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@ CHAPTER 18 |ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS ANSWERS TO FOCUS ON CONCEPTS QUESTIONS 119108 2. (b) Suppose that A is positive and B is negative. Since C and A also attract each other, C ‘must be negative. Thus, B and C repel each other, because they have like charges (both negative). Suppose, however, that A is negative and B is positive. Since C and A also attract cach other, C must be positive, Again we conclude that B and C repeal each other, because they have like charges (both postive). 3. (@) The ball Is electrically neutral (net charge equals zero). However, it is made from a conducting material, soit contains electrons that are free to move. The rod attracts some of these (negative) electrons to the side ofthe ball nearest the rod, leaving the opposite side of the ball positively charged. Since the negative side of the ball is closer to the positive rod than the positive sid, @net attractive force arises. 4. (@) The fact that the positive rod repels one object indicates that that object carries a net postive charge. The fat thatthe rod repels the other object indicaes that that object caries 4 net negative charge. Since both objets are identical and made from conducting material, they share the combined net charges equally after they are touched together. Since the rod repels each object afer they are touched, each object must then carry a net postive charge. But the net electric charge of any isolated sytem is conserved, so the total net charge Inally must also have been positive. This means that the intial positive charge had the greater magnitude 5. (@) This distribution is not possible because of the law of conservation of electric charge. ‘The total charge on the three objects here is g , whereas only q was preseat initially 6. (©) This is an example of charging by induction, ‘The negatively charged rod repels free electrons in the metal. These electrons move through the point of contact and into the sphere farthest away from the rod, giving it an induced charge of =g. The sphere nearest the rod acquires an induced charge of +. As long as the rod is kept in place while the spheres are separated, these induced charges cannot recombine and remain on the spheres. 2. ( Coulomts law ets tat he magaitade of the force ic given by F =H, Doubing the magninde of each charge asin A would increase the numerator by afar of four, but thsi offi by the change in separation, whic increases the denominator by a factor of 2? =4, Doubling the magnitude of only one charge as in D would increase the numerator by $96 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS 4 factor of two, but this is offiet by the change in separation, which denominator by a factor of (2) =2 8, (@) Coulomb's law states thatthe magnitude ofthe force is given by F=kM2UZ:, The force is directed along the line between the charges and is an attraction for unlike charges and repulsion for like charges. Charge B is attracted by charge A with a force of magnitude TH wa getes yee ite af ane oi, Sete pote trot ecg sob ae mapnee 2, cre mse wyowaeb wither antsy eae Cin eat ll seb ieee orang on Atte map (25H, ce cpm sta tn tet tll at pel wt tA ih fe oll, sz te ei ts fae aia (ay magnitude of (0. sya Ree Te agree a a alip e el n erect lop ees sees Teens ers ae fa te are Aela Se sees a eee te ENelihoe os erfleetsork ore exerts on another point charge is given by 10, 85 uC 11. (@ According to Equation 18.2, the force exerted on a charge by an clecric field is proportional to the magnitude of the charge. Since the negative charge has twice the ‘magnitude of the positive charge, the negative charge experiences twice the fore. Furthermore the direction of the force on the positive charge is inthe same direction as the field, so that we can conclude that the field points due west. The force on the negative charge points opposite to the field and, therefore, points due east Chapter 18 Answers to Focus on Concepts Questions £97 FE i el lata al asad Cue proportional to the square of the distance r. If doubles. the charge magnitude must increase: by a factor of 2?» 4 to keep the field the same. 13. (b) To the eft of the positive charge the two contributions tothe total field have opposite irections. There is a spot in this region at which the field from: the smaller, but closer, positive charge exactly offsets the field from the greater, but more d'stant, negative charge. 14, (©) Consider the charges on opposite comers. In all of the arrangements these are like: charges. This means thatthe two field contributions created at the center ofthe square point in opposite directions and, therefore, cancel. Thus, only the charge opposite the empty ‘comer determines the magnitude of the net field atthe center ofthe square. Since the point charges all have the same magnitude, the net field there has the same magnitude in each. arrangement. 15, 1.8% 10° Cim? 16, (€) The tangent tothe field line gives the direction of the electric eld ata point. At A the: tangent points due south, at B southeast, and at C due east. 17. (@) The electric field has a greater magnitude where the field lines are closer together. They ‘are closest together at B and farthest apart at A. Therefore, the field has the greatest ‘magnitude at B and the smallest magnitude at 18, (4) Ina conductor electric charges can readily move in response fo an electric field. In A, B, and C the electric charges experience an electric field and, hence, a foree from neighboring charges and will move outward, away from each otter. They will rearrange themselves so that the electric field within the metal is zero at equilibrium. This means that they will reside on the outermost surface, Thus, only D could represent charges in equilibrium, 19, 13 Nic 20, 0.45 N-miC $98 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS. CHAPTER 18|ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS PROBLEMS 1 REASONING The charge of a single proton is +e, and the charge of a single electron ise, where e = 1.60*1°!¥ C. The net charge of the ionized atom isthe sum of the charges of its constituent protons and electrons. SOLUTION The ionized atom bas 26 protons and 7 electrons, so its net electric charge g is a 19e019(160«10™ c) = OIE) 4 =26(+e)+7(-) 2. REASONING Since the object has a charge of ~2.0 uC to begin with, it becomes neutral ‘when that charge is removed. To create a charge of +3.0 aC on the object, an additional charge of -3.0 yC must be removed. Thus, the total charge that must be removed from the ‘object is -5.0 xC. The number af electrons that correspond to this charge can be obtained by dividing the charge by the charge ona single electron, which is e = -1.60 x 10° C SOLUTION The number N of electrons corresponding to ~5.0 4C is =80 x10 © Bagh] 3. REASONING 4, Since the objects are metallic and identical, the charges on each combine and produce @ net charge that is shared equally by each object. Thus, each object ends up with one-fourth of the net charge. ’. The number of electrons (or protons) that make up the final charge on each object is ‘equal tothe final charge divided by the charge ofan electron (or proton). SOLUTION ‘a. The net charge is the algebraic sum of the individual charges. The charge q on each ‘object after contact and separation is one-fourth the net charge, or 4 =4(16 10462 xC-48 uC-94 uC) =[T6 uC @ Chapter 18 Problems #99 D. Since the charge on each abject is negative, the charge is comprised of electrons. The ‘number of electrons on each object is the charge q divided by the charge e ofa single electron: Sie Namberfelesnons= f= ——LOH10* Ca me -1.60 x 10°C ae nee eases anasanae naa latssnmRDaE nano SOETOIEIEIE 4. REASONING The conservation of electric charge states that, uring any process the net clecric charge ofan isolated system remains constant (js conserved), ‘Therefore, the net ‘charge (gy + ,) on the two spheres before they touch is the same as the net charge after they touch, When the two identical metal spheres touch, the net charge will spread out equally ‘over both of them. When the spheres are separated, the charge on each isthe same. SOLUTION 8. Since the final charge on each sphere is +5.0 uC, the final net charge on both spheres is 2(45.0 4) = +10.0 WC. The initial net charge must also be +10.0 uC. The only spheres ‘whose net charge is +10.0 pC are B@p=-20 40) and DG@_= M2000] ». Since the final charge on each sphere is +3.0 4C, the final net charge onthe three spheres is 3(43.0 40) = +9.0 uC. The initial net charge must also be 49.0 jC. The only spheres ‘whose net charge is 9.0 pC are [AG =8.0 10), C Ge = 150 nO)andD @, = 7120 nO) ©. Since the final charge on a given sphere in part (b) is +3.0 uC, we would have to add ~3.0 4€ to make it electrically neutral. Since the charge on an electron is 1.6 x 10° C, the number of electrons that would have to be added is 30x10 C “Ler eee ee eee eee Eee eee 5. (SSR) REASONING Identical conducting spheres equalize thir change ypon touching ‘When gers A and B toh, an amount of charge, flows frm A an inastanccusy neutalizes the ~g charge onBlesving B omental seul Then, he enaiang ees ‘of charge sult 44s egal spt between Aan B, ening A snd ea eke Amounts of charge 2g. Sphere Cis inaly neu, so when A od tec ee sols equally to give yon Aand +g on C. When B and C toh the sg 08 B and eso oC combine wo give to change of 3g, which then equally dried pene spheres Band C: ts, Bandar ah eh wir an amoum ofckege S154 Number of electrons = 900 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELOS SOLUTION Taking note of the inital values given in the problem statement, and Summarizing the final results determined in the REASONING above, we conclude the following 4, Sphere C ends up with an amount of charge equal to [1.5g b. The charges on the three spheres before they were touched, are, according to the problem ‘atement, #39 on sphere A, -@ on sphere B, and zero charge on sphere C. “Thus, the total ‘charge on the spheres is +Sq—q +0=[ +4 «. The charges on the spheres after they are touched are +g on sphere A, *1.59 on sphere B, and +1.5q0n sphere C. Thus, the total charge on the spheres is +9 +1.5q-+1.5q=[+4a 6. REASONING When N electrons, each carrying a charge ~ = ~1. 6x10""? C, are transferred ‘foo the plate to the rod, the system consisting of the plate and the rod is isolated ‘Therefore the total charge 9,;* dn of the system is unchanged by the process, where gy is the intial charg ofthe plate and dy i the inital charge ofthe rod, At the end, te rod and the plate cach have the same final charge 4: Therefore, cach must have a charge equal ‘to half the total charge of the system: dye = 9a =4(4* 421) SOLUTION The finsl charge gy, 0n the rod is equal to its initial charge d; plus the charge transferred to it, which is equal to the product of the number W of electrons transferred and the charge -e ofeach electron. Therefore, 20 = 4) NCO = 43, Ne o ‘Since the final charge on the rod is equal to half the total inital charge ofthe system, we can. substitute gay = (4 +4) into Equation (1) and solve for N: Hau tan)=au-Ne oF Ne=ayi~H(auit4a)=He-Gu) nota) ‘Therefore, the number of electrons that must be tanseted tothe ois ) _s2010- c-(-3.0.10- C) | 201.6«10"" ©) EE y(t raw 7. REASONING a. The number N of electrons is 10 times the number of water molecules in | liter of water. ‘The number of water molecules is equal o the number n of moles of water molecules times Avogadro’s number Ny: N-=100N, > The net charge ofall the electrons is equal to the number of electrons times the change on ‘one electron, e Chapter 18 Problems 901 SOLUTION 1. The number N of water molecules is equal to 10 nN, , where nis the number of moles of water molecules and N is Avogadro's number. The number of moles is equal to the mass ‘mr of | liter of wate: divided by the mass per mole of water. The mass of water is equal 10 its density ptimes the volume, as expressed by Equation 11.1. Thus, the number of electrons is Neato my, = aata)M fro 180 ginal 780 ginal ro 000m? 2.00500? |B). a nr 18.0 gimol 3.35 x10" electrons 'b, The net charge Q ofall he electrons is equal tothe number of ects times the change on one eleouon: 9=(3.35%10*)(-~1.603<10" c) =[-536%10°C]. REASONING The magnitude ofthe clestostatc force that acts on particle 1 is given by Coulomb's law as F=4|q\]a,|/r2- This equation can be used to find the magnitude |g ofthe charge. SOLUTION Solving Coulom’s aw forthe magnitude |g ofthe charge gives Fe (3.4.N)(0.26m)* Ha” (899%10° N-m?