appointments
consents to treaties
House of The Reps
1 Rep for every 30,000 citizens
serves 2 year term with no limit
power is focused among committee chairs
Speaker of the House - Paul Ryan Art 1 Sec 2
vote to override veto / checks executive

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