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Service Committee Kalamunda Congregation

August 18th 2013

Dear brothers,

-As you are aware, I was disfellowshipped ten years ago for "carrying on a lie". (N t :6 r any unmoral activity.)
I have not turned my back on Jehovah or stopped attending meetings. I have cm tinm: to preach the good news at
every opportunity available under the circumstances.
Of course it has been a testing time. Remaining faithful to Jehovah during ria is very important to me, and my
wife and I was happy to have the opportunity to prove Satan a liar, bui m now on I will be more vigorously
pursuing reinstatement as recommended by the faithful and d"sc eet ave.
Have I repented and left my bad course ?
- Ye . 1 hav As you know.
Have I produced works that befit repentance?
- Yes, I atten all the meetings, had many bible studies.
Am I now, or been practising anything wrong ? o. ave a pure heart. My wife of 20 yrs, a faithful sister
be s witness to this fact.
I wrote to /BCK ~ as suggested, asking for he up
in my reinstatement plea. You have a copy of the letter.
That was 5 months ago. She has not am, vered. he may have written to someone at the service desk in Sydney.
(The letter had my return address a d d1 no come back to me.)
There are no other matters inv lv
Jehovah is merciful, kind, vmg

. My conscience is perfectly clear. Jehovah will judge those making false

d looks for reasons to forgive and reinstate.

I do repent about " arryin on a lie" The last thing I would ever want to do, is be like the father of the lie. I make
no excuses. I did a stu aing and feel really bad that in wanting to be reinstated, to serve Jehovah, I have
wronged Jeh vah, th congregation and myself
As directed by the faithful and discreet slave, can you or the service desk ~lease rutline for me what else I can do,
adjust, start or stop doing, in order to be reinstated. It seems my writing to BCK has not worked. But I do
appreciate the suggestion. For the sake of Jehovahs name please help me to be reinstated.

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