/C2)(3.5%10 C) las Tas0%6 as ince a is positive and experiences an attractive force, the charge gp must be [Regative [EE] REASONING ‘The number N of excess electrons on one ofthe objects is equel to the charge 4 oni divided by the charge ofan eleston (-¢), or N~ o(-¢) Since the charge con the abject is negative, we can write q=-lql, where [is the magnitude ofthe charge ‘The magnitude of the charge can be found from Coulomb's law (Equation 18.1), which stales that the magnitude F of the electrostatic force exerted on each object is given by F=Hgll? where is the distance between them 902 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS SOLUTION The number N of excess electrons on one ofthe objects is Wt i ‘To find the magnitude of the charge, we solve Coulomb's law, F = lla, for ll: fe Substituting this esult into Equation (1) gives [Fr? [lassx10™ w)lt.s0x107 m) well Ve 8995109 Nem /C™ 1.60 x 10 y lal 10, REASONING 2. The magnitude ofthe electrostatic force that acts on each sphere is given by Coulomb's law as F=laiay|/r2, where |q| and [| are the magnitudes of the charges, and ris the distance between the centers ofthe spheres. », When the spheres are brought into contact, the net charge after contact and seperation ‘must be equal tothe net charge before contact. Since the spheres are icentical, the charge ‘on each after being separated is one-half the net charge. Coulomb's law can be applied again to determine the magnitude ofthe electostate force that each sphere experiences. SOLUTION a. The magnitude ofthe force tht each sphere experiences is given by Coulomb's law as: Alo), (899x10° m2) (200210° c)(s0.0%10-c) rr (250x107 m)" 1asx10N FP [Because the charges have opposite signs, the force is [attractive ’. The net charge on the spheres is -20.0 C+ $0.0 x= +30.0 4C. When the spheres are Drought into contact, the net charge after contact and separation must be equal to the net charge before contact, o +30.0 s1C. Since the spheres are identical, the charge on each after being spmted son hahe net charg, 90," = +150 4. The lesen foe that ats on ach phere is 0 (8.9910 N-m?/C?}(15.0x10- C}(15.0«10~ C) atl 699010" N-mire?)isonso e)sonie’ aero , (250010? m) Since the charges now have the same signs, the foree is [ repulsive]. @ @ Chapter t® Probleme 903 n. REASONING itally, tbe two spheres ate neutral. Since negative charge is removed fiom the sphere which loses clectrons, it then carries a net positive charge, Furthermore, the neutral sphere to which the electrons are add i then negatively charged. Once the charge is transferred, there exists an electrostatic force on each ofthe two spheres, ‘he magnitude of which i given by Coulomb's law (Equation 18.1), F = f|/72 SOLUTION 4 Since each electron carries @ charge of ~1.60%10"!? C, the amount of negative charge removed from the frst sphere is 1.6010" ¢ Telecton ‘Thus, the first sphere carries a charge +4.8 x 10% C, while the second sphere carries a charge 4.8 x 10° C. ‘The magnitude of the electrostatic force that acts on each sphere therefore, (2.010 electrons) ( Jessa Alga] _(899%10° N-m2VC2)( r (0.50 m)” sao of Fe b. Since the spheres carry charges of opposite sign, the force is [atiractive 12, REASONING The magnitate ofthe force of atraston between the charges is given by Coulomb's law: F =-tlg;|/7? (Equation 18.1), where [q| and |g are the magnitudes of the charges and r isthe separation of the charges. We will apply this equation twice, once ‘hen the separation is r, and the magnitude ofthe force is F, =1.5'N and then again when the separation is rg =14/9 and the magnitude ofthe force is Fy. SOLUTION Applying Coulomb's law when the separations are, and rp, we obtain reall as pelt bh all eo es tee i or : als} ; 2 7,y Fig _ Hail) ra (2) fe Using the fat tat rp ~ry9, we Hind that he unknown fore magnitude is Fa Rallal’a Ue e 904 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS 13, REASONING Let F, and F, represent the forces exerted on the charge q at the origin by the point charges 4, and g,, respectively. ‘According to Equation 18.1, the magnitudes of these forces are 42 sven by Heel al 1% where ry isthe distance between gy and g, 7 is the distance between g, and g, and k= 8.9910? N-m®/C2. The directions of the forces are determined by the signs of each charge-pir. The F Sign of gy is opposite that of q, 30 F, is an attractive force, pointing inthe postive y direction. The signs of gy and q are both positive, so Fis a repulsive fore, pointing in the negative y direction (see the drawing). Because the net free F= F, + F, ating on points in the positive y direction, the force Fy rust have a greater magnitude than the foree Fy, Therefore, the magnitude F of the net electric force acting on gis equal tothe magnitude ofthe atractive force F, minus that of the repulsive force Fy 8.4 4C @ ® a Substituting the given values, we find that [2s10* q WN (022m (RSBxIP Nemec?) feat0 C] [ea|=(0.34 m)? fi sx10™ ¢| e Chapter 18 Problems 905 14, REASONING The electrical force that each charge exerts on charge 2 is shown in the following drawings. Ra, is the force exerted on 2 by 1, and Ry; is the force exerted on 2 by 3. Each force has the same magnitude, because the charges have the same magnitude and the distances are equal a7 4 4 ite Rk, ig OO wie.0 © ese? 3 2 301 @ © o The net electric force F that acts on charge 2 is shown inthe following diagrams, Fa Fa Fo Fa r F=0N @ o It can be seen from the diagrams thatthe largest electric force occurs in (a), followed by (e), and then by (). SOLUTION The magnitude Fy, of the force exerted on 2 by 1 is the same as the ‘magnitude Fy of the force exerted on 2 by 3, since the magnitudes of the charges are the same and the distances are the same. Coulomb's law gives the magnitudes as Fy ah = tll (eon? Nem2/c?)(86x10° c(s.6x10%c) + 16x10" N (38107 m) In part (a) ofthe drawing showing the net electric force acting on charge 2, both Fy, and Fy Point to the lef, so the net force has a magnitude of 92108 N In part (b) of the drawing showing the net electric force acting on charge 2, Fy and Fs point in opposite directions, so the net force has a magnitude of [ON]. 906 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIFLOS. Inpart (¢) showing the net electric force acting on charge 2, the magnitude of the net force ca be obtained from the Pythagorean theorem: [rR + FR (4.6% 10° NJ +(4.6%10'N) 65x10 N JER = [eons 15, [Ei] REASONING AND SOLUTION 4 Since the gravitational force between the spheres is one of atrction and the electrostatic force must balance it the elect force must be one of repulsion, Therefore, the charges tmst have [the same algebraic signs, both psTtve or bob negative 'b. There are two forces that act on each sphere; they are the gravitational attraction Fo, of cone sphere for the other, and the repulsive electric force F, of one sphere on the other. From the problem statement, we know that these two forces balance each other, so that F= Fy. The magnitude of Fe, is given by Newton's law of gravitation (Equation 43: Fy =Gmym, /r2), while the magnitude of F is given by Coulomb's law (Equation 18.1 Fy =2gil|/72). Therefor, we bave mga Halal oe Gn? = lat since the spheres have the same mass m and cary charges of the same magnitude | Solving for la, we find ie 6 gy [&6TIO Nom g? IS (2.0 x10 kg) | SS Ng eC OV g 99.107 NomilC? Tao C 16, REASONING The drawing at the right shows the setup. The foree on the + SOm—mtg 32y charge at the origin due to the other +g charge is given by Coulomb's law} _——_ (Equation 18.1), as isthe force due to the “42g charge. These two forces point t0 the Ie, since each is repulsive, The sum of the two is tice the force on the +-q charge a the origin due to the other + charge alone. SOLUTION Applying Coulomb's law, we have 1. Chapter 18 Problems 907 Halll, Halll. 9a (050m) (ay (0.50 m)> Feeder fqeareay Twieacineaem aupeareshm “Suyewsood so that Coulomb's aw can be used to determine [4 ll _ roll ole In this result for [we know thatthe electrostatic force F provides the applied force needed to stretch the spring, so that = FAS 4, (Equation 101). With this substitution for F, ourexpresson for |g] becomes RF [ger? i (2 _ 20m) 0.020 m)[ (032m) +(0020m)"] 8.99. 107 Nomi * ‘914 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS 25, [SSR] REASONING Consider the drawing at the right. It is given thatthe charges 94. ay and gy ate cach positive. Therefore, the charges gy and q each exert @ repulsive force on the charge qq. AS the drawing shows, these forces have magnitedes Fa, (verically downward) and Fyy (horizontally tothe lef). The unknown charge paced at the empty corer ofthe rectangle Is gy, and itexerts a force ong, that as a magnitude Fy In oer that the net force acting on qq pont in the vertical direction, the horizontal component of Fay must cancel out the horizontal force Fy Therefore, Fay must point as shown inthe dawn, which means that tf an aractve force and gy must be negative, since 4, is postive. SOLUTION The basis for our solution is the fact that the horizontal component of Fgy ‘must cancel out the horizontal force Fq3. The magnitudes of these forces can be expressed using Coulomb's law F = £lla|/7?., where ri the distance between the charges q and “Thus, we have —Flalltul aya, = Hla (dye? 13 Caayt fav where we have used the fact thatthe distance between the charges g, and gy is the diagonal othe engl, which i fd)Ped?secrtng tthe Pytagea hore nd he fat tht te des tetwcen charge and Te bran component fay Fup, icant egal oF Gat we bare Htalltul ogo = tlealles lel wall (4d) +d? (4a) a The deawing in the REASONING, ceveals that cos6 =(4a)/ (Ad) +a =4/V77 “Therefore, we find that lc} 7 net (Hol 3x10 ¢ As discussed in the REASONING, the slgcbric sign ofthe chare gy @ @ Chapter 18 Problems 915 26. REASONING AND SOLUTION In order for the net force on any charge to be directed ‘inward toward the center of the square, the charges must be placed with alternate + and ~ signs on each successive comer. The magnitude of the force on any charge due to an adjacent charge located ata distance ris patel _ (899%10° N-m?/c2)(2.0%10°6 c)” a (030m)? ‘The forces due to two adjacent charges are perpendicular to one another and produce ‘resultant fore that has a magnitude of Fajen = N2F? =\)2(0.40 N)? =057N ‘The magnitude ofthe force due to the diagonal charge that is located at 8 Ho? __ lal? _ 0.40 Fon GP at 2 =040N stance of r/2 is 120N since the diagonal distances V2. The oe Fg ted opposite 10 Faye (ince the diagonal charges are ofthe same sign). Therefore, the net force acting on any of the charges i directed invard and asa magnitde F, STN-020N F aiocent~ Fsingona 27, [SSM] REASONING The charged insulator experiences an elettic force due to the bresence ofthe changed sphere shown inthe drawing inthe text, The forces ating on the insulator are the downward force of gravity (ie, it weight, W’= mg), ie electosati force F = k\qilan|/7? (see Coulomb's law, Equation 18.1) polling to the right, and the tension 7 {nthe tread pulling up and tothe let at an angle 8 with respect tothe vera, as shown in the drawing inthe problem statement. We ean analyze the forces to determine the desited quantities Band 7 SOLUTION. ‘8 Weean see from the diagram given with the problem statement that T.=F which gives Tsind-=£laia|/7? and y Dividing the first equation by the second yields Tsin8 sang —Hlallea|!? Teosd mg which gives eos =mg 916 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS Solving for 6, we find that ve 1a -1[(6.99%10" N-m2/C2¥(0.600%10~ €)(0.900«10-* Cy (6.00%10- kgX9.80 m/s?