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1. Go to bed latest by 10.30 pm and wake up between 5 n 6 am.

2. Go for a morning walk in a park full of trees. The first round should be very slow, as if warming up. The second
round very fast, leaving you almost breathless. Continue this slow and fast walk for 6 rounds. Relax.
3. Drink water. Keep hydrated. Half a glass of water every 30 mins during waking hours.
4. Drink a glass of lime juice in luke warm water, daily.
5. Do the 5 mins energy exercise.
6. Do EFT (thrice daily), as per directions.
7. Do negativity fast every morning.
8. Switch to alkaline diet.
9. Move around every 45 mins.
10.Check yourself immediately when anything negative surfaces.
11.Avoid noon sleep.
12.Say no to junk food, pizzas n colas.
13.No smoking n drinking.
14.Do the 3,2,1 exercise as described below. Night before sleeping.

Switch off mobile phones and land lines.

Close room door and sit upright on bed. Padmasan.
Close eyes and take 3 deep, long, relaxing breaths. Repeat in your mind relax, relax, relax.
After reaching 1, visualize in your minds eye the number 3. Say to yourself number 3 is for physical
relaxation. When I visualize number 3, my whole body will relax, from the top of my head to the tip of
my toes.
Then visualize number 2. Say whenever I visualize number 2, it is a signal for my mind to relax.
Nothing will disturb me.
Then visualize number 1 and say whenever I visualize number 1, I will be at the centre of my being
Then say 3, 2, 1. my mind, body and soul are entered. I am at peace.
Count up from 1 to 5, open eyes, drink a sip of water and go to sleep.
NOTE: 100 to 1 first 10 days, 50 to 1 next ten days, 25 to 1next 10 days and 5 to 1 last 10 days.
If possible, avoid newspaper and television.
Read the two pdfs that I shall forward.
All the best



In todays introductory talk, we shall discuss ---------

The importance of the body organ clock.

The five minutes energy exercise.
Immediate headache relief. How to overcome travel sickness. Important Mudras.
How to sleep well.
The negativity fast. What is Diabetes pump?
What is the focused break walk? How to overcome constipation.
How to melt belly fat.
How to improve eye sight.
How to get rid of a cold fast.
The importance of massaging the palm daily.
The power of the subconscious mind.

To build a society of HAPPY, HEALTHY, RELAXED individuals.

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