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August 27, 2011

Se:rvice Desk

Australia Branch
lngleburn NSW 1890

I- Request for Reinstateme t

Dear Brothers

We received a fourth letter from IBCH

!which we ha e ndo
. When we received the letter
we met with him and asked what he meant when he said he co f se to all his sins. Did he also mean
he-confessed to the charges that he had abused his oth d-a gh rs besides IBCG
I His answer was
that he did not abuse them and that this was not wh 'linte ed to convey. In fact he again made
the point that he has never ever been told what th c;pecif r charges are.
As we are concerned for his situation and th str s it is causing his wife we would like to help him get
out of the hole he is in if that were possi le. e would like to ask for a little more information
regarding-those charges~ \iVith- th-is in

s ggestedtcr himrrra-r rn-ere mus-(-o-e someevraence (n

the letter his daughter wrote to your offic (We had heard of this letter from him previously) We
asked could we see a copy of the ett and he gave us one.
The letter certainly paints 111

i 1 a very poor light as a father. However what still concerns us is that

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l's wild claims
1fBCGl certainly seems to exagg_erate things somewhat in the letter. For
example she sa s ne was ~hipped fora measly 2 ye-ars: Actually it was-for-close-tu 4 years. She
says she would ever I ave the truth. She hasnotonlyleftthe truth but is disfelllwshipper- She
admits he r.,et _th
e see her as a bit of a 'fruit cake' l The original wrong with BCG
that can be
proved a d that h-e now makes a fu-U confession of was over 20 years ago.

Although lBCG
Ihas left the truth, he has maintained constant contact. Still attends meetings on a
regular basis. Continued to witness while .in goal and -apparently still does.
On the evidence avail-able to us we feel he could be considered for reinstatement.
Below are some of the reasons we have considered.


1. Why woutd he continue to deny abuse of other daughters if they were true? It would be so easy
fo:r him to admit and confess and finish the ma:tter:
2.. None of thecharges o f other daughterswere ever presented and tested irr ccrurt. None otthuse

daughters gave such test imony in court.

His present wife (who is .an active sister) says she asked lBCK lif her father had ever touched
her and IBCK Isaid she didn't remember and would ask her mother. She later came back to say
her mother said he had when she was 2 - 3 years old. Her mother of course was the one who
instigated the trial.
4. His present wife who has been married to him for 18 years -and knowsthe man better than any
of us says he has never in all those years shown any inclination toward youl"}_g~irls or other
women OT pornography OT otheT WTongs.
5. We asked hrm if he has ever admitted to the charges about hfs other daughte rs. His ans er was
that only once did he say something that could be construed that way. After long
interrogation by the elders. he, out of frustrationsaid. something like. I dm it to
atever you
say. He says it was wrong. He should not have said it. Incidentally the
rs a ongholme have

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6. If t here are some other sins that he is accused of that have not yet be settle, is it possible to
know what they are? If they are accusations again just-fro IBCG
!nrrlo-they havethe
required two or more witnesses to sustain the.
7. At this stage we feel he would be willing to do whateve
. ested of him to set matters
We appreciated the need to take a very serious vie of ch d abuse and can understand your strong
views -abcrutthe matter: Howeverifthere is-furtherp otof the allegations that we do not have, we
would be in a better position to handle the att if t ha could be available to us.
Other points could be mentioned
lctaims that she as oving husband and is blessed with 2 children. We understand
that she has been sep ate an ad at least one child out of we<lluck.
2. She claims he viulat J ova h ' s taws and brought great reproach on hi-s name and how terrible
that is. She would r ve do that but she has left the truth and left Jehovah and broken his laws.
3. The prison au h ~ ,, w-ere apparently satisfied he was not an ongoing threat. He was released
early frorr
nd was never required to undergo counseling.
We pray Je

a .. irec ion on this matter and thank youjor your kind assistance.

Yours Brothers

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