}(0.150 mi . Since Tos = mg, the tension can be obtained as follows: 2 2, po Mf. - (800x107 kg) 0809) _ RTS e058 eos 15.47 28, REASONING AND SOLUTION Since the objects attract each other initially, one object has a negative charge, and the other object has a positive charge. Assume thatthe negative charge bas « magnitude of |g| and thatthe postive charge has a magnitude of |¢ [Assume alo that [gy] is greater than |g]. The magnitude F of the iil attractive free between the objets is Al : o ‘After the objects are brought into contact and retumed to ‘heir iil positions, the charge ‘on each object is the same and bas a magnitude of (,|-|p|)/2- The magnitude F of the force between the objects is now (eal -fal)/2 atl “ ) 5 It is given thet F is the same in Equations (1) and @). Therefore, we can equate Equations (1) and (2) and rearrange the result to find that les ~6lealla +l o “The solutions to this quadratic equation are les|=$828|05| and |a=0.17160] @ since we have assumed that [gy| is grester than |g, we must choose the soltion Jej=o.1716on. Substinsing tis result to Equation (1) ed using the given values of 208 and = 0.200, we find that 29, 30, Chapter 18 Problems 917 |a}=0.957 wand |gq|=5.58 wc 6 Note that we need not have assumed that |g is greater tan ||. We could have assumed that [is es than ||. Had we done so, we would have found that |aif=5.58 wc and |g,|=0.957 wc oO Considering Equations (5) and (6) and remembering that q, is the negative charge, we conclude that the two possible solutions to this problem axe BTW and g,= 5584] or ia (SSRI) REASONING Te clestric fel crete by a point charge i inversely proportion! to the square of the distance from the charge, according to Equation 18.3. ‘Therefore, we expect the distance r, to be greater than the distance r, since the field is smaller ar, than it is at, The ratio ry, then, should be greater than one. SOLUTION Applying Equation 18.3 o each postion relative to the charge, we have ow Hid " Dividing the expression for E, by the expression for Ey gives Aldi? 2 E Had Solving forthe ratio r/r, gives 4 [E_ PANE 5 VE, VIB2NIC ‘As expected, this ratio is greater than one, REASONING 4. The magnitude of the electric field is obtained by dividing the magnitude of the force {biained from the meter) by the magnitude of the charge. Since the charge is pesitve, the direction of the electric field is the same as the direction of the fore. ». As in part (a), the magnitude of the electric field is obtained by dividing the magnitude of | the force by the magnitude of the charge. Since the charge is negative, however, the direction of the force (as indicated by the meter) is opposite to the direction ofthe electric field. Thus, the direction of the electric field is opposite to that ofthe force. ‘918 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS SOLUTION a. According to Equation 18.2, the magnitude of the electric field is WF M000N owe fi 200uc |As mentioned in the REASONING, the direction of the electric field is the same as the direction of the force, or [due east ’, The magnitude of the electri field is -[20NIe ‘Since the charge is negative, the direction ofthe electric field is opposite to the direction of | the force, or [due east]. Thus, the electric fields in parts (a) and (b) are the same 31. SOLUTION Knowing the electric field at a spot allows us to calculate the foree that acts on ‘a charge placed at that spot, without knowing the nature of the object producing the field. ‘This is possible because the elect field is defined as E = Figg, according to Equation 18.2. ‘This equation can be solved directly forthe force F, ifthe field K and charge qq are known. SOLUTION Using Eauation 182, We Find tat the force as a magnitude of F = Bly =(260000 NC)(70%10-%c) 18 If the charge were postive, the direction of the force would be due west, the same as the direction of the field. But the charge is negative, so the force poirts in the opposite direction or due east. Thus, the force on the charge is 32. REASONING AND SOLUTION The electic field lines must originate on the positive charges ‘and terminate on the negative charge. They 3q ceannot cross one another. Furthermore, the ‘numberof field lines beginning or terminating on ‘any charge must be proportional to the magnitude ff the charge. Thus, for every field line that leaves the charge +4, two field lines must leave the charge +2q. These three lines must terminate fon the -3q charge. If the sketch is to have six +4 +2q field lines, two of them must originate on +g, and four of them must originate on the charge 429. @ Chapter 18 Problems 919 33. REASONING Each charge creates an electric field at the center of the square, and the four fields must be added as vectors to obtain the net field. Since the charges all have the same ‘magnitude and since each comer is equidistant from the center ofthe square, the magnitudes ta at a lat leet Beli ees eee a directions of the various contributions are not the same, however. The field created by a positive charge points away from the charge, while the field ereated by a negative charge points toward the charge. SOLUTION The drawing atthe right shows ‘each ofthe field contributions atthe center of the square (see black dot). Each is directed ‘along a diagonal ofthe square. Note that Ep ‘and Ey point in opposite directions and, therefore, cancel, since they have the same magnitude. In contrast E, and Eg point in the same direction toward comer A and, therefore, combine to give a net field that is twice the magnitude of Ey or Eg. In other ‘words, the net field atte center of the square is given by the following vector equation: BE@E, +E, +Ec+Ep a +B +Ec~Ep =Ey +E; sete as re eae ae In this result isthe distance ftom a comer othe center ofthe square, which sone hal of the diagonal distance d. Using forthe length of side ofthe square and taking advantage of the Pythagorean thecrem, we have r=4d-= 42 +22. With his substiution for r, the magnitude ofthe net field becomes Hal ___ alg 4(899x10° N-m?/C2)(24x10-* C) ( A Ea) e (0.040 m)? BE. 34, REASONING Part (a) of the drawing given in the text. The electric field produced by a charge points away from a positive charge and toward a negative charge. Therefore, the electric field E, ‘produced by the +2.0 nC charge points away ftom it, and the electric fields E_; and E_, produced by the ~3.0 uC and ~5.0 wC charges point toward them (see the left-hand side of ‘the following drawing). The magnitude of the electric field produced by a point charge is 520 ELECTRIC FORGES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS given by Equation 18.3 as £'= gl /2. Since the distance from each charge tothe origin is ‘the same, the magnitude ofthe electic field is proportional only to the magnitude |g of the charge. Thus, the x component E, of the net electric field is proportional to 5.0 uC (2.0 nC + 3.0 uC). Since only one ofthe charges produces an electric field in the y direction, the y component E, ofthe not electric field is proportional othe magnitude ofthis charge, or 5.0 uC. Thus, the x and y components are equal, as indicated at the right-hand side ofthe following drawing, where the net electric field K is also shown, 8) FY c E Part (8) of the drawing given in the text. Using the same arguments as earlier, we find that the electric fislds produced by the four charges are shown at the left-hand side of the following drawing. These fields also produce the same net electric field E as before, as indicated atthe right-hand side of the following drawing. sone SOLUTION Part (a) of the drawing given in the text. The net electric field inthe x direetion is (8.9910 w-m?/C*)(20x10%C) (899310? N-m#/c*)(3.0%10% c) (0.061 m)" (0.061 m)* 210? NIC ‘The net electric field in the y direction is 35, CChapter 18 Problems 921 {899210 Nt?) (s0«10% ba (0.061 m)* ‘The magnitude ofthe net electric field is =1.2x107 NIC Ea fBE+E = {(12«107 nic)’ +(12x107 wee) =[17 107 Nic Part () of the drawing given inthe text. The magnitude of the net elect field is the ‘same as determined for part (a); E = [1.7x10" NIC. REASONING At every position in space, the ‘et elevtic field E is the vector sum of the extemal electric field B,,, and the electric field Epi created by the point charge at the crigin: = By, +Bygig The external electric field is uniform, which means that it has the same magnitude F., = 4500 NIC at all locations and that it always points in the positive x direction (see the drawing). The ‘magnitude Eye, Of the electric field due to te pb hae othe xin sven BY gag =H Eaton 183), wt distance between the origin and the location where the electric field is to be evaluated, gis the charge atthe origin, and k= 8,99x10° N-m*/C2, All three locations given in the problem see a distance r= 0.15 m from the origin, so we have that _ Ale _ (899510? N-m'ic*)-8.0x10° cf pee (0.15 my ‘The direction of the electic field Kyu Varies fFom location to location, but because the =3200 NIC charge q is negative, Epa is always directed towards the origin (see the drawing). SOLUTION Atx = 0.15 m, the electic field of the point charge and the external electric field both roint in the positive x direction (see the drawing), so the magnitude E of the net electric field is the sum of the magnitudes of the individual electric fields: B= Bay + Epps =4500 NIC+3200 NIC =[7TOONG) b. Atx=+0.15 m, the electric field of the point charge is opposite the extemal elect field (Gee the drawing). Therefore, the magnitude F of the net electric field is the difference between the magnitudes of the individual electric fields: ‘922 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS = Eggs ~ Eqeigg = 4500 NIC—3200 NIC. ¢. Aty= 40.15 m, the electric fells Ey Ad By ae perpendicular (ee the drawing) This makes them, in effect, the xcomponent (Eq) and s-componert (Egy) of the net clectc field B. The magnitude F ofthe nt elect fed, then is given by the Pythagorean theorem (Equation 1.7) Bbc Ebi = VCa500 NIC? + 6200 NCP 300 NC| 36, REASONING ‘a, The magnitude E of the electric field is given by E=o/s) (Equation 18.4), where ois the charge density (or charge per unit area) and e, is the permittivity offre space. ’, The magnitude F of the electric force that would be exerted on a K* ion placed inside the ‘membrane is the produet of the magnitude |g| of the charge and the magnitude F of the electric field (see Equ SOLUTION 1 Themagnitude of the electric field is 71x10 Cim? % Ba5«10-? C/(Nom) 03108 NIC] @ ’, Themagnitude F ofthe force exeried on a K* ion (gg +e) is F = gq] £=l4 £ =11.60 x 107? Cl(s.0x10° Nic) =[1.3<10-? N] 37. [SSM] REASONING The drawing atthe right shows the setup. Here, the electric field points along the +y nis and applies force of +F to the +g charge and a force of -F to the ~q charge, where q=8.0 nC denotes the magnitude of each charge. Each force has the same magnitide of FE ja, according to Equation 182. ‘The torque is measured as diseussed in Seetion 9.1 ‘According to Equation 9.1, the torque produced by each free bas a magnitude given by the magnitude of the foree ties the lever arm, which is the perpendicular distance between the point of application of the force ‘nd the axis of rotation. In the drawing the = axis is the axis of rotation and is midway between the ends ofthe rod. Ths, the lever arm for each force is half the length Z ofthe rod or /2,and the magnitude ofthe torque produced by each free is (F |g KL). @ @ Chaptor 18 Probloms 923 SOLUTION The +P and the fore each cause the rod to rotate in the same sense about the z axis. Therefore, the torques fiom these forees reinforce one another. Using the expression (E e}(L/2) forthe magnitude ofeach torque, we find thatthe magnitude ofthe net torque is Magrbiasc! «ela 5} eld(£)= elle =(50s10? nic)(8.0%10" c)(4.0m)= [016m 38. REASONING Before the 3.0-1C point charge q is introduced into the region, the region contains a uniform electric field K of magnitude 1.6 x10" NIC. After the 3.0-uC charge is introduced into the region, the net electric field changes. In addition tothe uniform electric field E, the region will lso contain the electri field E, due tothe point charge g. The eld at any point inthe region is the vector sum of E and E,, The field , is radial as discussed in the text, and its magnitude at any distance r from the charge qis given by E, = klq\/7? (Equation 18.3). There will be one point Pin the region where the net electric field Ey, is zero. This point is located where the field E has the same magnitude and points in the direction opposite tothe field E,.. We will se this reasoning to find the distance rg from the charge q tothe point P. SOLUTION Let us assume that the field E points to the right and that the charge q is negative (the problem is done the same way if q is positive, although then the relative positions of P end g will be reversed). Since q is negative, its electric field is radially ‘inward (i, toward q); therefore, in order forthe field E, to point inthe opposite direction to E, the charge q will have tobe tothe let ofthe point P where E,, is zero, a8 shown in the drawing at the right. Using E,=4lq\/72 Equation 18.3) and solving for the distance ry, we find y= Eld/E,. Since the magnitude ,, must be equal tothe magnitude of E atthe point P, we have (8.9910 Nm?