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Name: __________________________________________Date Started: __________________Date Completed: ______________

Class/Course: ____________________________________Teacher: ______________________Level: ________________________

I can define what evidence is.

I can define what a claim is.
I can define what a counterclaim is.
I can define what formal style is
I can write opinion pieces on topics or texts,
supporting a point of view with reasons and
information: introduce a topic or text clearly,
state an opinion and create an organizational structure
in which related ideas are grouped to support the
writers purpose; provide reasons that are supported
by facts and details; link opinion and reasons using
words and phrases; provide a concluding statement or
section to the opinion presented. (4-5)


What is my

I can define an argument.




Teacher Sign off/Date

W.8.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear
reasons and relevant evidence.
a. Introduce claims, acknowledge and distinguish
claims from alternate or opposing claims, and
organize the reasons and evidence logically.
b. Support claims with logical reasoning and relevant
evidence, using accurate, credible sources and
demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion
and clarify the relationships among the claims,
counterclaims, reasons and evidence.
d. Establish and maintain a formal style.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that
follows from and supports the argument presented.

I can write arguments to support claims with clear

reasons and relevant evidence: introduce claims and
organize the reasons, and organize the reasons and
evidence logically (6) and acknowledging alternate
or opposing claims (7); support claims with clear
reasons and relevant evidence using credible sources
and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or
text; use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the
relationships among claims and reasons; establish and
maintain a formal style; provide a concluding section
that follows from the argument presented. (6-7)
I can write arguments to support claims with clear
reasons and relevant evidence:
a) introduce claims acknowledge and distinguish the
claims from alternate or opposing claims, and
organize the reasons and evidence logically,
b) support claims with logical reasoning and relevant
evidence, using accurate, credible sources and
demonstrating an understanding of the topic and text,
c) use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion
and clarify the relationships among claim(s),
counterclaims, reasons, and evidence,
d) establish and maintain a formal style,
e) provide a concluding statement or section that
follows from and supports the argument presented. (8)
Score 4: Real-life application


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