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Monthly Newsletter from Mrs. Olivers 3rd Grade Classroom

Check out our classroom website at:

Upcoming Events

Jan. 4

- Classes Resume

Jan. 14

-Celebration of Learning at SE
5:30-7:30 Open House

Jan. 18

- MLK Jr. Day No School

Jan. 19

- Benchmark Assessment &

FAST Testing

Iowa Assessments Note

We will be taking Iowa Assessments the first

week of February from the 1st to the 5th. We
will be testing each morning for about 1 hour.
Please ensure that your child is getting adequate
rest and eating a healthy breakfast as these
factors have proven to help students perform at
their highest level. Also, if at all possible,
please try not to schedule routine
appointments for your child during
testing times. Students typically do their best
work when they are testing in their normal
learning environment among their peers.
Unfortunately, this cant happen with make-up
testing due to the need of a quiet working

Happy Birthday to you!

Jan. 3 Breanna
Jan. 7
Jan. 19 Jackson
Jan. 26 Ashley

Classroom News

Literacy: We are wrapping up our second unit in

literacy. We have been working really hard on
finding main ideas and details in informational text
centered on the theme of geography which is also
one of our social studies standards. Please
continue to encourage your student to read at
least 20 minutes each night. It is equally
important that they are doing a portion of
their reading aloud to practice their fluency.
We will be finishing our 3rd unit in math next week.
Some of the primary skills we have been working on
are: function boxes, adding and subtracting groups in
multiplication, addition and subtraction strategies of
multi-digit numbers, and estimation. Our next unit
will be on geometry and measurement concepts.
Please continue to encourage your student to
practice their basic math facts for 10 minutes
each night. The goal is 2-3 seconds per fact.

Writing: Students are in the midst of drafting their

informational piece on a chosen animal. They are
reporting on their animals physical characteristics,
habitat, predators/prey, and adaptations. We will be
writing our conclusions next week, and then work
toward editing and proofreading so we can share
them out during authors chair.
Spelling: Students are learning 5-6 new words each
week and doing many fun activities with them. Please
help your child develop their spelling by correcting
them if you notice they have misspelled one of their
words for the week. Check their planners to learn
about their new words for each week. Im sure they
would love to practice them at home with you!

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