/C*) 3.0x10 ©) 1.6«10* NIC -[3m 39, [SSR] REASONING Two forces acton the charged ball (charge ; they are the downward force of gravity mg andthe electric force F due tothe presen ofthe charge qin the electe fell E.In order forthe ball to lou, these two forces must be equal in rmagnitide and opposite in cretion, so thatthe net force onthe ball is zero (Newton's ‘2A ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS second law). Therefore, F must point upward, which we will take as the postive direction. ‘According to Equation 182, F= gE. Since the charge q is negative, the electric field E ‘must point downward, as the product gB in the expression F= gE must be positive since the foree F points upward, The magnitudes of the two forces must b: equal, so that ‘mg =|g)E. This expression ean be solved for E. SOLUTION The magnitude of te electric field E is ‘pas (0.012 kex9:80 m5") ll 1x10 ‘As discussed in the reasoning, this electric field points 65x10 NIC 40. REASONING The proton andthe electron have the same charge magnitude ¢, so the Chest bes that each experiences has the same magnitude. The directions are different, fowever. ‘The proton, beng positive, experiences «force inthe same direction a the {ices il (du en) The electron, being negative, expeienes force in the oposite Girton (ave wes). [Newtons second law indicates tat the direction of the acseaton i he same as the Altcton of he net force, which, inthis cas, isthe cece fore. The pron’ acceleration Ssimthe same ection ue cad a the electric Hel Theclerron'stceleration i inthe pmo deton (ue wes a8 the elec el ‘Newon's second law indicates that te magnited of the acceleration is equal to the Iragaitde of the elect free divided by the mass. Although the praon and electron arene the same force magna, they have diferent masses, Thy they have ‘Stelrstons oF diferent magnitudes. SOLUTION According to Newton's second law, Equation 42, the aceeraton a of an ject sequal to the ne force avid byte object's mass m. Here thee sony one force, thr cece owe Fs itis the et fore, Aecorng to Egoation 182, te magmitde ofthe ‘ects fceseqal tothe product of the magaitide ofthe charge andthe magitide ofthe steed or F= pl. Ths the sgn of the acceleration canbe writen as F _|aolé ‘The magnitude ofthe acceleration of the proton is Ine onan Osos) ara ™ TaTRI07 ee “The mgt ofthe aceleraton of the elton is ine (010 cp000NC) amas ™ 9.11%107" kg © Chapter 18 Probloms 925, 41. REASONING AND SOLUTION Figure 1 at the right shows + the configuration given in text Figure 1821a. The electric field 1 atthe center ofthe rectangle isthe resultant of the electric fields at the center due to each of the four charges. As discussed in ‘Conceptual Example 11, the magnitudes of the electric field at the center due to each of the four charges are equal. However, the fields produced by the charges in comers 1 and 3 are in ‘opposite directions. Since they have the same magnitudes, they 3 combine to give zero resultant. a “4 ‘The fields produced by the charges in comers 2 and 4 point in 3 the same direction (toward comer 2). Thus, Fe = Ec * Foy Figure 1 ‘where Ee is the magnitude of the electri field at the center of the rectangle, and Ec and cg ate the magnitudes of the electric field at the center due tothe charges in comers 2 and 4 respectively. Since both Ec, and Egg have the same magnitude, we have E, = 2B. ‘The distance 7, from any of the charges to the center 1 2, of the rectangle, can be found using the Pythagorean theorem (see Figure 2 at the right) 5.00 om d= {03.00 em)?+(5.00 om)? =5.83em A x10? m ——> 92% 10 wa Figure 2 ‘The electric field atthe center has a magnitude of 2Aay| _ 218.9910? N-m2/C? 8.6010"? ©) Fo = 2B, = 181x10® NIC o (2.92107 my? Figure 3 at the right shows the configuration given in text sa sa Figure 18.218. All four charges contribute a non-zero 2 component to the electric field at the center of the rectangle, As ditcusted in Conceptual Example 11, the conteibution L e from the charges in comers 2 and 4 point toward comer 2 and 3) 24 the contribution from the charges in comers 1 and 3 point c toward comer 1. 4 3 Notice also, the magnitudes of Fy, and Fy, are equal, and, or +4 from the first pat of this problem, we know that Figure 3 Eqn By © 18110 NC 526 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS ‘The electric field atthe center of the rectangle is the vector sum of E, and Eyy. The x ‘components of E,, and E,, are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction; hence Eq) (Ex). 0 Therefore, Ec = (Ejs)y +(Epa)y = 2Ey3)y = 2CE,)8in8 From Figure 2, we have that 5.00.em _$.00em _, Od 583.em oss 2(é,)sind =2(1.81«10? NiC)(0858) «ADAG NC 42. REASONING AND SOLUTION ‘The magnitude of the force on g, due to 4, is given by Coulomb's law: Hall o ‘The magnitude ofthe force on g, due tothe electric field of the capacitor is given by elle -bi(Z) © agli ars tale tues ya aon lel (2) ale (2 Solving for rj gives leoklea] 6.85107 CHRP B99 «10 N-m"/CVS 004100) | (1.30*10 Gin?) 5534107 m 43, REASONING The electric field is given by Equation 18.2 as the force F that acts on atest charge do, divided by qy- Although the force is not known, the acceleration and mass of the charged object are given. Therefore, we can use Newton's second law to determine the force a the mass times the acceleration and then determine the magnitude of the field directly @ 44, Chapter 18 Problems $27 ‘from Equation 182. The force has the same direction as the acceleration. The direction of | the field, however, i in the direction opposite to that of the seceleration and force. This is because the object carries a negative charge, while the field has the same direction as the force acting on a postive test charge. SOLUTION Accontng to Equation 182, the magnitude ofthe lect feld is F fed ‘According to Newton’s second law, the net force acting on an object of mass m and ‘acceleration a is EF=ma. Here, the net force is the electrostatic force F, since that force alone acts on the object. ‘Thus, the magnitude of the electric field is F_ma_(30x107 kg)(25x10? mis?) Fel al” ore The direction of this field is opposite to the direction of the acceleration. Thus, the field points [along the x axis} 10° NIC] REASONING The exteral electric field K exers a fore Fy= gE (Equation 182) onthe sphere, where g=+6.6 Cis the net charge, ofthe sphere. The external electric field is diected upward, so" the force Fp, it exerts on the positively charged sphere is also directed upward (see the fiee-body diagram). Balancing this 4-466 40 upward force are two downward forces: the weight mg of the sphere (here m i the mass ofthe sphere and i the acceleration due to gravity) andthe force F, exerted on the sphere by the spring (see the free-body diagram). "We know that the spring exerts a downward force om the sphere because the equilibrium length £=0.059 m of the spring is shorter than its unstained length Free body dlagram Fy=0074m. The magnitude F, of the spring fore is given by F,=kr (Equation 10.2, without the minus sign), where k is the spring constant of the spring and o~ = 0.074 m ~ 0.059 m =0.015 m is the distance by which the sping has been compressed mg, SOLUTION Solving F= a8 (Equation 18.2) fr the magnitude E ofthe external elect field we find that pate o 7 The sphere isin equilibrium, so the upward force (Fy) ust exactly balance the two downward forces (g and F.). Therefore, the magnitudes of te thre forces are related by ‘928 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS Feome+F, @ ‘Substituting Equation (2) into Equation (1) yields amet @) 7 Lastly, substituting F, = kx (Equation 10.2, without the minus sign) into Equation (3), we btain the desired electric field magnitude: img kx _ (5.1107 kg)(9.80 m/s?) +(2.4 N/m)(0.015 m) — ee ee 45, REASONING The two charges lying on the x axis produce no net electri field at the coordinate origin. This is because they have identical charges, are located the same distance from the origin, and produce electric fields that point in opposite directions. ‘The clecttic field produced by 3 at the origin points away ftom the charge, or along the -y Airection, The elect field produced by 4, atthe origin points toward the charge, or along the +y direction. The net electric field is, then, E= ~E, + Ey, where E, and £, can be determined by using Equation 18:3. SOLUTION The net electric field atthe origin is E=-E, +, (2.910? N-m?/c#)(3.0%10°6 C)_ (8.99.10? N-m*/C?)(8.0%10% C) (50x10? m) (7.010 mJ? 43.9108 NC The plus sign indicates that [Ihe net elect Tela points along the ty direction]. 46. REASONING The electric field isa vector. Therefore, the total feld E isthe vector sum of its two parts, or E=E, +E). We will eary out this vector addition by using the method of components (sce Section 1.8). 4. Chapter 18 Problems 929 SOLUTION The draving atthe right shows the two vectors Ky and E,, together with their x and y components. Inthe following table, we calculate the components of each veetor. We also show the x component E, ofthe total field as the sum of te individual x components of , and E, and the y component , ofthe total field as the sum of the individual » components of Ey and E;. Note that the calculations in the ‘able carry additional significant figures. Rounding off to the correct number of significant figures will be done when we calculate the final answers. Vector "Fcomponent| "component gE c080, = (1200 NiC)eos35° |, = E, sind, = (1200 NIC)sin35° = 983 NIC 88 NIC E, | £,,=E,0086, =(1700 NiC)eos5s° | £,, = 2, sin@, = (1700 NIC)sins5° =o1sNIc =1393 NIC B=B+E,| EF, +E, By By * Ey =1958NIC 2081 NIC ‘Since the components £, and E, of the total field are perpendicular, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the magnitude E of the total field and trigonometry to calculate the directional angle 8: E= JE? +E? = \(1958 NIC) + (2081 NC)? 