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It’s not the same

To feel what I feel

Than to say it for real.

Great heavens! Save me!

From the feeling within me

That claims to me, screaming,

To say it to any living being.

It doesn’t matter

If I stand in an orchard

Waiting for the one

That will come on a steed

Looking for a fair lady

Whose name belongs to me

And says to me: “Oh! Charming being,

I came looking for thee.

I’ll take you wherever, my dear.

As long as you’re with me.”

And I’ll say: “My charming knight,

I ask you to fight.

My heart isn’t commanded

By anyone but my father.”

“Let it be done by thy will”,

Will say he,

“I will do as you wish.”

And so he does,

He wins and claims my heart.

My father gives my hand

To this gorgeous gentleman.

“Finally we are together,

I hope it is forever.”

Words fairly spoken

By a groom besotted.

“I couldn’t say it better,

You have come from heaven.

You are the lovely angel

Sent by God himself,

To attend my spirit,

So weak, so brittle.”

“A fairytale you are not.

I’m in love, and with hope.

I feel only love

For the one who made me whole.”

“The wind moves my hair,

There’s no more to wish,

Because we are here

Holding hands together

As we will be forever

Until the end of our days

When we will be laid

In the very fresh land

Waiting to take the hands

Of the one who joined us

In our sweet dreamland

Without forsaking our hearts.”

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