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5 Pounder De Luxe Fruitcake

4 cups glazed fruits
2 cups nuts of your choice (almonds, walnuts or pecans)
5 cups brandy
cup butter
2 pieces eggs
2 packs MAYA Butterscotch Mix 500g
whole candied cherries, green or red (for decoration)
Preheat oven to 300F/150C. Grease and line 10-inch round pan. Set aside.
Soak glazed fruits and nuts in brandy overnight. Strain and set aside. Keep
excess brandy. In a bowl, cream butter until soft, then add in eggs. Blend in
the butterscotch mix and continue mixing until well blended. Fold in the
strained fruits and nuts. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and bake in
baine marie style for 1- 1/12hour. Cool fruitcake on a rack in the pan in which
it was baked. Unmold and prick the cake then brush liberally with excess
brandy. Seal the cakes in plastic wrap or in plastic storage bags. Once a
week, brush the cakes with more liquor.

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