2081 NIC 1958 NIC REASONING Since we know the initial velocity and time, we can determine the particle's displacement from an ecuation of kinematis, provided its acceleration can be determined. ‘The acceleration is given by Newton's second law as the net force acting on the particle divided by its mass. Thenet force isthe electrostatic fore, since the particle is moving in an clectic field. The electrostatic force depends on the particle's charge and the electric field, ‘both of which are known. SOLUTION To obtain the displacement x ofthe particle we employ Equation 3.5a fom the equations of kinematics: x=¥,t+4a,, We use this equation because two of the variables the inital velocity vg, and the time f, are known, The initial velocity is zero, since 930 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS the particle is released from rest. The acceleration a, can be found from Newton's second law, a8 given by Equation 4.2a, as the net force EF, acting on the particle divided by its mass m: a, =5F,/m. Only the electrostatic foree F, acts on the proton, so itis the net force, Setting EF, =F, in Newton's second law gives a, = F, /m. Substituting this result into Equation 3.5a, we have that F\p renuttdostongeed 2) 7 eee catego eet ne ete ee force F, given by F,=qoE, (Equation 18.2), where gy is the charge. Substituting this expression for F, into Equation (1) gives sonst onsog(MEeP (41210 c)+480 NC) =(0 mis)(1,6«107 dal saw 3)’ -[9xi07 al 38x10" kg 48. REASONING 1. The drawing atthe right shows the = electric fields at point P due to the two _( a bE charges in the case that the second a a E, charge is positive. The presence of the second charge causes the magnitude of the net field at P to be twice as great as only the frst charge is present. Since both fields have the same direction, the magnitude of E, must, then, be the same as the magnitude of E, But the second charge is further away from point P than isthe fist charge, and more distant charges create weaker fields, To offset the weakness that comes from the greater distance, the second charge must have a greater ‘magnitude than that of the first charge. 'b, The drawing at the right shows the aoe electric fields at point P due to the two _C% charges in the case that the second a @ charge is negative. The presence ofthe second charge causes the magnitude of the net field at P to be twice as great as itis when ‘only the first charge is present. Since the fields now have opposite directions, the magnitude ‘of E must be greater than the magnitude of E,, This is necessary so that E, can offset Ey ‘and still lead to net field with twice the magnitude as Ey. To create this greater field E, the second charge must now have a greater magnitude than it did in question (a. 4. Chapter 18 Problems 931 SOLUTION ‘a The magnitudes of the field contributions of each charge are given according to Equation 18.3 as, ld vit ay present, the magnitude ofthe net field at P is twice what cis when ony 9 pest, Using Equation 18.3, we can expres ti fat as follows All, _ Hl) Hla , All + (ay a? # Ga) ‘Solving for |g3| gives =2.0 uc “Thus, the second charge is {as| (ay Solving for ses lool _, ail [aa] =12[qi|=12(0.50 wc) ‘Thus, the second charge is [4 = ~6.0 xC] REASONING AND SOLUTION From kinematics, v,? = vq,? +2a,y. Since the electron starts from rest, vy ~ O m/s. The acceleration of the electron is given by E where ¢ and m are the electron's charge magnitude and mass, respectively, and E is the ‘magnitude of the electric field. ‘The magnitude ofthe electric field between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is E = ate, where cris the magnitude of the charge per unit area on cach plate, Thus, ay = eor(me,). Combining this expression for a with the kinematics eae ne Solving for v, gives 932 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS 1.010" mis] z= Dieonio-” C)uaxio? Gm )(isx107 m) (G10107" eg) [ 885107? (me) 50. REASONING The following drawing shows the two particles inthe electric feld £,. They are separated by a distance d. If the particles ae to stay atthe same distance from each other after being released, they must have the same acceleration, so a, = a, >. According t0 [Newton's second law (Equation 4,2), the acceleration a, ofeach particle is equal tothe net SOLUTION The net force acting on each particle and its resulting acceleration are: ‘The charge q, experiences a force 9,2, due to the electric field (see Equation 18.2) “The charge also experiences an aati fore in the #x direction due to the presence ‘of gy This fore is given by Coulomb's law as + kil /€ (ee Equation 18.1). The wwonacoe The acceleration of gis lalts} ‘gq: The charge 9, experiences a force 4,£, duc tothe eletric field. It also experiences an attractive foree in the ~x direction due to the presence of gy. This force is given by Coulomb's law as —k{q\|93|/ 4”. The net force acting on g, is ewulein Chapter 18 Problems 933 Setting a, 1 = a,» gives 99sa0? Nem sel 10x10 dleisxi0 cf 1,1 c alo ig" 20g HBx10 C_—7.0x10% C 26x10 kg 14x10 kg (42500 wof REASONING AND SOLUTION The net elect field at point Pin Figure 1 is the vector sum ofthe fields E, and E_, which are due, respectively, to the charges +g and —g. ‘These fields are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 ‘According to Equation 18.3, the magnitudes ofthe fields and E_are the same, since the triangle isan isosceles triangle with equal sides of length ¢ Therefore, £, = E_=flq|/@2 904 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS ‘The verical components of these two fields eancel, while the horizontal components reinforce, leading to a total field at point P that is horizontal and has a magnitude of Ep ‘At point M in Figure 1, both E,, and E_are horizontal and point tothe right. Again using aatexed En aoe a Since E/E, 9.0, we have Ex 2k|g\fa? 1 Ep 2lgi(cosa)ie (cosa)a?/E But from Figure 1, we can see that d/¢~= cos c. Thus, it follows that 1 0 or cos@=¥i79.0 =0.48 ‘The value for ris, then, = cos (0.48) a 52. REASONING In the drawing that accompanies the problem statement, we assume that the tlectron is intially moving in the + direction and then begins moving upward in the ‘ty direction as it moves through the capacitor. The upward part of the motion occurs because the electric field F ofthe capacitor, which points downward from the positive plate toward she negative plate, exerts a force F on the electron. ‘The electric field is given by E=F /aq (Equation 18.2), where gy =e is the charge onthe electron. Newton's second law applies to the foree (assumed to be the only foree present), so that F =ma, (Equation 4.1), where m is the mass of the electron and a, is the electron’s acceleration in the y direction, The kinematics equations apply to the motion in both the x and y directions, ‘and with their aid we can determine the acceleration a,.. Knowing the acceleration, we will bbe able io determine the force and, hence, the electric field. SOLUTION According to E=F/qy Equation 18.2) and F—ma, (Equation 4.1), we have enh me a % % From kinematics we know that the electron’s displacement in the upward direction at the: time ¢ that it exits the capacitor is y=0.150 x 10 m and (Equation 3.5b with vp, siven by m/s since the electron is initially not moving in the 53, Chapter 18 Problems 935 _» direction). We can solve this equation to obtain a,, = 2y'/1? and substitute this result imo, Equation (1): o We also know thatthe electron’s displacement in the horizontal direction atthe time that it exits the capacitor is x=2.00 x 10? m and is given by x=vp,f, since the horizontal speed ofthe electron is v4, ‘can solve this equation to obtain 100 x 10 m/s and remains constant during the mation. We yg, and substtte tis result into Equation (2): m2y may ___m2yvh, 7 Gt? age!) 0% =1.60 x 10°19 C as the electron charge and m=9.11 x 10° kg as the leetron mss, Equation (3) gives pardon (041 » 10°" ke)2(0150 » 107 m)(7.00 «106 m9) a2 (A160 «10° €)(200 x 107 m) This resul is negative, because the electric field points downvard inthe drawing tht accompanies the problem, which isthe direction that-we assumed to be the negative ‘ydirecton The magnitude ofthe electric fed then, is =-2090.NIC REASONING AND SOLUTION Since the thread makes an angle of 30.0° with the vertical, itcan be seen thatthe electric foree onthe ball, F,, and the gravitational force, ma, are related by Fr mg tan 30.0° ‘The force F, is due to the charged ball being in the electric field of the parallel plete capacitor. That BR lesal o were jl i the magnitude ofthe bls charge and Eis the magnitude ofthe feld due to the plates. According to Equation 18.4 Eis ” aa asa ‘where q is the magnitude of the charge on each plate and A is the area of each plate. Substituting Equation 18.4 into Equation (1) gives 936 ELECTRC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS {doa A, =mgtan30.0° = “atl p= met a Solving for g yields e,dmgtan30.0° Fea +n?) [0.0150 m?)(650%10" ig)(.80 mi 0.150«10 tan 30.0" 325%10°C 54, REASONING AND SOLUTION Gauss' Law is given by text Equation 18.7: “where Q isthe net charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface. a Oe 35x10 C [405105 Nem 885x107? C7N-m?) b. O% =B3a10 2.6 x105 Nem7/C 885x107? C2QN-m) | 10-6 €)+(-2:3x10-6 _ -GSx10$ 423410" OT NI 8.85 «10-7 C?(N-m?) 55, |REASONING As discussed in Section 18.9, the magnitude of the electic fux through 2 surface is equal to the magnitude of the component of the electric field that is normal te the surface multiplied by the area of the surface, =E,A, where E, is the _magnitud: of the component of E that is normal to the surface of area 4. We can ase this expression andthe figure inthe text to determine the desired quantities. SOLUTION ‘a, The magnitude ofthe lux through surface 1 is (6¢), =(E £0835°)4, = Q50NIC\c0838°K1.7 m?) =[8ON mC b. Similarly, the magnitude ofthe flux through surface 2 is (0), =(E 00s 55°04, = @50.NIC)(00s 55°)3.2 m?) =[ 460 N-m?/C @ @ oO Chapter 18 Problems 937 56. REASONING In each case, Gaus' law can be used to determine the electric Mux @p. For Se at rae as os oe Gata mh aes 85 x 10°? C2/(N-n?) SOLUTION 1. Since the net charge surrounded by the surface is Q= 42.0 x 10° C, Gauss’ law shows that 2.0x10% C Be 885 x10 COUN b. Since the net charge surrounded by the surface isthe same a in part and since Gauss? Jaw hols fora closed surface of any shape the Aux isthe same as in part 0, =[23010° N-mi/c 23x10 N-mP/C «. Since the net charge surrounded by the surface is the same as in part a and since Gauss? Jaw holds for a closed surface of any shape, the flux is the same as in part a; 0, =[2310° N-m/C 57. REASONING The magnitude of the electric flux @, through the circular surface is ‘determined by the angle ¢ (Iss than 90°) between the electric field and the normal to the surface, as well as the magnitude F ofthe electric feld and the area 4 ofthe surface: (Ecosé) A 186) We will use Equation 18.6 to determine the angle SOLUTION Solving Equaticn 18.6 forthe angle g, we obtain « re(Q) ” ‘The surface is circular, with « radius r, so its area is A= mr. Making this substitution in ‘Equation (1) yields ro) se" ~ (B)-— [amtroomay] 938 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS 58. REASONING The charge @ inside the rectangular box is related tothe electric flux @, that passes through the surfaces ofthe box by Gauss’ law, Q= 6), (Equation 18.7), where is the permitivity of free space. The electic flux is the algebraic sum of the flux through ceach ofthe six surfaces. SOLUTION The charge inside the box is = 40, = 6 (0, +0, +0, +O, +, +0) ¢ Nem? og Nom? , agg Nom? ssc? ST sasto Nt « 2a00% «00 1 emt c c c Nem? _je99em? =1800N-®* _ 35993 5. = 3500S — 5400! xe) pao] 59, REASONING We use a Gaussian surfice that sa sphere centered within the solid sphere “The radius rof this surface is smaller than the radius R ofthe solid sphere. Equation 187 gives Gaus? law as follows E(Ecos¢) 4A 2 a87) Tecra,“ ‘We will deal first with the left side ofthis equation and evaluate the electric flux ®,. Then ‘we will evaluate the net charge Q within the Gaussian surface. SOLUTION The positive charge is Normal Spread uniformly throughout the solid {phere and, therefore, is spherically Angle ¢ between E__ symmetric. Consequently, the electric #4 the normal is 0° fleld is directed radially outward, and for cach element of area 4. is perpendicular to the surf. This means thatthe angle ¢ between the normal to the surface and the field is 0°, as the drawing shows. Furthermore, the electic field has the same magnitude everywhere on the Gaussian surface. [Because ofthese considerations, we can write the electri flux as follows: 1 (Ecos#)4A=2(Ecos0*)Ad = E(EAA) ‘The term EAA is the entire area of the spherical Gaussian surface or 477, With this substitutior, the electric flux becomes 3(Ecos)4= £(284)= (sar?) o Chapter 18 Problems 939 Now consider the net charge Q within the Gaussian surfice, This charge isthe charge density mes the volume 47° encompassed by that surface 2 ap") -& ) ‘Substituting Equations (1) and (2) into Equation 18.7 gives irr2) % Rearranging this esult shows that ai _ [a (sar?) [ane ). REASONING Gauss’ Law, £(Ecos#)A4= (Equation 18.7), relates the elect field % magnitude E on a Gaussian sufice to the net charge Q enclosed by that sufices Ge=E(Ecosg)aA (Equation 18.6) is the elec Mux trough the Gaussian surface (divided iato many tiny setons af area AA) and isthe permitiviy of fee space. We ae to determin the magnitide E of the elect fld de to electric charges tat ae spread unifoamly over the surfaces of two concent spherical shel. The electric eld de o these Charges posesses spherical symmetry, 50 we il choose Gaussian sufaes inte shape of Spheres Concent withthe sell. The radius rof each Gaussian surface wil be equal othe distance fom the common center ofthe shells and wl be the distance af which we ae to evaluate the elec eld Because the electric field has spherical symmetry, the magnitude £ of the electic field is constant at all points on any such spherical Gaussian surfice. Furthermore, the electric field is directed either radially outward (if the net charge within the Gaussian surface is positive) or radially inward (ifthe net charge within the Gaussian surface is negative). This means thatthe angle ¢ between the electric field and the normal to any such spherical Gaussian surface is either 0.0° or 180°. The quantity Ecos, therefore, is constant, and may be factored out of the summation in Equation 18.6: ©, =2(Eeos#) MA =(Eeos)EMM o ‘The sum EAA of all the tiny sections of area A that compose a spherical Gaussian surface is the total surface area TAA = A'= 47? ofa sphere of radius r. Thus, Equation (1) becomes ©, =(Evosg)EAM=4nr?Ecosg @ SOLUTION 540 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS: 4. The outer shell has a radius r= 0.15 m, and we are to determine the electric field ata distance r= 020m from the common center of the shes. Therefore, we will choose spherical Gausian surface (radius r= 020m) that encloses bot shelis and shares thei ‘common center. According to Gauss' law and Equation 2), we have thatthe net electic ‘x ©, through this sphere is E(Ecos#)Ad = 4ar*Ecos9 = 2 8) % Solving Egustion 3) fo yields es ® Frag cand Because the chosen Gaussian surficeenloss both shel the et charge Q enlased by the surface O= 9, * dy The postive charge 4,08 the out shel has larger magnitude than the negative charge 4 onthe inne shel, stat Q isa poiive net charg. Therefore, he elect fld is directed andthe angle betwee the eles Held and he normal tothe surface of the spherical Gaussian surface is $= 0.0°. Therefore, Equation (4) ives the electric field magnitude as Qo atm 1.610 C45.12107 C Greg ag trey Peand aa] aac? CN") 020 nF ord? =|7.9x105 Nic] ',_We again choose aspherical Gaussian surface concent withthe shells, this time of radius r= 0.10 m, The radius of this sphere is greater than the radius (r,~0.080 m) ofthe ier shell but less than the radius (r= 0.15 m) ofthe outer shell Therefore, this Gauss surface is located Berween the two shells and encloses only the charge on the inner sel Q= 4). Ths ia negative charge, so that the eleczic field is directed [radially inward], and the angle between the eletric field and the normal to the surface ofthe Gaussian sphere is > 180°, From Equation (4), then, we have that og 4 stent e “Sreqr? cos 4negr?cos# 4x] 8.85«10-? C/(N-m°) (0.10 m)" cos180" 4108 NIC) . Choosing a spherical Gaussian surface with a radius of r = 0.025 m, we see that itis entirely inside the inner shell (r,= 0.050 m). Therefore, the enclosed charge is ze1 Q=0C. Equation (4) shows that the electric field at this distance from the common center econ e Chapter 18 Problems 941 61, [SSR] REASONING The electri Mux trough cach face of the se is given by @y =(Ecosg)A (see Seaton 189 wher E isthe magnitude ofthe electric fed at the fice, A isthe area ofthe fae, and isthe imple betwen the elect Held and the outward oral ofthat fave, "We ean use this expression to 7 Calculate the electric ux @y though cach ofthe six faces ofthe ce. SOLUTION ‘8. On the bottom face of the cube, the outward normal points parallel to the -y axis, in the opposite direction tothe electric field, and = 180°, Therefore, |-6.0x10! Nam?/C] () socom = (1500 N/C) (cos 180°)(0.20 m) On the top face of the cube, the outward normal points parallel to the +y axis, and @ = 0.0°, ‘The electric fax is, therefore, +6.0%10'Nam/C pap = (1500 NICKcos 0.0°(0.20 m)? =| On each of the other four faces, the outward normals are perpendicular to the direction of the electric Held, so $= 90°. So for each ofthe four side faces, (ages =(1500 N/C)(cos 90°)(0.20 mm)? =[ ONG? /C 'b, The tou flux through the cube is ees = eho * (PE rosa +(e Dicer +(Pe)sise2 * (Pe) ates * (PE sie Therefore, ©“ (+60%10!Nan?1C) + (-6.0s10!Nan?/C) +0-+0-+0+0 = [ONaa*/C 62. REASONING Because the charge is distributed uniformly along the straight wire, the lect feldis directed radially outward, as the following end view of the wire illustrates. 942 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS eles A See 1 ' Lt Teele Wo —— ‘And because of symmetry, the magnitude of the electric field is the same at all points ‘equidistant fiom the wire. In this situation we will use a Gaussian surface that is a cylinder ‘concentric with the wire. The drawing shows that this cylinder is composed of three parts, ‘the two flat ends (I and 3) and the curved wall (2). We will evaluate the electric flux for this three-pat surface and then set it equal to Of¢ (Gauss" law) to find the magnitude of the electric field. SOLUTION Surfaces 1 and 3 ~ the fat ends of the eylinder ~ are parallel to the electric field, 30 cos = cos90°=0, Thus, there is no flux through these two surfaces: 0,=,= ON-mIc. ‘Surface 2 the curved wall ~ is everywhere perpendicular to the electric field E, so cos ¢= cos "= 1. Furthermore, the magnitude E of the electric field is the same for all points on this surface, soit can be factored outside the summation in Equation 18.6: ©, =2(E cos0*)a EEA “The area £4 of this surface is just the circumference 2x r of the cylinder times its length EA= (nL, The elect flux through the entre cylinder is, then, ©, =, +0, +. + EQnrL)+0= E(2arL) Following Gauss’ law, we set @, equal to Of where Q isthe net charge inside the Gaussian cylinder: E(x rL)= Oley. The ratio OIF isthe charge per unit length ofthe wie ‘and is known asthe linear charge density 4: = QJL. Solving for £, we find that poo Drege Beer oO Chapter 18 Problems 943, 63. REASONING The electric field lines must originate on the positive charges and _4 q 469 terminate on the negative charges. They cannot cross one another. Furthermore, the number of field lines beginning or ending fon any charge must be proportional to the ‘magnitude of the charge. SOLUTION 1 10 electric field lines leave the #5q charge, then six lines must originate from the +3q charge, and eight lines must end on each ~4q charge. The drawing shows the electric field lines that * meet these eriteria, 64, REASONING The gravitational force is an atracive force. To neutralize this fore, the electrical force must be a repulsive force. Therefore, the charges must both be postive or both negative. Newton's law of gravitation, Equation 4.3, states that the gravitational force depends inversely on the square of the distance between the earth andthe moon. Coulomb's law, Equation 18.1 states thatthe electrical force also depends inversely on the square of the distance. When these two forces are added together to give a zero net force, the distance ‘can be algebraically eliminated. Thus, we do not need to know the distance between the ‘two bodies. SOLUTION Since the repulsive elecical force neutralizes the atuactive gravitational force the magnitudes ofthe two forces are equal: Halal _ CMa, Pe Teese Gahan Toe, Tee unioel81 Dgaton «3 Solving this equation forthe magnitude |q| of the charge on either body, we find e6rei0" Xa (soni tg(235-10% bs) A __kel PO sree $99.10 c 65. REASONING AND SOLUTION The +2g of charge initially on the sphere lies entirely on the outer surface. When the + charge is placed inside ofthe apbere, hen a =a] charge will sill be induced on the interior ofthe phere, An additional +g wll appear‘on the outer surface, giving a net change of (£34) 944 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS 66. REASONING Since the charged droplet (charge= q) is suspended motionless in the clectic field B, the net force on the droplet must be zero. There are two forces that act on the droplet, the force of gravity W = mg. and the electric force F= gE due tothe electric field. Since the net force on the droplet is zero, we conclude that mg =|yJE- We can use ‘his reasoning to determine the sign and the magnitude ofthe charge on te droplet. SOLUTION ‘Since the net force on the droplet is zero, andthe weight of magnitude W A p points downward, the electric force of magnitude F=[q|£ must point upward. Since the eletric field points upward, the excess charge on the ‘Substituting this expression for a into the one above for E gives ma y=) lal al lle SOLUTION ‘The magnitude F ofthe electric field is =p) _(0.0%10° kg}(2.0%10? m/s-0m's) ie (5x10 C)(0965) 25%10° NIC pat 74, REASONING We will use Coulomb’s law to calculate the force that any one charge exerts fon another charge. Note that in such calculations there are three separations to consider. ‘Some of the charges area distance d apart, some a distance 2d, and some a distance 3d. The greater the distance, the smaller the force. The net force acting on any one charge is the ‘vector sum of three forces. Inthe following drawing we represent each of those forces by an arrow. These arrows are not drawn to scale and are meant only to “symbolize” the three different force magnitudes that result from the three different distances used in Coulomb's law, In the drawing the directions are determined by the facts that like charges repel and “unlike charges attract. By examining the drawing we willbe able to identify the greatest and the smallest net force, o§ ot tt $ + + A B c D ‘The greatest net force occurs for charge C, because all three force contributions point in the same direction and two of the three have the greatest magnitude, while the third has the next Greatest magnitude. The smallest net force occurs for charge B, because two of the three force contributions cancel. SOLUTION Using Coulomb's law for each contribution to the net force, we calculate the ratio ofthe greatest tothe smallest net force as follows: ale al la (A) ea aye _isted CP ee gee a dF Fa oat 982 ELECTRIC FORCES AND ELECTRIC FIELDS 1S.REASONING The magnitude of the electric field between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is given by Equation 18.4 as E =, where o is the charge density for each plate % and 6 is the permittivity of free space. It is the charge density that contains information about the radii of the circular plates, for charge density is the charge per unit area. The area of acircle is w. The second capacitor has a greater electric feld, so its plates must have the greater charge density. Since the charge on the plates is the same in each case, the late area ‘and, hence, the plate radius, must be smaller forthe second capacitor. As a result, we expect that the ratio r/r i less than one. SOLUTION Using |q| to denote the magnitude of the charge on the capacitor plates and A= a7" for the area of a circle, we can use Equation 18.4 to express the magnitude of the field between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor as follows: eZee Applying this result to each capacitor gives i yet am nal eqn eotre me te Dividing the expression for B, by the expression for E, gives Ble (our Ey aller) PS Solving forthe ratio r/r, gives 4. [E. [2x0 Nic 5 VE V3ax0NC ‘As expected, this ratio is less than one. 16. REASONING AND SOLUTION 1. To find the charge on each ball we first need to determine the electri force acting on cach ball. This can be done by noting that each thread makes an angle of 18° with respect to the vertical. Fy mg tan 18° = 6.0% 10" kg)(9.80 mie) tan 18° = 2.587 « 10 N CChaptor 18 Problems 953, We also know that Hale] ala where r= 2(0.25 m) sin 18° = 0.1545 m. Now 2547x105 N jr (0.1845 m) [2547x102 N tal k ( y 18.99 «10? N-m?/C? 82x10 C ». The tension is due to the combination of the weight ofthe ball and the eleetic force, the two being perpendicular to one another. The tension is therefore, (me) +h [(6.0%10- kg)(9:80 ms") + 347x107 N) = [822107 N CHAPTER 19|ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ENERGY @ AND THE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ANSWERS TO FOCUS ON CONCEPTS QUESTIONS 1. @) The force on the postive charge is in the same direction asthe electric fleld, andthe displacement ofthe charge is opposite tothe direction ofthe fore. Taerefore, the work is negative (see Section 6.1). The electric potential energy at point B iffers from that at A by EPE, ~EPE, = ~W,g (Equation 19.1). Since Wp is negative, BPE, is greater than EPE 2. (6) The electric potential energy EPE is related tothe electric potential V by EPE = gy” (Equation 19.3). So, even though the electic potentials at two locations are the same, the electric potential energies are different since the charges placed at these locations are differen, 3. Vy- Vy = 50x10 V 4, (@ The change in the proton’s electric potential energy (EP, —EPE,) in going from 4 to ‘Bis elated to the change inthe potential (V,~ V,) by Equation 19.48 EPE,,~ EPE, = (+e) Vp Vp, where +2s the charge on the proton. On the other hand, the ehange in the ) clectron's elects potential energy (EPE,— EPE,) in going ftom Bo 4is related tothe change inthe potential (V,~ Vp) by EPE ,— EPE, = (-e) V,~ V), where —e isthe charge on the electron. Comparing the right-hand sides ofthese two equations shows that the change in the proton’s electri potential energy i the same as the change in the electron’s clectrie potential energy. 5. (©) According to Equation 19.6, the potential produced by the charge q is V'= kr. The smaller the value ofr, the greater isthe potential. The potential, however, doss not depend on the charge (qq 02g) placed at points P, or P,, See Section 19.3. 6. (@) The total electric potential a the origin isthe algebraic sum of the potentials due to all the charges. Since each potential is ofthe form ¥”= kg/r (Equation 19.6) andr is same for each charge, the total electric potential is proportional to the sum ofthe charges. The sum ofthe charges in A (+g) equals the sum in C (+4), which is greater than the sum in B (+24). 7. () The electric potential energy of the two charges in the top drawing is EPE = qg¥, where = kqiris the electric potential produced by the charge atthe origin (see Equation 19.6). ‘Thus, EPE = kgggr. Ina similar fashion, the electric potential energy for the charges in the ‘bottom drawing is kg(2gq\(2r) = kagg/r, which is the same as that inthe top drawing. @ 8, Tae V 2 16 17, 18, Chapter 19 Answors to Focus on Concepts Questions 955 (@) The electric potential energy EPE of two charges q, and qs EPE = hg gir, where ris the distance between them (see Seetion 19.3). Since the distance ris the same for ll four pairs of charges, the electric potential energy is proportional te the product 4,43 ofthe charges. The products of the charges in A and C are the same (#1242), and the products of | ‘the charges in B and D are the same (-124"). (©) The elect field Fis related to the electric potential difference AV by E=-AVIAs (Equation 19.7), where Asis the displacement of one point in te region relative to another point. Ifthe potential isthe same everywhere, then AV= 0 V, so is zero everywhere. (© The magnitude ofthe electe field between the plats is (Equation 19.7), Since As isthe same for all three capacitors, |] is proportional tothe potential difference AV Vig Veg between the right and left plates. AV for eapacitor C (300 V) i greater than that for capacitor B (250 V), which is greater than that for capacitor A (200 V).. av | (©) The magnitude ofthe electefeld between the plates is 2 (Equation 19.7) as Since As isthe same forall four segments, [| is proportional othe potential difference AV’ ineeach segment. AV is 2 units for segment D, 1 unit for segment B, and 0 units for segments AandC. =-15 Vie E=-2.0%10 Vim, 5. (a) The capacitance ofa parallel plate capacitor is C= é,A/d (Equation 19.10), Since the area A increases by a factor of 4 and the spacing «between the plates increases by a factor (of 2 the capacitance increases by a factor of 4/2 = 2. (&) The amount of charge on each plate is q = CV (Equation 19.8), where C=xé,A/d (Equation 19.10). I'he plate separation d increases, C decreases. If C decreases while Vis beld constant, the amount of charge decreases (©) The energy stored in a capacitor is directly proportional to its capacitance (see Equation 19.11). The capacitance, on the other hand, is directly proportional tothe dielectric constant and the area of each plate and is inversely proportional to the pate separation (Equation 19.10). Therefore, inserting a dielectric, increasing the area ofeach plate, and decreasing the plate separation increases the energy stored. Energy = 6.0% 104 J 056 ELECTR POTENTIAL ENERGY AND THE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL CHAPTER 19|ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ENERGY AND THE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL PROBLEMS 1, REASONING When the electron moves from the ground to the cloud, the change in its electric potential energy is A(EPE) = EPE, yy ~ EPE giggyy- (Remember thatthe change in any quantity is its final value minus is initial value.) The change in the electric potential energy is related to the change AV in the potential by A(EPE)=q,AV (Equation 19.4), ‘where gq isthe charge on the electron. This relation will allow us to find the change in the electrons potential energy. SOLUTION The difference in the electric potentials between the cloud and the ground is AV = Foggy ~ Veount = 13% 10° V, and the charge on an electron is gy = ~1.60 x 10° C. ‘Thus, the change in the electrons electric potential energy when the electron moves from the ground to the cloud is A(EPE)= gp AV=(-1.60x10-P c)(1.a.108 v)=ERate™ 2. REASONING A positive charge accelerates from a region of higher potential toward a region of lower potential. In contrast, a negative charge accelerates from a region of lower potential toward a region of higher potential. The electric potential isthe electric potential ener EP divided by cir gone price: 7 =PE quion 193, See 3 cal face hats on the pail ite conve et frm he ta metal ceo pre compere dng ton, Tf, nal lee cece oe lsc, Ts lal so eee erence twee SRT fh Stee cna emerges. Koon eee nt css peal Speier weil dm pe diferee 7-1 by ang bastion 193 SOLUTION 1, [Point B] is atthe higher potential, because the particle has a negative charge and a negative charge accelerates from a lower potential to a higher potential », Using Equation 19.3 to relate the electric potential at cach point tothe electric potential energy at each point, we have EPE, ~ EPE, ay % @ Chapter 19 Problems 957 ‘To determine EPE, -EPE,, we use the fat that the total mechanical energy of the particle is conserved during the motion: wk sEPE, = dmZ+EPE, ot EPE,—EPEy 2 ld Amvd —Lmv3, Fmcepa Tonle ‘mi pan 8 ‘Substituting “his result into Equation (1) and noting that v, =Om/s (the particle stars from rest) gives zo Lam? —Lmvd Yy—Vyp = EREDZEPE _ mh fom % % =(2.5 x 10% kg)(42 m/s)? 31s x 0c) ‘This answer is positive, as it must be, since we know from part a that point B is atthe higher potential REASONING AND SOLUTION Combining Equations 19.1 and 19.3, we have PE ¢—EPEy = qg(Vq—Vp) =(+1.6%10"°CX0.070 V)=[1.110 3 REASONING Equation 19.1 indicates that the work done by the electric force as the particle moves from point A to point B is W,,—EPE,—EPE,. For motion through a distance «along the line of action of a constant force of magnitude F, the work is given by Equation 6.1 as either +Fs (i the force and the displacement have the same direction) or ~Fs (if the force and the displacement have opposite directions). Here, EPE, ~ EPE, is given to bbe positive, so we can conclude that the work is Wy,=-+Fs and thatthe force points in the B and B > 4, since we know the potential differences for exch ofthese segments, Thus, the potential difference V, - Vc can be waitten, as Vy~ Ve = Vy ~ V_) + Vy — Veo). Since Vy = Ve = We ~ Vs) = -290 V, and V,—Vg=—Wy-V)=0 V, we have that V4-Ve" ~(g-V)= We~Vq) = 0V 290 42. REASONING The magnitude g of the charge on each plate of a capacitor is directly proportional to tbe magnitude V of the electric potential difference (i.c., the voltage) ‘between the plates: ¢= CV (Equation 19.8), where C isthe capacitance of the capacitor. SOLUTION Solving Equation 19.8 for the capacitance C, we find that 3x 10%C = AB ANTE bo x 10 x 9 x 10 F @ @ 44, REASONING The energy stored by a capacitor is Energy Crapter 19 Problems 985 43, [ESRI] REASONING According to Bquation 19.11, the energy stored ina capacitor with ‘capacitance Cand potential V across its lates is Energy = 4 CV? SOLUTION Therefore, slving Equation 19.11 for ¥, we have y=, [PEnew) _ [203 c 120.10 1x1? V| Lc¥? (Equation 19.116), where Cis the capacitance of the capacitor and Wis the magnitude ¥ ofthe electric potential difference (.e, the voltage) between the plates. Applying this expression to each capacitor vill allow us t determine the unknown voltae, since C isthe same for each capacitor and the two energi and the voltage applied to one of the capacitors are given, SOLUTION Applying Equatont911 teach capacitor ives (Energy), =FCVZ and (Energy), = 4CV Diving th equation byte B-eqation, we Bd (nerm), _4ev8 4, (Ener), 7B (Energy), CVE (Energy), V5. 1, {2a a(n vy SEED Te (Energy), ax 1043 45, REASONING ‘. The energy used to produce the flash is stored inthe capacitor as eletrcal energy. The oerny stored depends on the capacitance C ofthe capacitor and the potential difference 17 betwen its plates; Energy = $CV? (Equation 19.116). ’. The power ofthe flash is the energy consumed divided by the duration of the flash (see Equation 6.108). SOLUTION fa, The energy used to produce the flash is Energy = 4cV? = 4(850%10-F)(280 vy? ’, The power developed by the flash is _ Energy _ 334 Time ~ 3.91075 P [8500 W] 986 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ENERGY AND THE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL 46, REASONING The magnitude gg of the charge on each plate of capacitor B is directly proportional to the magnitude V of the electtic potential difference (Le. the voltage) between the plas: gy =Cy” (Equation 19.8), where Cy is te capacitance of the capacitor. The capacitance is given, bt the voltage is not given, To find the voltage we will utilize the information for capacitor A. The energy stored by capacitor A is (Energy), =!4,¥ ‘Equation 19.118), where qa is the magnitude of the charge on each plize and ¥ is the ‘magnitude V of the electric potential difference (ie. the voltage) between the plates. [Equation 19.112 can be solved for the unspecified volage. SOLUTION The desired charge magnitude is 4, Equation 19.112 for 7, we obtain CgY Equation 19.8). Solving (Gey), =47 ot patel ‘Substituting this result for V into Equation 19.8 gives lex 10% J 4 11x 10% 47, [SSM] REASONING AND SOLUTION Equation 19.10 gives the capacitance for a parallel plate capacitor filled with a dielectic of constant x: C= e,A/d. Solving for x, ‘we have Cd _ (7.010 F)0.0%10°Fm) | GA (B.85%10FFimy(L.S em") 48. REASONING The energy stored in a capacitor is given by Energy=4CV? (Cequation 19.118), where C is the capacitance of the capacitor and V is the potential Aifference acros its plates. The only dference between the two capacitors 's the dielectric material (electric constant x= 4.50) inside the filled capacitor. Therefore, the filed capactor's capacitance C, is greter than the capacitance C, ofthe empty capacitor by a factor of KG, o Because both capacitors store the same amount of energy, from Energy =1CV2 (Equation 19.115), we have that 4OrE=4GH 2 49. 0. Chapter 19 Problems 987 Where Vis the potential difference across the plates of the fled capacitor, and V, = 12.0 V is the potential difference across the plates of the empty capacitor. SOLUTION Solving Equation (2) for Vz, we obtain or ® ‘Substituting Equation (1) into Equation (3) yields love _ [oP | rp? _H 20v = [Oth JA to BVO Vag “Vie Ye vaso REASONING The charge that resides on the outer surface cf the cell membrane is q = CV’, according to Equation 19.8. Before we can use this expression, however, we must first determine the capacitance of the membrane. If we assume thatthe cell membrane behaves. like a parallel plate capacitor filed with a dielectric, Equation 19.10 (C=n&)A/d) applies, as well. SOLUTION The capacitance of the cell membrane is KEpA _(S.0V8.85x10"? Fimy5.0%10° my 1 c 22x10 F 10x10 ‘8. The charge on the outer surface ofthe membrane is, therefore, Be q=C¥ = 22x10! FY6O.0x10 V-[13xt b, Ifthe charge in part (a) is due to positive ions with change +e (e = 1.6 x 107? C), the ‘number of ions present on the outer surface ofthe membrane '$ Numberof _1.3x10-?C || ions “Lexie [a 1x104] REASONING The energy Q nosded to melt ice ie given by Equation 12.5 a2 Q = my ‘where mis the mass and Ly isthe latent heat of fusion for water. The energy needed to boil away water is given by Q = mL,, where L, is the latent heat of vaporization for water. The latent heat of vaporization is greater than the latent heat of fusion (see Table 12:3). ‘Therefore, it requires more energy to boil away one kilogram of water than to melt one kilogram of ie. 988 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ENERGY AND THE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL, ‘According to Equstion 19.11 the energy stored in a capacitor is Energy = }CV*, where © the capacitance and Vis the voltage across the plates. Sine the voltage isthe same for beth capacitors, the capacitor storing the greater energy has the greater capacitance Capacitor B contains more energy, since it can boil the water. Therefore, capacitor B must hve the greater capacitance. SOLUTION Using te relations Energy ~ }CV* (Equation 19.116) and Q = mL (Equation 12.5), we find (Energy), =mby=4C,7? and Dividing these two results gives ml, AGM Ly Gy ml; 30,7° nC ‘Taking the values for the latent heats from Table 12.3, we find C=C, Be=(o3ai0° F)/ 2810 Mis [63.07 F Ly 33.5x10* Ikg, 51 REASONING According to Equation 19.11, the energy stored in a capacitor with capacitance C and potential V across its plates is Energy =4CV?. Once we determine ‘how much energy is required to operate a 75-W light bulb for one minute, we can then use the expression forthe energy to solve for V. SOLUTION The energy stored in the capacitor, which is equal to the energy required to ‘operate a 75-W bulb for one minute (= 60 8), is Energy = Pr =(75 W)60 s) = 4500 3 ‘Therefore, solving Equation 19.11 for V, we have y = [Ene _ [2G500, c 33F 52, REASONING ‘a. The conducting shells are equipotential surfaces, so the average magnitude E of the elec field berween them is given by £=42 (Equation 19.74, minus sign omited), where AV is the magnitude of the potential difference between the shells and As is the distance between them. This distance is equal to the radius rag, Of the outer shell minus the radius ger OF the inner shell, @ 33. Chapter 19 Problems 989 3 Because this is nota parte-plate capacitor, we cannot wwe C=" (Equation 19.10) to determine the capacitance C. Instead, we will make use of q= CY (Equation 19.8), ‘where q is the magnitude of the charge on one of the cylindrical shells and V is the ‘magnitude ofthe potential difference between them. The value of Vis equal to the value AV” {found in part (a, souvrion 5 £- gion 1 nn sin i) 87 iad Fignee = (4.2104 Vimn}(2.50%10 m—2.35%10 m) ». Solving g= CV (Equation 19.8) for C, and noting at ¥, the potential difference ‘between the shell i identical tothe potential difference AV 63 V found in (a), we obtain 10 = 22h C B70 Fl Vv" 63V REASONING AnD SOLUTION ‘The charge on the empty capacitor is gy = CyV- Wi the ‘tetecrc tn place, the charge remains the same. However, the new capacitance fs C= XC, and the new voltage is 7, Thus, Go" CV= ACV = CM Solving forthe new voltage yields Y= Yyn= (20 VY 28" 43 [7]. the change in potential isa [Sess] ‘The potential difference 120-! 1. REASONING ‘The charge q stored on the plates of a capacitor connected to a battery of vali ie 9 tin 198). Th cans C=" gn 1810, ‘here xis the dielectric constant of the material between the plates, eis the permittivity of | free space, 4 is the area of each plate, and d is the distance between the plates. Once the ‘capacitor is charged and disconnected from the battery, there's no way for the charge on the plates to change. Therefore, as the distance between the plates is doubled, the charge q must remain constant. However, Equation 19.10 indicates that the capacitance is inversely proportional to the distance d, so the capacitance decreases as the distance increases. In Equation 19.8, as C decreases, the voltage V must increase inorder that q remains constant. ‘The voltage increases as a result of the work done in moving the plates farther apart. In solving this problem, we will apply Equations 19.8 and 19.10 to the eapacitor twice, ance ‘with the smaller and once with the larger value of the distance between the plats. 90 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ENERGY AND THE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL S04 (Equation 19.10), we can SOLUTION Using q=CV Equation 19.8) and C=“ xpress the charge on the apaitor follows e)A)y_ el cv =[ 84 y 8” arcr-(Se)y 28 where we have made use of the fact that =I, since the capacitor is empty. Applying this result tothe capacitor with smaller and larger values ofthe distance d, we have SAM agg q = fA enue see Sinc i the same in ach ofthese expressions, it follows tat ater sper Faater Fargas ‘Thus, we find that the voltage increases to a value of nt Sarge } enater REASONING If we assume that the motion of the proton and the electron is horizontal inthe +x direction, the motion of the proton is determined by Equation 2.8, =vg/+-La,/?, where xis the distance traveled by the proton, vy is is initial speed, and a, is its acceleration. If the distance between the capacitor places is d, then this relation 90 va ater anttay? o ‘We can solve Equation (1) for the initial speed vy of the proton, but first, we must ‘determine the time and the acceleration a, of the proton . Since the proton strikes the negative plate at the same instant the electron strikes the pos ‘motion of the electron to determine the time five plate, we can use the For the electron, 4d = 4,12, where we have taken into account the fact that the electron is released ffom rest, Solving this expression for r we have 1=.[d7a, . Substituting this expression into Equation (1), we have 2 Chapter 19 Problems 991 ‘The accelerations can be found by noting that the magnitudes of the forces on the electron and proton are equal, since these particles have the same magnitude of charge. The foree on the electron is F'= eF = eV /d and the acceleration ofthe electron i, therefore, Fe Time Tm eo [Newton's second law requires that ma, = mga, , 0 that ® ‘Combining Equations (2), (3) and (4) leads to the following expression for vy the inital pet of be proten we (-2) fz 2| me dn SOLUTION Substituting values into the expression above, we find 9.1110 kg ) [(.60%10-° E075 V) 167x107 kg JY 9.11x10kg 56. REASONING ‘Ihe lectie potential energy stored in the capacitor is given by Energy ~}CV? (Equation 19.116), where C is the capacitance ofthe capacitor. We choose Equation 19.115 to express the energy because it contains the potential ditference V across the plates of the capacitor. This quantity is related tothe magninde E ofthe eletie field between the capacitors plates via £=" (Equation 19.76), where d isthe distance between ‘the plates. We will use Equations 19.11b and 19.7b to obtain an expression for the energy stored in the capacitor in terms of the magnitude £ of the electric field between its plates ants ccc C, Thecus gen by C= 24 (aon 110 wr [2.77.10 mil ‘xis the dielectric constant of the material between the plates, g = 8.85%10"!? C2(N-m2) is the permitivity of tee space, and isthe surface area of one plate. The dclec for aris, to wo significant figures, ue 1.0, and that for neoprene rubber i ys 6.7 (S28 Table 19.1. We note thatthe plate area A and the plate separation d are not give, but are identical for both capacitors. SOLUTION Solving =% equation 19:76) for V yields V= Bd, Substcing this nto Energy = }CV? (Equation 19.118), we obtain (90) ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ENERGY AND THE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL Energy = 4CV? =1C(Ed)* =1CE?d? a Substituting C=04 (Equation 19.10) into Equation (1), then, yields Energy =4CE%¢? (Spee = LayAB2d @ From Equation (2), we obtain expressions for the energy stored in each type of capacitor: Enereyse=FenlodBZ.d and a ) Taking the ratio of Equations (3) eliminates the unknown plate area A and plate separation dlentng “Enettne Him MAB ngs Freer Pau ABA ak ha) Solving Equation (4) for the energy in the neoprene-rubber-filed capacitor, we find that Neale sat rs, (62){t2%107 vin (1.0)(3:0%108 Vim)? (0.0753) 57, [SSRI] REASONING anv SOLUTION The capacitance is given by 0-7 Fn) (510-F s(s.85% a | [2x10 F 110m 58. REASONING The maximum operation time is the energy used by the shaver divided by the rate of usage, which is given. The energy that the shaver uses is the energy carried by the charge that passes between the terminals ofthe battery. This energy is the charge times the battery voltage. The charge can be determined from the number of particles specified ard the charge on each particle SOLUTION The energy used by the shaver is that obtained by the clectric charge as it esses from the postive terminal of the battery (erminal 4), where the electric potential ctergy EPE, is higher, to the negative terminal (terminal 8), where the electric potential cerergy EPE, is lower. The energy acquired by the charge is EPE,—EPE,. ‘The rate at Which the shaver uses energy isthe power P, whichis given as 40'W. According to Equation 6.10b, the power is the energy EPE,-EPE, divided by the time 7, s0 that P=(EPE ,—EPE,)/¢. Solving forthe time gives 59, Chapter 19 Problems 993, EPE,-EPE, P ‘According to Equation 19.4, this total energy is EPE,-EPE, = 4,(¥,—Vq), where 4, is, the charge and V,— Vis the eletic potential difference between the battery terminals. Substituting this expression into Equation (1) gives w @ ‘The charg ay isthe number m of charged particles times the charge (e =1.6x10-! C) on cach particle; in other words, qq =e. Substituting this value for gy into Equation (2), we find that dal Vo) rel y¥) _(30%10%)(L6.10-¥ oft v) Seacrest ae coer EEE a0W REASONING The clectric potential difference between the two points is Vy—V,=22-*2 (Equation 19.5). We can use this expression directly to calculate the me TH clectic potential difference. SOLUTION According to Equation 19,5, the electri potential difference is =(s99x10? went o*)(-2.1t0? (dt) |. REASONING The net work Wg, done by the electric force on the point charge go as it moves from A to B is proportional to the potential difference V,~V/, between those Han. Equation 194), Positions 4 and B are on different % c-wipotenal surfices, o we wil read the potentials V_ and ¥, fom the drawing. We will employ the same procedure to solve pat (). positions. according to Vy —V, soxvtr0N a. Solving 7-742 Equation 194) for Wp we obtain 7)

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